New fans/tourists are embarrassing

Well, machiavellian...Given your posts it seems that you care a lot despite claiming the opposite.

Myself, I couldn´t care less, unlike for many football is not a social thing for me. I don´t go there to meet up with mates or to get this lovely warm "we the true mancunians that support a real local club" feeling.
But anyway. You are fighting a loosing battle, In time "tourists" will be a standard feature at City home games I think, there simply ain´t enough "proper" fans arsed enough to buy up the tickets.
As a supporter of a "haven't won a fucking thing since the 70's" Bundesliga club, I understand how machivellian and some of the other City die-hards feel.

the new "fans" need to take a step back and at least TRY to understand where they're coming from. Yes, you can support any club you want, but at the same time you have to realize your place; "Love" is a strong fucking word, and so is "hate".

Here is a simple question that will help you realize if you "love" city...or any club for that matter: would you shed tears if they got relegated tomorrow? Or would your day, yet alone week, be ruined by it? I won't even try for a month, year, or more.

It's an emotional fucking roller coaster ride when you fully invest yourself in something you have no control over. If you can't answer yes to the above question....stop saying you "love"'re a fan...probably a glory hunter (strong emphasis on "probably")

I'm here to talk football; and Dzeko :-)
machiavellian said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
machiavellian said:
Funny thing is, you say where would 'we' be without Sheikh Mansour's investment, well the club would be in mid-table and we would attending every week as per, whereas you would've chosen to 'support' Chelsea because you're fond of the colour navy blue, or admire Torres' flowing blonde locks.

As you say, we were blessed to have 'such a wonderful owner' take the reigns, you weren't, as you've said yourself you knew nothing of us in 2008.

But now you try to equate your feelings of the club to ours after 'supporting' us for 12 months?

That should go some way to explaining why the likes of yourself are so disparaged by the rest of us.

On another note, I find it pretty fucking shameless that you'll compare your story of half-heartedly searching for a club to 'support' from the comfort of your armchair after developing a passing interest in football after the World Cup, to that of a man with absolutely nothing to his name, living in a war-torn third world country who by a chance meeting with a charitable blue in his country formed a relationship which began with small-talk about football, and soon developed into a charitable aid excursion encompassing football with a goal to provide local children with an alternative to crime, while providing a flittering distraction from their struggle with crippling poverty with help to arrange football tournaments and providing the necessary kit and transport to do so.

Also funnily enough, Armani (the man in question, in the first picture you posted) opened the Sierra Leone supporter's club in 2003, long before any potential glory or trophies, when we still played at Maine Road in fact. His supporters club is now the biggest City supporter's club outside of the UK.

A tale of admirable courage and the great efforts of a charitable man to aid someone whom he'd developed a close relationship and greatly empathised with.

You on the other hand, made a callous, cold, logical choice to 'support' City 12 months ago after developing a passing interest in 'soccer' following the World Cup.

If you wish to understand why your presence is so resented, by myself at least, read this;

But it's nothing personal, you're simply a prime example of the spineless, characterless gloryhunters I grew up despising. And, by and large, I just think the likes of yourself are pitiful tits, mate.

I hope that was succinctly put.

You know, you are what's wrong in the club, just because you were born andlivein Manchester, and have supported city for all of your massive 21 years you sneer at anyone else. Get a grip and think of the bigger picture, it isn't your club, it won't go back to Maine road, it needs new fans to grow and those fans won't all have Manc accents

Rightly or wrongly, it's the way I feel.

I know a lot of others feel just the same, but aren't honest enough to say so on a place like this.

The OP made a passing comment and gets lambasted by swathes of posters trying to convince themselves and everyone else that they don't give a shit and they'd gladly sit through an entire 90 minutes of football sat next to some know-nothing two-bit gloryhunter recording everything that moves on his smart phone for entirety of the game.

So it isn't surprising most will tow the line.

It's quite amusing though, I'm not here to make friends with anyone, I'm not trying to ingratiate myself with anyone, I'm entirely honest in what I post and I don't give a flying fuck what you or anyone else thinks of me. On the other hand, the aforementioned gloryhunters are the polar opposite, they're always telling us how much they love City and how Manchester is such a wonderful city (despite never having visited) and telling us how they're vaguely linked to the club via a long deceased soul who supported us in the 19th century (see a previous post in this thread).

