platinum seasoncards

mine arrived 10 mins ago........... its so beautiful.....
delivered in person by roberto himself! hubba hubba!
oh wait!!
no that was the dream i was having when the posty knockered on the door!

ah well let the good times roll!
kippaxkid74 said:
BillyMC said:
Update for everyone.
After 30 mins I got thru and spoke to someone in customer services. They dont actually know when the season cards were posted as a third party company is doing the whole thing and they are unable to give a date or confirmation it was ever posted.

Customer services assure me that they are now sending me a paper ticket for Mondays game by first class post from the actual ticket office. They have no idea if or when my season ticket and shitty shoe laces will arrive. They are inundated with people waiting for season cards and have no idea who has and who hasnt received their season card.

It will be "see tickets" again <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> why oh why have city trusted their entire system to those cowboys? I bought gig tickets from them a few years ago, they were completely useless - didn't post them, and had crap customer service about it. Friends had the same problem for other gigs. And yet city trust them?!?! I hope it's a one season deal, cos the way they fucked up many peoples wembley tickets, and now have failed to post season tickets to people.. it's a joke. Except it's not funny.

Thought I'd just complete my experience with City today following the post above. I know the stock market has crashed and we have twats looting our city...but City made me lose the plot today.

After being promised a paper ticket in the post by tomorrow following my long wait to speak on the phone, I thought I better get down to the TO and pick the fucker up due to family commitments and work etc. Got to the ticket office queued for another 30 minutes. No one seemed remotely concerned that thousands of season tickets had not been received yet. Got my paper ticket for Monday and was charged £50 for renewing my 2 family "membership cards". They live out the country and I want to ensure I can get them a ticket when they are over...£50 fucking quid for that privilege.
I then decided to kit the lad out (who lives in Stockholm)with City school bags etc and get the new Paul Power book. A nice lady informed me it was cash only today as the server was down. Luckily I had cash and proceeded to pay. I requested my season ticket discount and was asked to produce my season can imagine at this point the situation was going down hill. I explained my predicament and was told to go back upstairs and queue to request a receipt for the season card that they had failed to send me.My drivers licence, debit card supporter number were deemed insufficient evidence. At this point I said fuckit, keep the fucking stuff.
The nice lady did intervene eventually and common sense prevailed.
Mine just came now whilst I was on the phone waiting to speak to someone. I'd been on the phone about half an hour and they'd said there was over 90 minutes waiting time, which did go down to 45 eventually. But in the end I just hung up in the delight of the post man arriving.
Still not my platinum either. Getting really cheesed off now and like other people been told an hours wait on the phone. Why are we having this problem after a full summer to sort it out FFS
city said i would get mine today and i did, and as for see tickets never had a problem with them they are the sole ticket company i use for festivals and gigs reliable.
Garry Cook is a bellend.

Not only has he dreamt this scheme up to convince people to pay £50 for precisely fuck all, but now many of those same people are in the position of having to take time off work and more money out of their own pocket for the privilege.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not his fault and he can't be blamed for the shit efforts of the company sending them out.

Well, he can in my book as he is the Chief Exec and the buck stops with him. He dreamt up the whole money grabbing scam and he is the prick who spends his life obsessively trying to convince people that he is about nothing more than looking after the fans, whilst constantly taking decisions that are always about exploiting them for every penny he can squeeze.

Never mind though, a few extra trips to supporters clubs, a few more drinks bought for people and a few more rounds of "I love the fans" rhetoric and all the people that he specifically targets in his personal PR drive will buy it hook line and sinker and be on here telling us how he is the biggest blue ever who has made it his life's mission to bring hope to the people of Manchester.

(Over dramatic, I know, but I don't like the bloke and his constant bullshit and I am sat here without my season ticket when the season starts in 4 fucking days)
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Garry Cook is a bellend.

Not only has he dreamt this scheme up to convince people to pay £50 for precisely fuck all, but now many of those same people are in the position of having to take time off work and more money out of their own pocket for the privilege.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not his fault and he can't be blamed for the shit efforts of the company sending them out.

Well, he can in my book as he is the Chief Exec and the buck stops with him. He dreamt up the whole money grabbing scam and he is the prick who spends his life obsessively trying to convince people that he is about nothing more than looking after the fans, whilst constantly taking decisions that are always about exploiting them for every penny he can squeeze.

Never mind though, a few extra trips to supporters clubs, a few more drinks bought for people and a few more rounds of "I love the fans" rhetoric and all the people that he specifically targets in his personal PR drive will buy it hook line and sinker and be on here telling us how he is the biggest blue ever who has made it his life's mission to bring hope to the people of Manchester.

(Over dramatic, I know, but I don't like the bloke and his constant bullshit and I am sat here without my season ticket when the season starts in 4 fucking days)

To quote TMQ, I like you.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Garry Cook is a bellend.

Not only has he dreamt this scheme up to convince people to pay £50 for precisely fuck all, but now many of those same people are in the position of having to take time off work and more money out of their own pocket for the privilege.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not his fault and he can't be blamed for the shit efforts of the company sending them out.

Well, he can in my book as he is the Chief Exec and the buck stops with him. He dreamt up the whole money grabbing scam and he is the prick who spends his life obsessively trying to convince people that he is about nothing more than looking after the fans, whilst constantly taking decisions that are always about exploiting them for every penny he can squeeze.

Never mind though, a few extra trips to supporters clubs, a few more drinks bought for people and a few more rounds of "I love the fans" rhetoric and all the people that he specifically targets in his personal PR drive will buy it hook line and sinker and be on here telling us how he is the biggest blue ever who has made it his life's mission to bring hope to the people of Manchester.

(Over dramatic, I know, but I don't like the bloke and his constant bullshit and I am sat here without my season ticket when the season starts in 4 fucking days)

maybe you should have bought gold

runs away..
Quite frankly it is fucking ridiculous that 30000 small bits of plastic cannot be sent and received to people who ordered them two and a half months ago in time for when they need them.

What so was wrong with ticketline? What glowing references did seetickets get to land the contract? Or was it just that it would probably save a bit of money?

Some might say that "it's no problem, the club can give you a temporary card for Sawnsea" but by the looks of it people will have to start queueing for these on Monday morning at 9am!

(I've actually got mine, but this is still not good enough as too many are without!)
Haven't got mine and go away on holiday tomorrow. My mate was going to bring his wife in my seat but there's no way to arrange that now.

I guess he can get in a massive queue on Monday and pretend to be me.

Ticketing has become a shambles all over again I'm afraid, and I've spoken up for the ticket office before.

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