Mike Dean

Agree with post above this.

How Giggs got away with his constant chasing the ref is beyond me, he showed why he is a wife beating scumbag unlike this saint the rag media portray.
We never lose under Dean regardless of his refereeing performance. He is like a lucky charm. Pity he is not refereeing at Wembley+
kiam06 said:
Agree with post above this.

How Giggs got away with his constant chasing the ref is beyond me, he showed why he is a wife beating scumbag unlike this saint the rag media portray.

He got away with everything all game. In the first half, I must have lost count after his 20th foul (a scything, absolutely-mandatory-booking lunge) - after which Dean was still laughing and joking with him.

I think it's because he's old.

And plays for them, of course.
The best Premiership referee out there, but how Giggs did not get booked is behond me. Must have committed 7/8 free kicks and then the incident with Gareth Barry.

As for Rooney's petulance and dissent, if Toure picks the ball up and slams it down in frustration, he is booked. Rooney can call the referee every name under the sun and nothing gets done.

Showed their true, classless, mentality again last night. Abit like they did against Real Madrid.

Games they both lost. They can't take a defeat in a dignified manner.
We won at swamp central..that says a lot about the ref tbh.. like his performance or not we got the deserved 3 points.
A few issues he should have done better with:

Rooney two footed tackle should have been red. There was also a Welbeck one which Gareth Barry was up in arms about but the play went on

Rooney should have been booked again for throwing his arms and swearing in the direction of the ref. Countless times I watched Mario walk a tightrope after being booked early on for this. Why the double standards?

Giggs. How he escaped a booking is beyond me
How can Blues say he had a good game ? Rooney two footed gets a yellow ? then hurls vile abuse directly at Dean who deliberately turned his back on him so that he didn't have to take action.
Tevez yellow- wrong.
Barry - yellow but the twunt who put his forehead against Aguerro (twice) trying to get a reaction- nothing.
He bottled most decisions and got others that he made wrong. He is a good ref normally but not at the swamp.
I thought Dean got a lot wrong last night. Welbeck Shrek and Giggs have been mentioned but there was also an elbow in the face from van Persie on Barry that he missed.

It's not the first time, either. He was the ref when we drew 1-1 at home to Arsenal -I thought he had a poor game then.

Yet we can't expect perfection from referees, they are only human. With mike dean he might not see everything he should and he might not give everything he should but I never get the sense that he is giving one team the benefit of the doubt and not the other, I never get the sense he let's one team get away with what he would pull up the other team for, I never get the sense that he will bottle giving one team decisions he would not hesitate to give the other.

I do get the sense that he calls it as he sees it. Sometimes he sees it wrong like the silva handball, but he gets one look at it real time, and not the many replays and slo-mos we get on the telly. The comparison with the refereeing display at the derby at our place where the referee was noticeably pro-rag (he of coursne has been noticeably pro rag before) could not be clearer.

I also thought the liners did well. Again they didn't get everything right, but they were not intimated by the scum, they gave what they saw.

All in all I thought the officials were not cowed or intimidated by the swamp or by Taggart or by the red scum surrounding them at every turn.

And we won.

Funny, that.

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