They're only here to ingratiate themselves, and convince us that they're different from their namesakes at other clubs - it's pathetic.

Make up your own mind, I don't give a fuck.

To describe anything that someone writes in an OP (and moreover its title) on a football forum designed to invite a response as 'a passing comment' is too absurd for words.

Don't normally pick people up for their age, but with you I'll make an exception. You're 21. That means you were born in 1990, I guess. Which means you were two or three when the Kippax - the real Kippax btw not that abortion that took its place - was knocked down. Yet from the way you eulogised about it you would think that you'd earned your stripes by doing a 20 year tour of duty on the terrace.

I could look down my nose at you for not having experienced (in any meaningful way) the sea of humanity, noise and beer farts that was the Kippax, but I don't because I don't feel the need to make myself feel superior to other City fans who haven't shared the same experiences as me.

Perhaps you could consider according other City fans the same courtesy.

And btw you seem to feel that you speak for the vast majority of blues. Well you don't speak for me and I would be grateful if you could use a form of words that reflects that rather than acting as a self-appointed spokesman for the rest of us.

From me, I'd like to say welcome along new fans. In spite of all our new found status I have to warn you that Manchester City and drama will always be intertwined and a crisis will always be round the corner. In a sense you need to embrace that fact to fully appreciate the experience.

Welcome aboard. It's going to be one hell of a ride.
machiavellian said:
Funny thing is, you say where would 'we' be without Sheikh Mansour's investment, well the club would be in mid-table and we would attending every week as per, whereas you would've chosen to 'support' Chelsea because you're fond of the colour navy blue, or admire Torres' flowing blonde locks.

As you say, we were blessed to have 'such a wonderful owner' take the reigns, you weren't, as you've said yourself you knew nothing of us in 2008.

But now you try to equate your feelings of the club to ours after 'supporting' us for 12 months?

That should go some way to explaining why the likes of yourself are so disparaged by the rest of us.

On another note, I find it pretty fucking shameless that you'll compare your story of half-heartedly searching for a club to 'support' from the comfort of your armchair after developing a passing interest in football after the World Cup, to that of a man with absolutely nothing to his name, living in a war-torn third world country who by a chance meeting with a charitable blue in his country formed a relationship which began with small-talk about football, and soon developed into a charitable aid excursion encompassing football with a goal to provide local children with an alternative to crime, while providing a flittering distraction from their struggle with crippling poverty with help to arrange football tournaments and providing the necessary kit and transport to do so.

Also funnily enough, Armani (the man in question, in the first picture you posted) opened the Sierra Leone supporter's club in 2003, long before any potential glory or trophies, when we still played at Maine Road in fact. His supporters club is now the biggest City supporter's club outside of the UK.

A tale of admirable courage and the great efforts of a charitable man to aid someone whom he'd developed a close relationship and greatly empathised with.

You on the other hand, made a callous, cold, logical choice to 'support' City 12 months ago after developing a passing interest in 'soccer' following the World Cup.

If you wish to understand why your presence is so resented, by myself at least, read this;

But it's nothing personal, you're simply a prime example of the spineless, characterless gloryhunters I grew up despising. And, by and large, I just think the likes of yourself are pitiful tits, mate.

I hope that was succinctly put.

Wow what an abusive and presumptive post. You're 21 well mate, I'm 24 In my short life i've been through Severe Psoriasis and severe Psoriatic Arthritis were my knees and ankles were so swollen i was paralyzed for a year, the only thing thats keeping me out of a wheel chair is my wife and an injection i take every two weeks which weakens my immune system because of that injection i was diagnosed with latent tuberculosis where i had to receive anti-biotics everyday for 9 months, why am i telling you this?

Because for a 21 year old you have such a cynical and elitist attitude about you, you abuse people, without cause, and make assumptions about them when you don't know anything about their lives. Well as i discovered the hard way nothing in this world is guaranteed, especially your perceptions of our club, yes its my club just as much as it is your club.
Oh yeah and that post you wrote earlier a teenager being left out and isolated, not that unique of a story
mcfcliam said:
Damocles said:
mcfcliam said:
Now I know we need them to 'move forward as a club' but...

First thing I noticed when I got in the ground last night was the amount of tourists taking an unreal and ridiculous amount of photos, while wearing a half and half scarf!

