One Thing you could change in the UK

der-bomber said:
Newlunar said:
My son comes home with litter in his pockets and puts it in the bin because that's the way he was taught from an early age. It's not hard but there are so many hopeless parents out there and because the liberal elite have effectively banned teachers, social workers, police from being judgemental, the useless twat's are allowed to misguide their offspring into adulthood (if they hang around long enough that is) and so the cycle continues. It's about time they were told a few home truths.

Best post l have seen for a while, totally agree, oh and both my sons come home from their Grammar School with litter in their pockets as well to deposit in the bin, its called personal administration and discipline.

As regards Education, Education, Education, to coin a can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink....some of todays feral youth could be sent to Harrow but still wouldn't learn because their parents don't give a fuck.

Or more to the point....It's cool to be thick.
-dabz- said:
der-bomber said:
Newlunar said:
My son comes home with litter in his pockets and puts it in the bin because that's the way he was taught from an early age. It's not hard but there are so many hopeless parents out there and because the liberal elite have effectively banned teachers, social workers, police from being judgemental, the useless twat's are allowed to misguide their offspring into adulthood (if they hang around long enough that is) and so the cycle continues. It's about time they were told a few home truths.

Best post l have seen for a while, totally agree, oh and both my sons come home from their Grammar School with litter in their pockets as well to deposit in the bin, its called personal administration and discipline.

As regards Education, Education, Education, to coin a can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink....some of todays feral youth could be sent to Harrow but still wouldn't learn because their parents don't give a fuck.

Or more to the point....It's cool to be thick.
but if you go to public school and get p,,,,d and cause trouble you are being boystrous. but if you go to the local high school and do the same you are feral scum! hmm
der-bomber said:
ernesto (andrew), totally missing the point yet again.....

Indeed, I can't for the life of me see what he picked out of the quoted passage that led him to his train of thought. There again Maineman/Ernesto has a long track record of muddled thinking, that's why every one of his posts never makes it to sentence two. Do a search and see for yourself, everynow and then there's a glimmer of hope but alas he's just quoted someone else.
Newlunar said:
der-bomber said:
ernesto (andrew), totally missing the point yet again.....

Indeed, I can't for the life of me see what he picked out of the quoted passage that led him to his train of thought. There again Maineman/Ernesto has a long track record of muddled thinking, that's why every one of his posts never makes it to sentence two. Do a search and see for yourself, everynow and then there's a glimmer of hope but alas he's just quoted someone else.
so says the rentagobs...e
der-bomber said:
Yeah, l was told by many people what a waste of space ernesto/andrew/maineman was ,but even l am amazed at what a prize cockend he is...
name and shame if you`re telling the truth, which i think seems to pass you by, but then again you`re a daily mail reader enough said

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