No one is suggesting that our accounts are fraudulent or our auditors have done anything wrong. Audits are not there to prevent fraud. Our auditors are not expected to go to the Middle East to try the impossible task of verifying the original source of funds coming into the club. In fact, if we were accused of some criminal charge I would be more comfortable. The standard of evidence required would no doubt ensure that most of the PL accusations would be immediately thrown out.
Without wishing to downplay what are obviously very serious accusations against our club, I look upon this case more like the situation where you join your local golf club and you agree to abide by the regulations but do not. The committee may throw you out. This case is dealt with on a far more formal basis than would happen at your local golf club but nevertheless it is a civil and not criminal case and the rules may enable "evidence" to be brought forward that would not otherwise be allowed and which may be judged upon by looking at the balance of probabilities.