Ref Watch City Games - 2023/24

That's a matter of opinion. Mine is that he clearly played advantage and that is his decision for the foul. He isn't then entitled to make a second decision for the same incident. If having played advantage, no advantage ensues, that's down to City, not him.

Not sure I get your point there? Every ref makes a second decision as in was there advantage or do they pull it back. What he did was pull it back before waiting long enough to know that we had a very clear advantage of playing on.

It’s not play on or not, they all reassess after the next immediate stage of play. Well, the good ones do.

As in this from the guidance -

“The referee can wait a few seconds to allow a possible advantage to develop, and if the non-offending team does not benefit and gains no advantage, the original free kick can be given.”
Bent , simple that decision not to play advantage was the work of a crook , we know the Premier league do not want four in a row , the Everton charges have been brought to distract us , they knew the fall out that would follow and they have PGMOL on board , today's decision simply cannot be explained away , the referee cheated.
But our club and manager act with dignity , there will be no rant from Pep and no statement from the club so the blatant cheating by PGMOL will easily be forgotten.
So basically this referee had a very casual attitude to the laws of the game. He allowed Spurs to take free kicks from blatantly wrong positions, failed to book a Spurs player for a rugby tackle on Guardiola late on, allowed Spurs to time waste and get away with kicking the ball away. Etc the Grealish incident is again a referee with a casual relationship with the rules, first he blows for the free kick, fair enough, the ball is moving and thus he should make City stop play and take the free kick from the correct position, however, for reasons that arent entirely clear he allows Haaland to play on and points that play can continue with no indication he will whistle for a second time, this is pisspoor refereeing and again a casual relationship with the rules. much to the referees surprise Grealish is clean through and his incompetence has caught up with him, in the nick of the ref time blows his whistle. Confusion abounds. The only consolation is if Grealish had scored, there’s a good chance the goal would have been disallowed because the referee had made a clear and obvious mistake.

This is a very inaccurate summary of the Grealish incident. He didn't initially blow for a foul. If he had done so, play would have stopped right there, and we wouldn't be having this debate now.
This is a very inaccurate summary of the Grealish incident. He didn't initially blow for a foul. If he had done so, play would have stopped right there, and we wouldn't be having this debate now.
i was at the game and fucking fuming BUT after seeing the incident in the clip on this thread he clearly blows for a foul, at that point it’s my understanding he cannot allow play on cos the ball is dead. But for whatever reason he allowed Haaland to play a moving ball, realises he has fucked up and pulls back play. The referee is lazy and incompetent, but probably not corrupt, just shit.
You don’t point for play on it’s two arms on the air

If the whistle doesn't get blown, then whatever the ref does with his arms will mean play on. There isn't a specific sign. You play to the whistle.

The ref let it go to see if there was an advantage. Then he decided to stop play and give us the freekick. He possibly thought the throughball was being cut out or Jack was offside, but he possibly just didn't want us playing on for some other reason. Which is what we all suspect.

I'd like to hear any audio they have on this, but I'd guess it won't get played because var wasn't involved. He could still have said something to the assistant though.
i was at the game and fucking fuming BUT after seeing the incident in the clip on this thread he clearly blows for a foul, at that point it’s my understanding he cannot allow play on cos the ball is dead. But for whatever reason he allowed Haaland to play a moving ball, realises he has fucked up and pulls back play. The referee is lazy and incompetent, but probably not corrupt, just shit.
Wrong, he initially played advantage.

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