One of them even tried throwing me out of my seat, claiming it was his, when his was clearly the one next to mine...this is my season ticket seat you fucking bellwhaft! His mate was infront of us so he wanted to be 'nearer' to him (?!?!?!?!)

Anyway, nearer to kick off, this group of about 15 people (all wearing snide City shirts) went to the front and had a big photo together and then started some chant of their own...WTF?! Why the fuck are you chanting something which has no fucking relevance to City whatsoever? It's like me turning up to Anfield and singing my own song!

The amount of times I heard this blokes' camera was doing my head in...I was going to sleep with the noise in my head!

It's embarrassing that we have 'fans' like the OP. You don't understand what City are, nor appreciate the history of this club. You're as big as an embarrassment to the club as the Green and Gold are to United. You run off ranting to yourself without a trace of irony whilst SPECTACULARLY missing the point of why City are special and what differentiates us from those over the road.

You can fuck off, you two faced prick.

PM'ing me a while back saying sorry for outbursts and now resorting to insults again.

Sometimes, I write a post on here, walk away and think "hmm...that was probably a bit over the top, I'll go and apologise". This doesn't mean that I'll never have a pop at you again for talking shit.

My point stands. This is about the 6th (just from memory) "I'm a bigger blue" thread that you've started. You miss the point of City, the entire ethos of the club for a hundred years.

I don't know why you continually miss the point and the dismiss the history of this Club. Honestly, I think it's because your Dad took you to matches a lot and you class this as "going to the match". When we were in Division Two, how old were you? About 8?
My point, is that whilst you were physically there, you could not possibly have had any understanding of what it meant to be a fan at that age. Nobody does when they're 8, football fandom may as well be Cowboys vs Indians at that age.

You've probably seen us properly from Pearce onwards, which is fine, but during that time for some reason, you haven't understood what City are because we've pretty much been a middling club around this time. Yes, we fought relegation once or twice but mainly we were challenging for UEFA Cup spots or a top half finish.

One of the reasons why United fans are such wankers, is that they segregate their fanbase and are so fucking anal about what constitutes a "propa fan". They have divisions. Pre 92, Pre 86, Post 99, post 08. They segregate their fans and 'rate' their level of support by when they started supporting. This is fucking ridiculous and arrogant. Who are THEY to determine what is ok and what is not in terms of football fandom? Who the fuck are THEY to woman at people for having a good time?

I hate this whole bullshit about what constitutes a "propa fan" and how prevalent it has become recently. You're like those guy who are pissed because their favourite band has become mainstream; hipster, I think is the word people use.

This club has always been about acceptance of anybody who wants to take up the mantle of City, no matter who they are, where they come from, and what they do with their lives. The founding fathers of this club set it up FOR THAT VERY REASON. We've always welcomed any new fans with open arms and we've never disparaged them because they didn't happen to find the wonderful world of City before that particular time. The rags are the ones who played the bigger fan bollocks, we accepted anybody because we knew that they shared the ride with us, for better or for worse.

Thinking more about it, I disagree with this whole logic of "gloryhunter". You guys understand that they don't tend to show Stoke vs Wigan much in the US? It's all games involving the top teams. How were they meant to pick us up without ever having the chance to watch us?
Invariably, people sit and watch a team and build an admiration for something. This is why Arsenal have so many foreign fans, because they played fantastic football which attracted people to watch them more and then learn about the club. This is why Wigan don't, they aren't attractive except possibly as an underdog.
This building admiration is exactly what been a fan is. I mean at the very core of the idea of fandom, is that you build an admiration for something that eventually becomes an obsession.

Some people didn't have the luxury to be born inside of the M60. Some didn't have the privilege to have a father or brother was was in to football. Does this mean that they are permanently stuck in the footballing ether? Why? Who says?

You show me fans who get up at 3am on a workday to get into a pub at 4am to watch a match, then go and work a 12 hour shift afterwards, and then show me a guy who lives 10 minutes from the ground and attends 20 games a season and I'll point out who is REALLY making sacrifices to follow the team that they want.

This whole thing is bullshit. I don't care where you are from. I don't care how long you have supported City. If you say you're a City fan, then you're alright by me. The moment we start to divide ourselves into subsections is the moment that our worryingly quickening slide into becoming United fans is finally complete.

