Alright since its confesionals today might as well tell my story,
Grew up in Q8 and like many places in the world there were only three teams that ever exsisted Real Marid, Barcelona and Man UStartingtosucky-ted. Was pretty ambivalent about football as its not that major where i come from, though i hated my untd classmates, i remember them talking sh*te about rooney when he was in everton but low and behold once he was wearing that red ugly shirt all of a sudden he's god, so i hated untd from then on. Started getting interested in football more and more, thought i was missing out. When i heard about Manchester City i was hooked, i was always partial to sky blue, i painted my living room sky blue :p
Why city? Love the history and the fans, sticking through thick and thin a set and team and fans like that deserve respect which is why i can't for the life of me understand why other fans getting so hot and bothered about city. Also the owner, Sheikh Mansour is a classy guy and i can't help but believe that in this f*ed up world he's doing something to bridge a gap between East and West (or at least Manchester and Abu Dhabi but hey its close enough). Anyways as i am living in the west coast of the US and getting up at 5AM in the morning to watch those mighty blues, thats it i got hooked and City I Love You. Anyways thats my story.
New fans I guess come with football its inveitable somewhere in the world theres some 12 year old following football and falling in love with city, he'll tell his parents if they're well of enough to buy shirts and merch and thats the best for the club long term. Although the fans in Manchester are always going to be number #1 sticking through thick and thin like that is something special which is why City's current success is well overdue, and heres hoping to many successfull seasons ahead.