PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I almost gave up on it after around 6 mins as that bloke that looks like joey Barton was causing me to want to bite my laptop in half.
What an arrogant **** he is.
Glad I didn't. Well done Stephan. You showed him up for what he is. An intellectual midget.
I just read a few of the comments on YouTube & the thick fuckers still don’t get it…… after a video by Steffan going to the trouble of explaining it instead I the comments are closer to bullshit spread by Spitty & Ratty. We are guilty, only got away due to time barring, same as Everton & Forest case…….

If you want to make a shit load of money, invest in candles now they are going to go through the roof……
Those commenters won't have bothered to watch the video (or pay attention if it actually played). They don't give a shit about the facts. Most of the idiots constantly posting "115" all over social media don't have the faintest clue about the actual substance of the "charges", I guarantee it. They think it's all "something, something, FFP".

All they're interested in is trolling City and City fans. Football is tribal at the best of times and this shit show is bringing out the absolute worst in fans of all clubs that aren't City.
Think I'm right in saying that none of our sponsorships, certainly not in the period of the charges, was even an English record. So just how inflated are those sponsorships when other clubs are getting more for the same thing.
Anything is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it, and that figure is always subjective. Many things determine a value, not least as in this case attaching yourself to the tail of a behemoth and getting value for that association further down the line.
How anyone can put a price on that I don't know.
I love my club to the core. I'm fucking sick of all this shit but we have had it for decades. Its nowt new. Its only now we are top dog we can we truly see it.
In the 70s 80s 90s etc being the underdog in a Derby, getting beat, getting refs even back then screw us over. Going into work then 90 percent of the the small dick wankers trying to take the piss. Hard to take but we all turned to the fuckers and said ," yes we got beat but I was there ,unlike you glory hunting cunts"
Nothing will change, is what I hear all rhe time. I'm sorry City are changing it all now. No fucking kid wants to be a rag or a dipper. Unless he is actually forced into it. They are history, we are the future. Let that sink in
Steady on, the Rags were fuck all as a team in the 70's and 80's despite the media and no nowt fans believing they have been one of the best 2 teams, forever.

The other being the Dippers!
One thing Stefan achieved is he has been quoted as a finance expert, not a City fan. This is important as if the headline was City fan then majority of people would have ignored and moved on. Instead the click-bait headline might make a few folks watch and hear Stefan's very coherent arguments. That was very clever on his part IMO and may make some who assume this is an open/shut case think again.
The financial implications are huge for the PL if they lose. The legal costs alone will run into upper tens of millions. They are simultaneously fighting legal battles with City, Everton, Forest and soon Chelsea. From a logisitical point of view this is a nightmare for officials at the PL. There are many millions of documents involved in the City case alone. They have less than 200 employees on their staff.
This is a huge reputational risk for all senior people at the PL, all their Board Directors, all their partners and sponsors. Masters has no significant experience of working at this level in this sort of geopolitical environment. This is the biggest shit-show English football has ever seen...and it's all self-inflicted.

Self inflicted or targeted by the usual suspects.
I almost gave up on it after around 6 mins as that bloke that looks like joey Barton was causing me to want to bite my laptop in half.
What an arrogant **** he is.
Glad I didn't. Well done Stephan. You showed him up for what he is. An intellectual midget.
Jordan was like a little annoying ventriloquists puppet constantly popping up with meaningless interjections like trying to prove himself knowledgeable and relevant.
I never listen to this show because of him. Probably the most annoying man in the world.
Even worse than the drop-ins on the match day thread.

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