NATO, Get the F@#k Out...

Why hasn't the idiot nuked the 100s of countries that do not have nuclear weapons?
Because he doesn’t perceive them to be a threat or interpret any of their actions as being anti Russian. I’m not saying he would nuke us but some of his ramblings are clearly unhinged and if he threatens something often enough then it begins to look a bit hollow if he doesn’t follow with action.

He is currently reported as blaming the west for Russia invading Ukraine. It would take an idiot to reach that conclusion. But if that is what he believes or uses as justification then who knows what else he is capable of and how he might justify it
Because he doesn’t perceive them to be a threat or interpret any of their actions as being anti Russian. I’m not saying he would nuke us but some of his ramblings are clearly unhinged and if he threatens something often enough then it begins to look a bit hollow if he doesn’t follow with action.

He is currently reported as blaming the west for Russia invading Ukraine. It would take an idiot to reach that conclusion. But if that is what he believes or uses as justification then who knows what else he is capable of and how he might justify it
Saying the west caused Russia to invade Ukraine is like saying Osama bin Laden or WMD caused us to go into Iraq.
Give me one good reason why Putin and his ilk would use nuclear weapons on a small island with few natural resources, minimal armed forces and diminishing influence on the world.

Just one good reason
His closest advisor is on record as saying the UK is Russia’s “eternal enemy”. He probably wouldn’t nuke us but if he were to nuke any country we clearly would be fairly high on his list. I would rather have some sort of insurance against that happening, and having our own independent deterrent is the most likely to give us that, now we know the vulnerability of NATO if another lunatic gets elected in the US.
We know you don’t like Blair but comparing him to Putin is ridiculous.
Not comparing just noting the historical connection which is a matter of public record. It was clear what Putin was 23 years ago ask the people of Grozny. Yet we indulged him and your man continued to do so after Maidan and the annexation of Crimea.
It used to be called Realpolitik and acting in your own self interest. If you insist on bringing morality into it the floor is yours.
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Give me one good reason why Putin and his ilk would use nuclear weapons on a small island with few natural resources, minimal armed forces and diminishing influence on the world.

Just one good reason
He won't because we have the nuclear weapons and are a member of NATO, two things that you are so strangely keen to get rid of.

If you had your way, NATO wouldn't exist, the west wouldn't have a nuclear deterrent, and we'd all be too afraid to challenge Russia over it's invasion of Ukraine, let alone provide them with weaponry to fight for their freedom.
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He won't because we have the nuclear weapons and are a member of NATO, two things that you are so strangely keen to get rid of.

If you had your way, NATO wouldn't exist, the west wouldn't have a nuclear deterrent, and we'd all be too afraid to challenge Russia over it's invasion of Ukraine, let alone provide them with weaponry to fight for their freedom.
OK if we got rid of the weapons and left NATO

Give me one good reason why he would attack a small island that offers no benefit to Russia.
OK if we got rid of the weapons and left NATO

Give me one good reason why he would attack a small island that offers no benefit to Russia.
Perhaps you should ask Putin and his mouthpiece Medvedev, why they have threatened to nuke us on numerous occasions.

If there was ever a future war we wouldn't be on the side of Putin's Russia, and Britain would be hugely important strategically, with our air and sea base's.

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