Official "Changes To Seasoncards" Thread

foley87 said:
those whinging about the platinum and paying the extra 50quid are in my eyes those that dont go to away games and think they are entitled to cup final tickets cause theyve had a season ticket for a few years.

half the season is played away from coms aswell dont they know
It may be my friend but not everyone can get to away games with other commitments. A season card is for home games, have you forgot that ?
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Shaelumstash said:
Why do some think they are the only ones who can spot what's happened and think everyone else is a deluded moron?! Everyone knows they are rising the price of a standard season ticket and dressing it up as a "Platinum Membership".

I actually think it is a good idea and makes sound commercial sense. As I posted earlier, Inflation is a 4.5% and VAT has risen from 17.5% to 20%. So a rise in the standard (Platinum) ticket going up by 10% is actually only about 5% in real terms.

A 5% rise to see our best team for 40 years play in the Champions League and compete for major trophies is actually really fucking good value so I wish people would stop moaning!

I think the trick people have missed is that they are not recognising we are actually offering a ticket that in real terms is cheaper than last year! The "Gold membership" is roughly the price as the standard ticket last year, taking in to account the rises I spoke about above, that is actually a 5% discount on last year! OK, you lose the loyalty point benefits, but that is your choice!!

For those with under 6500 points, you've got 2 choices, pay 5% more for the same ticket you had last year, or pay 5% less for a ticket where you get half the loyalty points for attending away and cup games! No one is forcing you in to either choice!

They are not running a fucking charity, yes the 5% rise isn't ideal, but it's fucking good value when you compare it to the rest of the "Big 6" as some people are now calling it!


those who want to play ball get the loyalty points reward, those who don't get last year's system.

perfect for everybody.

What I like about this system - is that there is choice, you want to stay with last years ticket then you are gold and if not upgrade accordingly. It also addresses the issue of opening the door to new fans, just starting out on loyality points. Yes it is more expensive but there is choice.
foley87 said:
those whinging about the platinum and paying the extra 50quid are in my eyes those that dont go to away games and think they are entitled to cup final tickets cause theyve had a season ticket for a few years.

half the season is played away from coms aswell dont they know

You must be the brains on here.

I go probably 12 league away games a season and pretty much every cup game home & away, done a fair few europeans aswel.

I am whinging about the platinum and paying the extra £50, because it's total bullshit, just like your post
foley87 said:
those whinging about the platinum and paying the extra 50quid are in my eyes those that dont go to away games and think they are entitled to cup final tickets cause theyve had a season ticket for a few years.

half the season is played away from coms aswell dont they know

You must be the brains on here.

I go probably 12 league away games a season and pretty much every cup game home & away, done a fair few europeans aswel.

I am whinging about the platinum and paying the extra £50, because it's total bullshit, just like your post

Foley not everyone can get to as many away games as they like. Financial constraints mean a lot of people have to pick and choose their aways. The way you talk makes it sound as if they could go but deliberately dont and then expect to get tickets for big games.
Christ we just won the FA cup!!!!!! Stop moaning.

Come on you blues, its an extra £50, have a few nights in instead of going out, or eat home made hot pot for a couple of weeks, do anything, save a few pennies!!!!!

I think after everything the owner has done for the club and us the fans its a small price to pay.

Remember we have some of the cheapest season tickets in the premiership even after this platinum scheme and basic increase!!!!!

I understand the cost of the extra tickets is quite a big ask, but sell on your unwanted tickets to friends or even random, under cut the club to get money back.

Then when your sat watching a big match in the latter stages of a cup competition you wont even think about the money you'll just be glad to be there.

JoeMercer'sWay said:
it just isn't, look at the bloody points.
Think about it!!! Say you had to buy credits to buy something from my shop, and say a pound was 10 credits. I only sell Mars bars and they cost 10 credits each. If the week after I said it's now a pound for 20 credits and a Mars bar is now 20 credits, are you really getting double the credits for your pound?!
Shaelumstash said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
it just isn't, look at the bloody points.
Think about it!!! Say you had to buy credits to buy something from my shop, and say a pound was 10 credits. I only sell Mars bars and they cost 10 credits each. If the week after I said it's now a pound for 20 credits and a Mars bar is now 20 credits, are you really getting double the credits for your pound?!

Rubbish and incorrect analogy.

gold is same level of points for league games as last year, Platinum is double that level of points for £50 extra.
I find it bizarre to be honest. If I take Gold membership, my season ticket is actually £20 less and if I take platinum, it's only £30 more. I was expecting an increase of around £50 - £100.

My ticket is still cheaper than a comparative ticket at Celtic Park (if I take platinum, it's £5 more) and only slightly more than Ibrox
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Shaelumstash said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
it just isn't, look at the bloody points.
Think about it!!! Say you had to buy credits to buy something from my shop, and say a pound was 10 credits. I only sell Mars bars and they cost 10 credits each. If the week after I said it's now a pound for 20 credits and a Mars bar is now 20 credits, are you really getting double the credits for your pound?!

Rubbish and incorrect analogy.

gold is same level of points for league games as last year, Platinum is double that level of points for £50 extra.
Yes, but if every fucker who actually goes to away's get's the Platinum (which nearly all of them will) then you are not getting double are you because everyone else is getting the same!! 10 credits or 20 credits, it's still a Mars bar!

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