Our fans today

Can only echo everyone else's views - didn't hear any booing even though some deserved it that's never on. MCFC OK for 20 minutes was awesome!
Disappointed that none of the players really acknowledged our support - haven't read this anywhere else but Aguero looked totally destroyed at the whistle seemed to be crying his eyes out and Platt came onto the pitch and walked off with him. Maybe a realisation that we blew whatever chance we had?
Saints fan in peace.
Firstly, can I just say, I'm not here to gloat or anything, but having browsed through this forum a bit this morning can I just say you all need to get some perspective. I've seen a few of you talking about this being Citys darkest hour etc....you're reigning champions and second in the league for crying out loud. Just remember where you were a few years ago! I know you've spent a lot of money, but to be so down about being where you are seems like madness to me, and not what I expect from City fans - you're not United! (trust me, I mean that as a compliment!).

As for the game itself, I'm genuinely not massively surprised by the result. We've been playing well for months now without getting most of the results we've deserved. In recent weeks we have completely outplayed United away and lost, Everton at home and only drew, Chelsea away and drawn, and Arsenal at home and only drawn to name a few (and yes, we did outplay them, especially United). Yes, I have no doubt that City had a bad day yesterday, but a big part of that was Southampton's approach to the game. Ok, our goals all came from errors (Gareth Barry, football genius!), but even the most hardcore City fan will be able to admit we should have had at least a couple more, not to mention the penalty shout at the end of the first half. What has happened to Joe Hart this season by the way. Last year he seemed like the best keeper in the world...this season he seems error prone whenever I've watched him?!

As for the support, City fans were good. But St Mary's is a strange stadium in that it's usually pretty hard to hear any other stand other than the one you're in. The stadium was rocking yesterday in a way it hasn't done since the end of last season when we were heading towards promotion. Having Sky+'d the game and watching it back you can hear Saints fans more than City (although there did sound like prolongued periods where you could hear City more). The commentator was almost certainly commenting on what he could hear in the ground rather than what was coming across on the microphones. All in all both sets of fans did their bit in creating a good atmosphere yesterday.

As for "that Peter Kay song", it was nothing to do with beating City per se. It is in reference to Portsmouth who sung it when they beat us 4-1 when we went down in 2005 (with words, "we sent the scummers down"). Portsmouth have sang it for the entirity of pretty much every game they have played for the last 7 years...beating the Champions in live on TV was a good chance to let the blue few know order has been fully restored on the South Coast (although we have been singing it since the end of last season).

Think the players were too embarassed to come over to us. A few round me seemed disappointed but i could see why they didnt. The support was fantastic and i did hear a few boos, but couldnt really tell who it was aimed at, or by who. Good day out, and lets remember, most days were like this when coming 5th really meant we'd arrived at the top table.
As a Leeds fan looking for glimmers of hope for next week.. Some of the other threads people are heading for calls to the Samaritans.. This one however is how it should be.. Nearly 3k on long trip to south coast.. Watched it in a relatively noisy pub but the away fans (which to be fair is often case whoever is playing) came across loud and clear!

Re next week, I am now wishing the game was in Leeds as we have done decent against Chelsea (for 46 mins) beaten Everton, beaten Tottenham and beaten Southampton (Southampton reserves but hey).. So maybe would have had a sniff of upset.. Anyhows looking forward to first trip to Etihad although we could be paying the price for yesterday's poor performance..
ZAC.Headingley.LS6 said:
As a Leeds fan looking for glimmers of hope for next week.. Some of the other threads people are heading for calls to the Samaritans.. This one however is how it should be.. Nearly 3k on long trip to south coast.. Watched it in a relatively noisy pub but the away fans (which to be fair is often case whoever is playing) came across loud and clear!

Re next week, I am now wishing the game was in Leeds as we have done decent against Chelsea (for 46 mins) beaten Everton, beaten Tottenham and beaten Southampton (Southampton reserves but hey).. So maybe would have had a sniff of upset.. Anyhows looking forward to first trip to Etihad although we could be paying the price for yesterday's poor performance..

And no disrespect mate but you had better be paying the price for yesterday's poor performance because our players will never put in such a bad show as they did yesterday again!! :-)

Also, I still think we will win the league. The Boys in Blue never give in they fight 'till the end.
Stood the entire game and only asked to move off the steps - well done stewards!

The singing was of champion standards even if the football was not.

Apart fom the game it was great trip and city boys were on it in Yates's!

If you have not lost your voice the next day you have not done your job(IMO)!
Yesterday just prooved even more why we get under rags skin so much,I really think they are jealous of our passion,loyalty and pride.Pride not allways in the team but the club.We have and will allways have tough skins,its in our dna! its the way we have been brought up and you cant take that away.There's allway's been a togetherness about city that makes you feel part of something to be proud off,some of the times ive felt most proud is after a result and performance like yesterday,but that seems to galvanise us even more.
Love ya city and allways will.
awest said:
Just got back, on the front row behind the nets and didn't hear any booing towards any city players. What I did hear was fantastic vocal support from 3000 blues when we were 3-1 down. Its days like today that bring the very best out of our hardcore support. We might not win the title this year but we will definitely keep supporting our team till we die.

Sums up the spirit of our club!
Well done to all the blues who made the long trip yesterday. What a magnificent display of support in size and volume, utterly brilliant ! I was watching on telly and getting more frustrated as the game went on but the sound of the fans actually cheered me up. I wish some of the jokers who call themselves supporters would get a grip and show the same kind of loyalty as you lot. Mancini has won a major trophy in each of his two full years of management and some of you dopes want him out. This season isnt over yet and we can stil win something, but even if we don't I hope the owners see sense and ignore the jokers who are calling for Roberto's head.

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