PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

He is superb on Twitter with other financial cases - Chelsea, Everton, Forest, United shares, United sale - and their fans learn from him or, abuse him and he bans. He is invited on rival fans podcasts because he is so bloody good and then gets invited back. Talks about the other cases, earns credibility, and then always gets the main points out about our isseus.

Slowly, he is building a media reputation and he would fly if he pushed for it.

And even made a small breakthrough on RAWK today...

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I refer to the post I made some seconds ago.This post is a clear example.
I think HMRC would come afterwards. As it stands right now HMRC are happy with our accounts. If solid evidence is presented to find us guilty, I imagine HMRC would then want to know.

That's why @projectriver has spoken about the seriousness of the charges. The Premier League aren't just saying City have lied to us. They are saying we're lying to everyone, PL, FA, FIFA, UEFA, HMRC, auditors. And in turn their accusing all the executives at the club of lying, Sheikh Mansour of lying, Soriano, Khaldoon, Etihad and all their executives, Etisalat and all their executives, other sponsors and their executives, Mancini, his agents, other agents involved with other players, numerous 3rd parties.

As Stefan has stated in a court of law it is deemed that people are truthful. So it's a huge accusation and as a result the burden of proof has to be solid and undeniable.

It's one of the biggest accusations of fraud in the history of this country. Arguably the trial is too big for the IC, the Premier League has cast its net so far wide that it's got tangled up in something way over their head. As Stefan said, a more defined accusation arguably would have stood a better chance.

2 KC'S and probably a former finance director are now left with making one of the biggest legal decisions in the history of this country. To convict they would be saying that an extraordinary amount of people and organisations have been untruthful and that verdict would have to hold up to scrutiny.

I suppose whomever makes the decision will also know that because of their verdict other investigative bodies will then be looking at the 'evidence' and if they come back and say there is nothing to convict on then they're going to look pretty stupid.
Jordan is a twat who looks like a **** in that outfit. Or maybe I've got that the wrong way round.

Would he say 'vested parties' about an American sponsor of an American owned club? And throwing in Enron just as the interview is ending like a fucking child.
Not sure how he thinks this case is similar to Enron. I suppose it makes him sound informed though.

One thing I have never heard is a sensible premise for the case against City. They are seriously thinking that two large companies, both in regulated markets, and supported by one of the richest governments on the planet needed to take, what to them is, peanuts from a private individual to meet sponsorships entered into at fair value? It just doesn't make any sense. Even less sense when they say Mansour has influence over the two companies because of his position. If he had that much influence he could just tell them to pay it themselves. It's a weird argument to make even before you consider the lack of evidence.

All comes down to the fact they think Etihad don’t have a pot to piss in……. Not only are the payments fake, the planes are all owned by Sheik Mansour, & Formula 1 Grand Prix is just a cover to hide equity investment.

Meanwhile ‘Infinite Athlete’ is a real deal, rinky dink, bonefide, kosher, fair dinkum sponsor.
Exactly, Masters and a the PL are totally out of there depth here and have gone way too far . Something will have to give at some stage the stakes are so high . Masters has pushed himself to the point of no return with this for sure ……..
I agree the stakes are high but just as high for the cartel clubs, that's why they've ended up with a puppet like Masters, knowone with any credibility would touch the job whilst it's being controlled by the cartel.
Well they were never going to post "Financial expert thinks it's impossible for the PL to prove so many people and company's were in on the fraud" That headline would of pissed off the rabid Rags and Scousers.

Why not? Imagine the outrage & interaction they’d get rather than waiting until everyone says City are cleared.

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