mr mancini I am 100% behind you

A great result last night...I was there & very much enjoyed it.OK it wasn't a 'blood & thunder' classic but a win this Saturday will make all the difference.
A week ago after 3 losses I would gladly have settled for 4 points from WBA & MANUre,Well done Mancini & City.....Premier's a marathon not a sprint!!!
I don't mind constructive criticism. When someone says something and backs it up with something of note, even if it's negative, I actually enjoy reading them posts and sometimes learn something from them!

When a team wins I think it actually makes you miss the bad points of your team that may be underlying and actually are a porblem, paper over the cracks if you like.

When a team loses you get total overreactions. "Mancini OUT" after less than 12months - ridiculous!

But games like lastnight actually provide the best example of how good your team is. We've got some excellent individuals, we're okay as a team (not great), we couldn't have played any more expansive lastnight because we lack pace and may have been caught out, some players are playing out of position (Boateng, not Yaya btw! Yaya is a central midfielder, not a defensive one), some players lack a bit of confidence (Boateng, needs a bit of settling in time; Yaya, needs more belief in himself, also needs to look in the mirror as he has a misconception of himself that he's a small guy when he's huge!), some need to work a lot harder (Yaya, but he also needs to get much fitter!).

I'm 100% behind the management team. But I'm still to be convinced. Time will tell!
danburge82 said:
I don't mind constructive criticism. When someone says something and backs it up with something of note, even if it's negative, I actually enjoy reading them posts and sometimes learn something from them!

When a team wins I think it actually makes you miss the bad points of your team that may be underlying and actually are a porblem, paper over the cracks if you like.

When a team loses you get total overreactions. "Mancini OUT" after less than 12months - ridiculous!

But games like lastnight actually provide the best example of how good your team is. We've got some excellent individuals, we're okay as a team (not great), we couldn't have played any more expansive lastnight because we lack pace and may have been caught out, some players are playing out of position (Boateng, not Yaya btw! Yaya is a central midfielder, not a defensive one), some players lack a bit of confidence (Boateng, needs a bit of settling in time; Yaya, needs more belief in himself, also needs to look in the mirror as he has a misconception of himself that he's a small guy when he's huge!), some need to work a lot harder (Yaya, but he also needs to get much fitter!).

I'm 100% behind the management team. But I'm still to be convinced. Time will tell!

Yep that sums it up nicely Dan.

Not a mancini 'fan' as the usual suspects would say but a supporter of giving the manager (whoever it is) a chance to show that he can learn and build on what has been a promising start to the season despite the sometimes cautious approach and the still suspect away form. Better results against Blackburn at home and Wolves away and we'd be bang in the title race. So we're not far off as long as these results become the exception and not the norm. It's the results against that level of team that will dictate where we finish in the league not the rags.
I like mancini and if the oner gives him the time he needs I am convinced Mancini will win us trophies.

The negativity is nothing new we have always had a group of fans who think hurling abuse at the players and the maneger makes them more hardcore.
bluefandk said:
The negativity is nothing new we have always had a group of fans who think hurling abuse at the players and the maneger makes them more hardcore.

I think our fans have been very supportive of the manager when we're out on the field of play.
At home this season:

City 1 Chelsa 0
City 3 Liverpool 0
City 0 Utd 0

Ok Arsenal was a bit of mixed bag, 10 man and still give them a game for 80mins.

We are looking solid most of the games but I would just like a bit more attacking minded football. But nto sit and watch us not throw it away in injury time, Booby making changes with secs to go to break up any utd attacks, it made a change to not to be robbed in the 94th min.
Didsbury Dave said:
bluefandk said:
The negativity is nothing new we have always had a group of fans who think hurling abuse at the players and the maneger makes them more hardcore.

I think our fans have been very supportive of the manager when we're out on the field of play.

Not up in 209 last night, the abuse Toure and to a lesser degree the maneger got was nothing short of a disgrace.
last season a mate got me a ticket for the arsenal v city game he said listen for the 'anti venger' mob, so it goes to every club has its dickheads!!. mancini in<br /><br />-- Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:56 pm --<br /><br />last season a mate got me a ticket for the arsenal v city game he said listen for the 'anti venger' mob, so it goes to every club has its dickheads!!. mancini in
Couldn't agree with your more. Looking at the table we are in a very healthy position. We have now have played all of the top teams and have the opportunity to go on a winning streak up until xmas. Hopefully we will have learned the lessons from the Wolves defeat and now start to be ruthless. We have a full squad to pick from now and most players are now settled. Now is the time to up the gears and put pressure on the teams above us.
bluefandk said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I think our fans have been very supportive of the manager when we're out on the field of play.

Not up in 209 last night, the abuse Toure and to a lesser degree the maneger got was nothing short of a disgrace.

I never heard anyone abuse anyone last night to be honest but I was sitting in a different part of the ground. But I accept that any football club in the country has supporters who will vocally express their frustration if they don't like things. It is no biggie, that's what happens.

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