Everybody has always been welcome at City, and I wouldn't change that for the world. Those who are in the "but I won't get a ticket!" brigade should probably ask why you deserve a ticket when you haven't got any loyalty points.
Damocles said:
mcfcliam said:
Damocles said:
It's embarrassing that we have 'fans' like the OP. You don't understand what City are, nor appreciate the history of this club. You're as big as an embarrassment to the club as the Green and Gold are to United. You run off ranting to yourself without a trace of irony whilst SPECTACULARLY missing the point of why City are special and what differentiates us from those over the road.

You can fuck off, you two faced prick.

PM'ing me a while back saying sorry for outbursts and now resorting to insults again.

Again you show a child's understanding of the world Liam.

Sometimes, I write a post on here, walk away and think "hmm...that was probably a bit over the top, I'll go and apologise". This doesn't mean that I'll never have a pop at you again for talking shit. I can see how this would confuse you.

My point stands. This is about the 6th (just from memory) "I'm a bigger blue" thread that you've started. You miss the point of City.

I don't know why you continually miss the point and the dismiss the history of this Club. Honestly, I think it's because your Dad took you to matches a lot and you class this as "going to the match". When we were in Division Two, how old were you? About 8?
My point, is that whilst you were physically there, you could not possibly have had any understanding of what it meant to be a fan at that age. Nobody does when they're 8, football fandom may as well be Cowboys vs Indians at that age.

You've probably seen us properly from Pearce onwards, which is fine, but during that time for some reason, you haven't understood what City are because we've pretty much been a middling club around this time. Yes, we fought relegation once or twice but mainly we were challenging for UEFA Cup spots or a top half finish.

One of the reasons why United fans are such wankers, is that they segregate their fanbase and are so fucking anal about what constitutes a "propa fan". They have divisions. Pre 92, Pre 86, Post 99, post 08. They segregate their fans and 'rate' their level of support by when they started supporting. This is fucking ridiculous and arrogant. Who are THEY to determine what is ok and what is not in terms of football fandom? Who the fuck are THEY to woman at people for having a good time?

I hate this whole bullshit about what constitutes a "propa fan" and how prevalent it has become recently. You're like those guy who are pissed because their favourite band has become mainstream; hipster, I think is the word people use.

This club has always been about acceptance of anybody who wants to take up the mantle of City, no matter who they are, where they come from, and what they do with their lives. The founding fathers of this club set it up FOR THAT VERY REASON. We've always welcomed any new fans with open arms and we've never disparaged them because they didn't happen to find the wonderful world of City before that particular time. The rags are the ones who played the bigger fan bollocks, we accepted anybody because we knew that they shared the ride with us, for better or for worse.

Thinking more about it, I disagree with this whole logic of "gloryhunter". You guys understand that they don't tend to show Stoke vs Wigan much in the US? It's all games involving the top teams. How were they meant to pick us up without ever having the chance to watch us?
Invariably, people sit and watch a team and build an admiration for something. This is why Arsenal have so many foreign fans, because they played fantastic football which attracted people to watch them more and then learn about the club. This is why Wigan don't, they aren't attractive except possibly as an underdog.
This building admiration is exactly what been a fan is. I mean at the very core of the idea of fandom, is that you build an admiration for something that eventually becomes an obsession.

Some people didn't have the luxury to be born inside of the M60. Some didn't have the privilege to have a father or brother was was in to football. Does this mean that they are permanently stuck in the footballing ether? Why? Who says?

You show me fans who get up at 3am on a workday to get into a pub at 4am to watch a match, then go and work a 12 hour shift afterwards, and then show me a guy who lives 10 minutes from the ground and attends 20 games a season and I'll point out who is REALLY making sacrifices to follow the team that they want.

This whole thing is bullshit. I don't care where you are from. I don't care how long you have supported City. If you say you're a City fan, then you're alright by me. The moment we start to divide ourselves into subsections is the moment that our worryingly quickening slide into becoming United fans is finally complete.

Everybody has always been welcome at City, and I wouldn't change that for the world. Those who are in the "but I won't get a ticket!" brigade should probably ask why you deserve a ticket when you haven't got any loyalty points.

Well said and I agree with every word. This should be the end of this thread. And if any new fan has read this I hope they realise that the vast majority of city fans want you and welcome you. One thing I have always been proud of his our warmth and humour.
Being somebody who has supported City for nearly 35 years and now fast approaching my new milestone of 40. I welcome all new fans to the rollercoaster ride that is Manchester City FC including my 6 year daughter who has her first season ticket this year and my little boy of 3 who has also been coming.

