Previous UK government ‘covered up’ financial turmoil ahead of election

All govs of whatever hue have lied to us about the economy since 1945. They won’t tell the truth for fear of losing votes. So every party in every election says they won’t raise taxes etc etc. Reeves says she is going to be honest with the electorate. The BBC economics correspondent says this is dangerous. The only truly honest chancellor was Stafford Cripps (lab) in 1951, who admitted that to fund everything in the manifesto would require a top tax rate of 91%. Unsurprisingly, Labour lost, despite having just launched the NHS. Never again did either party make that mistake.
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I think Hunts head was going to explode in parliament then, he’s been called out on it all, it cost the nhs £1.5 billion because of the strikes I think the rise in wage is £2 billion! Yet millions are worse off for it, Tory wankers.

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