New Ticket Prices!

Goater666 said:
Dubai Blue said:
Sounds very dubious. I hope you told them that you'd call them or send another form in.

Edit: There you go then, looks like it was genuinely City.

Its not dubious, they've been calling a fair few people.
Which is why I added the second sentence that you have quoted
This reads like some kind of rag thread..."tough if you can't afford tickets for games etc etc etc".
City are supposed to be a working class club, born and raised in Moss Side as a community club where most people struggled to provide for their famlies but still were able to get to a few games a season.
It grieves me that the attitudes on here sound like Thatchers children in the 80's.
To end this thread, lets just agree that a 10 quid hike on tickets is a f00kin big hike whether you can afford it or not.
I hope we don't lose our core support like the rags and Chelsea have done...That would be the end of it for me if I'm sat or stood next to some tory boy tw@t who knows f00k all about the game or my club but is there purely because he can afford the ticket that a true blue couldn't.
I think this'll backfire big time for City in the long term.
West Ham on sale now, this game was £30 SSL last season, £28 this season.

£2 Reduction in this case.
BlakeTheBlue said:
Last week i bought my ticket for the first home game of the season. City v Wolves.

I will be sat in the 3rd Tier (i prefer it up their as i love the view).
The ticket cost me 36 POUNDS!!! Thats the same price a Mancheter derby ticket cost just the season before!!!

Last season this would have been classed as a C catagory game (newly promoted team) and would have cost me 26 pounds. a whole ten pounds difference!!! to Some people thats a sizeable amount of money to be spending on a football match (even if it is for my beloved blues) in this current ecanomic climate.

Also i have just had a look online to see how much a ticket for the City V Arsenal ticket will cost me for the same part of the ground. It astonished me to learn it will cost me 46 POUNDS!!! So it is obvious the New owners have stuck an extra 10 pounds on the price of every ticket catagory A,B,C. I think this is scandalous. I simply cannot pay that for a football match every other week.

Soon our home games will be as bad as United, Chelsea etc. Unless we bring this up now it will get worse year on year and the only "Real" fans there will be the ones lucky enough to get a season ticket (which i will never be able to afford). The rest of the gound will be full of Execs and mega Rich "Plastic Fans"

Thoughts Anybody?
2 words "season ticket"
big blueballs said:
BlakeTheBlue said:
Last week i bought my ticket for the first home game of the season. City v Wolves.

I will be sat in the 3rd Tier (i prefer it up their as i love the view).
The ticket cost me 36 POUNDS!!! Thats the same price a Mancheter derby ticket cost just the season before!!!

Last season this would have been classed as a C catagory game (newly promoted team) and would have cost me 26 pounds. a whole ten pounds difference!!! to Some people thats a sizeable amount of money to be spending on a football match (even if it is for my beloved blues) in this current ecanomic climate.

Also i have just had a look online to see how much a ticket for the City V Arsenal ticket will cost me for the same part of the ground. It astonished me to learn it will cost me 46 POUNDS!!! So it is obvious the New owners have stuck an extra 10 pounds on the price of every ticket catagory A,B,C. I think this is scandalous. I simply cannot pay that for a football match every other week.

Soon our home games will be as bad as United, Chelsea etc. Unless we bring this up now it will get worse year on year and the only "Real" fans there will be the ones lucky enough to get a season ticket (which i will never be able to afford). The rest of the gound will be full of Execs and mega Rich "Plastic Fans"

Thoughts Anybody?
2 words "season ticket"

4 Words, I am alright Jack.
Ticket prizes have gone up I agree, which is very harsh on Blues who can't have seasoncards, as they live too far away to attend regular games!

£35 for the Wolves game and £45 for Arsenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rip off :(
TevezIsACaveman said:
Ticket prizes have gone up I agree, which is very harsh on Blues who can't have seasoncards, as they live too far away to attend regular games!

£35 for the Wolves game and £45 for Arsenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rip off :(

I factored this in when I got my season ticket, even if I could get tickets for the biggest 10 matches, is was still cheaper to get a season ticket, if I put the games I can't get to on seat exchange, makes it even cheaper.
TevezIsACaveman said:
Ticket prizes have gone up I agree, which is very harsh on Blues who can't have seasoncards, as they live too far away to attend regular games!

£35 for the Wolves game and £45 for Arsenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rip off :(
Rip off are you pissed for fucks sake our club has just spent 100 million with more to come and it's a rip off by putting the prices up a tenner or so, I don't fucking think so
"seat exchange" how does that work? do ST holders get money back if someone else uses their seat? just wondering
(humble Citycard holder)

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