One Thing you could change in the UK

Make people earn their social. No free rides or being rewarded by the state for having five kids when you can't support them.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
crizack said:
to stop calling britain great

Please leave this country, cretin.

Weren't you alluding to emigrating a while back due to your perceived shortcomings of this once-great nation,or did I imagine it?

No, if you re read that thread I actually said I can't stand those who moan about this country but do not have the balls to leave. I loce this country, there are things that annoy me but I am confident that we are superior to any other country in the world/

PMSL...."superior to any other country in the world..." You my son, are delusional.

England, as much as I love it, is for the most part, a shithole infested with chavs, morons, drunks, and Little Englanders. There are some wonderful places within it, but our society, our social problems, our youth, are a disgrace. A joke.
der-bomber said:
You didn't fit in in Great Britain, you couldn't hack it, so you don't have the right to comment...

Come out to play again bomber?

England is what it is. Its there for all to see, on the news, in the town and city centres, on the buses.

You may not THINK i have the right to comment. But believe me I do...and will continue to do so. England is my place of birth, where I have spent the majority of my 32 years on this earth, and somewhere I still love dearly, even if it has been dragged into the gutter...
der-bomber said:
NQT said:
Make people earn their social. No free rides or being rewarded by the state for having five kids when you can't support them.

Excellent idea, and so obvious to anyone living in the real world, pity our clueless leaders can't see it....
But doesn't that penalise the kids? If they have lazy feckless parents and live in poverty, they will inevitably be drawn to a life of crime. Then they will end up getting hanged by some of the string em up merchants on here.
tommyducks said:
der-bomber said:
NQT said:
Make people earn their social. No free rides or being rewarded by the state for having five kids when you can't support them.

Excellent idea, and so obvious to anyone living in the real world, pity our clueless leaders can't see it....
But doesn't that penalise the kids? If they have lazy feckless parents and live in poverty, they will inevitably be drawn to a life of crime. Then they will end up getting hanged by some of the string em up merchants on here.

They usually end up going down that route anyway and at some stage the cycle needs to be broken.

The incentive that rewards useless workshy dross for breeding more useless workshy dross needs to be removed....
tommyducks said:
der-bomber said:
NQT said:
Make people earn their social. No free rides or being rewarded by the state for having five kids when you can't support them.

Excellent idea, and so obvious to anyone living in the real world, pity our clueless leaders can't see it....
But doesn't that penalise the kids? If they have lazy feckless parents and live in poverty, they will inevitably be drawn to a life of crime. Then they will end up getting hanged by some of the string em up merchants on here.

They're already in poverty mate. If the only reason the Mum's having these kids is to claim money so she doesn't have to work, how much does she really love the kids if she can't even be arsed providing for them?
We're on the third generation and it needs a huge culture change. All the kids see is, Mum and whichever Dad's there at that time getting pissed and smoking dope at home every day and think that's normal living. They have no idea about seeking employment and contribution to society. It's become a way of life and the problem's only going to get bigger.

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