It can be frustrating, it can be fun but remember it also comes with a health warning.

Its the only way for this great club to move the way the owners want us to move.
haha wow...guess I'm just a horrible fan then. You guys really know how to take the piss. Maybe in 10 years you'll accept me. I wont bother any of you until then. I know who I'll be having a pint with, and who I wont be.<br /><br />-- Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:05 am --<br /><br />
Damocles said:
I don't know why you continually miss the point and the dismiss the history of this Club. Honestly, I think it's because your Dad took you to matches a lot and you class this as "going to the match". When we were in Division Two, how old were you? About 8?
My point, is that whilst you were physically there, you could not possibly have had any understanding of what it meant to be a fan at that age. Nobody does when they're 8, football fandom may as well be Cowboys vs Indians at that age.

You've probably seen us properly from Pearce onwards, which is fine, but during that time for some reason, you haven't understood what City are because we've pretty much been a middling club around this time. Yes, we fought relegation once or twice but mainly we were challenging for UEFA Cup spots or a top half finish.

One of the reasons why United fans are such wankers, is that they segregate their fanbase and are so fucking anal about what constitutes a "propa fan". They have divisions. Pre 92, Pre 86, Post 99, post 08. They segregate their fans and 'rate' their level of support by when they started supporting. This is fucking ridiculous and arrogant. Who are THEY to determine what is ok and what is not in terms of football fandom? Who the fuck are THEY to woman at people for having a good time?

I hate this whole bullshit about what constitutes a "propa fan" and how prevalent it has become recently. You're like those guy who are pissed because their favourite band has become mainstream; hipster, I think is the word people use.

This club has always been about acceptance of anybody who wants to take up the mantle of City, no matter who they are, where they come from, and what they do with their lives. The founding fathers of this club set it up FOR THAT VERY REASON. We've always welcomed any new fans with open arms and we've never disparaged them because they didn't happen to find the wonderful world of City before that particular time. The rags are the ones who played the bigger fan bollocks, we accepted anybody because we knew that they shared the ride with us, for better or for worse.

Thinking more about it, I disagree with this whole logic of "gloryhunter". You guys understand that they don't tend to show Stoke vs Wigan much in the US? It's all games involving the top teams. How were they meant to pick us up without ever having the chance to watch us?
Invariably, people sit and watch a team and build an admiration for something. This is why Arsenal have so many foreign fans, because they played fantastic football which attracted people to watch them more and then learn about the club. This is why Wigan don't, they aren't attractive except possibly as an underdog.
This building admiration is exactly what been a fan is. I mean at the very core of the idea of fandom, is that you build an admiration for something that eventually becomes an obsession.

Some people didn't have the luxury to be born inside of the M60. Some didn't have the privilege to have a father or brother was was in to football. Does this mean that they are permanently stuck in the footballing ether? Why? Who says?

You show me fans who get up at 3am on a workday to get into a pub at 4am to watch a match, then go and work a 12 hour shift afterwards, and then show me a guy who lives 10 minutes from the ground and attends 20 games a season and I'll point out who is REALLY making sacrifices to follow the team that they want.

This whole thing is bullshit. I don't care where you are from. I don't care how long you have supported City. If you say you're a City fan, then you're alright by me. The moment we start to divide ourselves into subsections is the moment that our worryingly quickening slide into becoming United fans is finally complete.

Everybody has always been welcome at City, and I wouldn't change that for the world. Those who are in the "but I won't get a ticket!" brigade should probably ask why you deserve a ticket when you haven't got any loyalty points.

Cheers to that!
I went to my first match at Maine Rd when one or two of the more prominent proppa blues in this thread were still in nappies. I didn't have a Manc accent, I didn't know much about the team or the history of the club, I might have even taken a photo or two.

For years I joined hundreds of blues sacrificing sleep or nights out to listen to matches at silly o'clock in the morning, and developing a knowledge of and a love for the club.

I've had a season ticket for nine years now. I still don't have a Manc accent. My experiences aren't the same as someone raised on the club, some may say that as an out of towner I can't have the same knowledge or passion as a proppa supporter. To them I say tough shit, I'm not here for your benefit.

-- Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:10 am --

And I will add that Damocles is spot on, in that the "you're not a proper supporter" disciples are so rag-like it's not funny.

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