Newcastle (a) post match thread

Wow - they way everyone is giving up here is really showing the character while they talk about team's character.

What was the expectation that team will never lose another game this season?

It is not over yet - do not believe the team is ready to give up despite no backbone being shown here and ironically words like coward being thrown on team members.

I agree that I don't think the name-calling born out of frustration is very fair on the players. But what I note is a spirit at Liverpool that is lacking in us this season. In three matches against bottom half sides we've given away leads and dropped nine points. In several matches our passing hasn't been just not crisp, but outright sloppy and today was confoundingly worse than that. In a major moment -- the chance to put true pressure on Liverpool -- we've not only blown it but not competed physically or mentally.

My heart would never give up but you can't blame my head witnessing this.
Ederson should have saved that penalty.
Walker is absolutely fucking fucked and it shows. Needs a rest but we don't have any fucking full backs.
Stones did nothing wrong.
Laporte unusually sloppy, knackered?
Danilo so so inconsistent.
Fernandinho fucked up but I can't chastise him. Has given everything.
Silva not up to scratch.
De Bruyne sloppy.
Sterling anonymous.
Sane ditto.
Aguero absolutely shocking.
WTF !!!!!
City fucked up when we let van dyke go to scouters. He is a leader, stones is average at best, laporte may get there but not quite yet. I think scouse would have kept a clean sheet against these, that’s the difference

Agree if we matched Liverpool offer though would he had come? Seemed to think he only wanted liverpool he had a sit down with klopp! But yep if we got him for me Liverpool would be fighting for 4th spot he has made thar much of a difference to them.
I suppose there's never a good goal to concede but ours are either worldies from nowhere, or absolute jamfests/bundled affairs. Their first goal was as ugly as can be, don't tell me he picked out a man with the head-on it was as big a punt as you'll see but we should have handled it. Then watching Fernandinho turn into their player in his own box, was just painful, a slow motion moment.

To my eyes(and it's not excusing the players) once the goal was disallowed, the game changed completely. I believe it was down to our players struggling to stay motivated, the weather was shit, the atmosphere was very flat for most of the game and they must have felt they were playing against the ref from early in the first half. Baring the leniency shown to De Bruynes late tackle, knowing his first yellow was harsh(wrong decision lets face it)... I'd call that a good call, not lucky as some were desperate call it in the match thread. The players spent the rest of the game sulking that the ref was against them but all I can say to them there is, what's new if you're playing against 12men for large patches? Just get on with it, dig deep and get the game out of the way first, then you can moan for as long as you like how shite he was(we agree with you). Some of the mentality we had last season, is lacking this season slightly and that's enough to tip the balance on nights like tonight.

Where is The Title thread, can't seem to find it?
Who’s going to potentially change a game off the bench, Mahrez or Gundogan. Unreal choice from Pep. Just what we needed, another sideways pass merchant.

Mahrez might not have hit any heights yet but I’d rather him on the pitch if we are looking for something.
Agree, strange one for me. Against packed defences, his dribbling could have done the job.
When we were an average team yo-yo ing between divisions it really didnt hurt like it does with todays team of players , when we lose , our expectations are totally different and any defeat is more difficult to take , yet before the takeover and the previous thirty years a defeat was water of a ducks back , our gallows humour and ability to laugh at ourselves was a neccessity . Have we lost our sense of perspective ? We are 2nd in the league and now unlikely to win it , but we a will qualify fot the Champs league next year (88 other teams will not) we are in the last 16 of the Champs league with a decent draw , already qualified for a cup final (thats at least ten Wembley appearance in the last few years) and a favourable FA Cup draw that will probably put is in the quarter finals.
Before we start throwing our toys out of the pram , just think what we have and what other clubs could only dream of having, we played very poorly against an organised determined Newcastle team and a manager in Rafa Benitez who is tactically one of the best in the game , it happens.

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