Raoul Moat

johnny on the spot said:
Blue Trucker 69 said:
Johnny your up there.Whats the local jungle telegraph reckon he's gonig to do.

The Newcastle Chronicle have done some good background work on him. This guy has a serious, long-standing hatred of police but people have had some surprising things to say about him:

The business development expert who helped Moat set up tree surgery firm Mr Trimmit said from the first moments they met , the ex-doorman was angry with police who he suspected was out to get him.

Moat approached the consultant, from Newcastle’s West End, whose identity is being protected, when he was unemployed.

The firm saw Moat gardening at some of the region’s most impressive homes, including £1m properties in exclusive Darras Hall, Ponteland.

The business adviser said: “From what I saw he worked very hard and he was quite a character, but he always had a chip on his shoulder.

“He was furious from day one when he claimed the police had it in for him. He would say they had stopped him in the street, or stopped him in his car.

“I tried to keep things as business like as possible but he would keep talking to me about it.”

The adviser said he knew Moat had been having personal problems, which he had been struggling to deal with.

He said: “He (Moat) had this dream of a nice business and working hard. He was very motivated like that.

“I think he just wanted a nice house, perhaps in the countryside, with a good job and his family around him.

“He was good at what he did because of his strength. You would be driving along the street and see him lifting these enormous tree trunks into the back of his truck.

“He would be wearing a bandana, he was a very free spirit, he just didn’t like being controlled.

I've taken quite an interest in this story, as at work it's my job to collect all the media reports etc to compile a record for future Local History researchers. I've read about pretty much nothing else at work since this started. He strikes me as someone who's had a lot go wrong for him and is totally incapable of dealing with it. What worries me is that his general despair will be magnified a thousandfold in the current situation. I can only see it ending one way, unfortunately.

IFeedGoats said:
levey said:
So they thought they wouldnt bother just in case and fly over 20 armoured vehicles instead that probably wont be able to navigate through the woodland. they will be drafting in special forces next!

Dogs, get some clothing from his house and get about 20 dogs they'll soon find him if he is there.

that sounds a bit more like it.
IFeedGoats said:
levey said:
So they thought they wouldnt bother just in case and fly over 20 armoured vehicles instead that probably wont be able to navigate through the woodland. they will be drafting in special forces next!

Dogs, get some clothing from his house and get about 20 dogs they'll soon find him if he is there.
Just announce that he's Newcastle United's new messiah. 30,000 shirt wearing Geordies will find him and get him to Sid James Park in no time
It is indeed a familiar story.

Mrs Jots asked a very good question last night. On shows like Police, Camera, Accident!, Crash Bang Wallop What a Video! etc, the dibble have got helicopters with thermal imaging and catch scallies hiding in trees and in gardens all the time. Now, unless Raoul's got naked and covered himself in mud (ala Arnie), how haven't they managed to locate him or his camp fires?
I can't understand why Raoul Moat took being dumped by his girlfriend so badly.

I mean, there's plenty of other women out there looking for an ugly ginger psychopath addicted to steroids with a history of domestic violence.

Get over it man.
johnny on the spot said:
It is indeed a familiar story.

Mrs Jots asked a very good question last night. On shows like Police, Camera, Accident!, Crash Bang Wallop What a Video! etc, the dibble have got helicopters with thermal imaging and catch scallies hiding in trees and in gardens all the time. Now, unless Raoul's got naked and covered himself in mud (ala Arnie), how haven't they managed to locate him or his camp fires?

I was thinking the same thing, maybe the chopper pilot's scared of being shot at, or that his gingerness will show up so bright, the imaging equipment will just go into meltdown.
Pigeonho said:
He is just a human like all of us who has got annoyed with the world maybe has a few mental issues, but at the end of the day 150 years ago, no one would have even noticed a pattern.

I have no opinion about it at all, the police kill people by accident, this guy wants some revenge. Most entertaining thing the norths had in years.

He has come out and said he will only kill police officers, that way the public can go about their business without threat.

Yes, because innocents never get caught up in the middle of things, do they?
The guy needs taking out asap.

Only strippers dressed as coppers... If he can't tell the difference between a pork rinder and a normal person then his statement is moot. But I think he can.

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