official "i was a city fan before we got successful" thread

Being a lover of the beautiful game and an admirer of the great Brazillian teams, it was quite obvious I was going to become a City supporter when we signed Robinho
I can't be accused of being a band waggon jumper or be classed as a glory hunter because City hadn't won anything for over 30 years
Pigeonho said:
Yep. Infact there's a user called 'NewBBlue', which could mean he's a newbie blue?!
Anyway, my first match was v QPR 1988, a grand 22 years of supporting our fine club, during which i've seen shit, shit, more shit but still had time to laugh at how shit we were. Now its all changing and even though they were worth every second anyway, those 22 years of us being all over the place seem all the more sweet and worthwhile.
We will get gloryhunters though, thats inevitible.

Some of us were going in 1968!!!! Perhaps we were the last lot of 'glory hunters' after winning in 1968. (But actually, my father's father was a blue so we've always supported City. Since then, went to York, Macclesfield etc etc etc)
deynaskaz said:
My first game was against Leicester and Brian Kidd scored 4 , my brother was older than me and had the money to go home and away ,i started going regular when we were in the championship with players like Bernabia , Huckerby and the Goat fantastic times,remember going to Bradford away had a great time one hot dog stall for all of us.Was also at the Luton game when we got relegated and lost my new shoes in the crush on the way out.Had a season ticket for the last few years at Maine Road and every season at the Etihad,and spent many a rainy night in UU at Maine road with my lad.

Shit just remembered i was at City v Spurs for Ardiles first game against us,was right by the tunnel and remember patting him on the back as he came off,was amazing seeing top foreign players coming into the league and he was a top player.Shame he brought that bastard mate of his over as well.:{
The first games I remember being taken to were the 98/99 season at Maine road and the 99/00 season being 4/5 years old at the time, even though I'm only 18 I think I was here when we were truly shit although there are many much older that waited much longer. I was brought up to be told what our club was about where we were from and what we'd been through. I won't have a problem with new fans as long as they:

1) Respect the fans that were here before.
2) Don't spout shite when we're going through a rough patch.
3) Appreciate the history of the club and research what we're about.
4) Stick around if we ever go through a bad patch, although can it get as bad as the nineties? Touch wood it doesn't.
5) Call it a muffin.
6) Don't leave games early.
First away game - Everton 2 City 0

Jan 20th 1988

Despite parental warnings NOT to attend, I went anyway. Long remembered for the lad next to me being hit in the shoulder by a shimmering blade (from a Black & Decker Saw Drill) being hurled from somewhere top right - we were behind the goals in them days. The blade stuck in his shoulder, blood everywhere and he went down like a sack of the proverbial. It kicked off big time afterwards as we forced the doors open.

This impressionable 18 yr old caought the bug then and still got it over 25 years later.

Pisses me off when rags on fb know i have served my penance and still have the audacity to call me a JCL - am off to B&Q to find similar blades (that part IS a joke by the way)
Been a city fan for as long as I can remember. Only thirty now and vaguely remember Billy McNeill and Jimmy Frizzell, but first clear memories are of Mel Machin's team. Was gutted when Howard Kendall quit (even though I was only about nine I still thought he'd turn us into champions), gutted when Franny Lee's reign failed..well a lot of disappointments. But lots of highs mixed in with it as well - such as the promotions etc. I could go on for ages about it all!!

Until last season, my overwhelming dream had been to see city win the FA Cup - mainly because I thought that was the most realistic chance of a major trophy. Every year I'd excitedly hope we'd have a good run. Never actually thought I'd see a city team that would be serious challengers and league winners.
I finally decided to join this forum 6 months ago just to have other city fans to talk to. At least I think it was this one, seeing as the registration was blocked after I was reminded to try again after watching the latest City game.

My timeline:
-1999 United wins the treble and all of a sudden everyone who follows Football in the states starts wearing United kits. I immediately started rooting for those who could hurt United the most, just as I followed the Redskins in the mid-90s due to my hatred of Dallas Cowboy bandwagon fans.
-That year I began to really start paying attention to English Football in any way possible. Got the internet, still no cable TV, but the internet sufficed.
-2002 was the year I finally raised my eyebrows after seeing how terrible it was for United to be raped by City in the Derby. Also had high speed internet in college but no real way to watch more than a few clips on websites and read the sports news.
-2007 I started finding the odd game on Bit Torrent and newsgroup sites (again, my only means of watching anything EPL related). Really enjoyed watching Sven's work, hated that a former rag replaced him.
-2009-2010 season was when media became much more available. I believe it was around the time ESPN 3 started showing a few games.
-The past two years I've been able to catch almost every game on streaming sites and download them for later.

While many will jump on the bandwagon, you have to realize prior to 2009-2010 and thereabouts, it was very difficult to catch a city game abroad for tons of people.

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