I have difficulty reconciling the fact that Russia is clearly struggling to progress across the Ukraine (beyond the bits that basically want to be russian) with the idea that they will suddenly develop the ability to do this and then continue unimpeded across the Baltic States and eastern Europe. The bots in the other thread somehow expect us to maintain this self delusion in our own heads.
Because what is stopping them from doing so?

I have difficulty reconciling the fact that Russia is clearly struggling to progress across the Ukraine (beyond the bits that basically want to be russian) with the idea that they will suddenly develop the ability to do this and then continue unimpeded across the Baltic States and eastern Europe. The bots in the other thread somehow expect us to maintain this self delusion in our own heads.

I agree with this. I'm not, particularly happy there's a war at all.

The answer is if they are neo-nazis that kill Russians then the answer is yes. Same as we assisted al Qaeda once they started having a pop at our enemies in Syria etc, and the Mujahedeen (islamic extremists) when they bled the Soviet Union dry. Strategic goals come before morals.

'The enemy of my enemy...' over talks? Not for me.

The common denominator being the US, YET AGAIN, embroiled in a war it makes money from whilst the rest of the world suffers.

It used to shock me how the war machine marches and gets people to believe its purpose is just.

Not me.
Okay then.

The MSM and NATO have successfully indoctrinated your belief on the Azov Battalion being the 'freedom fighters' and that's okay.

That's your belief.

Fuck me why are you obsessed with MSM like you operate on some informed higher level because you watch YouTube vids from russian shills.

Azov battalion had/have football hooligans in them some who were neo nazis defending their homeland just like far right and left would in the UK if attackdx, you're trying to make out Ukrainian military has their own fucking SS and it's bollocks.

Plenty of neo nazis in the russian army though who love to commit genocide.
I have difficulty reconciling the fact that Russia is clearly struggling to progress across the Ukraine (beyond the bits that basically want to be russian) with the idea that they will suddenly develop the ability to do this and then continue unimpeded across the Baltic States and eastern Europe. The bots in the other thread somehow expect us to maintain this self delusion in our own heads.

The Baltic states, particularly Latvia and Estonia, are small and an attack would be done before anyone could react from outside the borders.

Ukraine 233k sq m
Latvia 25k sq m
Estonia 18k sq m

Military (active+reserve+paramilitary)
Ukraine 1.2m
Latvia 22000
Estonia 24000

Lithuania doesn't border the main part of Russia, so I've not included it.
Figures from wikipedia.
Because what is stopping them from doing so?

Constant victories by the brave Ukrainians - every day brings news of more and more victories it seems with huge russian casualties and barely any mention of any ukranian losses aside from war crimes perpetrated against civilian targets. It seems that Russia can't even supply/ resource a conflict on its own border adequately so I don't believe they are capable of even making it across Ukraine, nevermind invading other countries while maintaining that occupation. It's clear that russian forces, morale and leadership is all a shambles that poses no wider threat - unless we are being fed bollocks of course.
Okay then.

The MSM and NATO have successfully indoctrinated your belief on the Azov Battalion being the 'freedom fighters' and that's okay.

That's your belief.
Azov (while certainly a bit dodgy) are not representative of the whole country and we have been arming Ukraine as a whole in order to fight Russia. Enemy of my enemy sort of thing I guess in the case of Azov. It would seem to me that Russia has more hallmarks of a Neo-Nazi state.
Constant victories by the brave Ukrainians - every day brings news of more and more victories it seems with huge russian casualties and barely any mention of any ukranian losses aside from war crimes perpetrated against civilian targets. It seems that Russia can't even supply/ resource a conflict on its own border adequately so I don't believe they are capable of even making it across Ukraine, nevermind invading other countries while maintaining that occupation. It's clear that russian forces, morale and leadership is all a shambles that poses no wider threat - unless we are being fed bollocks of course.
Ukraine has been heavily supplied by NATO members, joined together in a pact that they would support them against the invasion. No doubt that Russian military strategy, inventory and supplies are not up to the same standard as their NATO counterparts, but Ukraine themselves admitted that on their own they would not have managed to repel the invasion to the degree they have done and likely would have endured more casualties without the support of NATO members.
Fuck me why are you obsessed with MSM like you operate on some informed higher level because you watch YouTube vids from russian shills.

Azov battalion had/have football hooligans in them some who were neo nazis defending their homeland just like far right and left would in the UK if attackdx, you're trying to make out Ukrainian military has their own fucking SS and it's bollocks.

Plenty of neo nazis in the russian army though who love to commit genocide.

Because I take in all types of information. I have seen soldiers who freely expose their neo nazi symbols cover them up when major leaders/ influencers come to town.

Azov battalion are a WHOLE battalion, not pockets of neo nazis.

I haven't seen the evidence of neo nazis in Russian forces (at all, but I have no doubt there are) of that level celebrated on a level displayed on TV as I've seen.

And the MSM is where most of you get your beliefs and never question it, even when we see evidence to the contrary play a part in your daily lives.

I saw, like you, the different narratives told about US intervention and sanctions and suffering because of it... without the batting of an eyelid

It's just bizarre.
Ukraine has been heavily supplied by NATO members, joined together in a pact that they would support them against the invasion. No doubt that Russian military strategy, inventory and supplies are not up to the same standard as their NATO counterparts, but Ukraine themselves admitted that on their own they would not have managed to repel the invasion to the degree they have done and likely would have endured more casualties without the support of NATO members.
Exactly, so with that support they have and continue to do so and all power to them. So unless you think the Ukraine is suddenly about to fold like a wet paper bag then there is no realistic wider threat.
Constant victories by the brave Ukrainians - every day brings news of more and more victories it seems with huge russian casualties and barely any mention of any ukranian losses aside from war crimes perpetrated against civilian targets. It seems that Russia can't even supply/ resource a conflict on its own border adequately so I don't believe they are capable of even making it across Ukraine, nevermind invading other countries while maintaining that occupation. It's clear that russian forces, morale and leadership is all a shambles that poses no wider threat - unless we are being fed bollocks of course.

The victories these days are defensive not offensive in nature, if Ukraines allies never provided assistance they would have been rolled and Putin could then choose his next target.

The russian military are corrupt and inept in the main, but they're still a formidable foe who can throw huge numbers of men to their death.

Bad intelligence has been russias downfall they thought the rest of Europe would not unite behind Ukraine.

If putin would have done this in 2020 and covid never happened he would have pissed it.

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