Ref Watch City Games - 2023/24

You are of course entitled to your opinion. If you can then explain why he plays advantage, correctly, then blows for a foul when he sees it has created an opportunity, I'm all ears.

I don’t think he thinks it has created an opportunity as he does blow very soon after the pass. Thats still awful and he’ll get rightly admonished for it.
if I am wrong he’s a cheating bastard. I thought the clip showed he had blown his whistle?
Even in the highly unlikely event that he had, he clearly, clearly, waves play on, rightly giving advantage to the team that had suffered the foul. To then cancel that decision, which 100% benefits the team that had committed the foul, is absolutely ludicrous refereeing.
The only reason I can think of is that he thinks Haaland just hoofed the ball away and he doesn't see Grealish until he's blown the whistle, maybe a Spurs defender blocked his view of Grealish, can't think of anything else.

Either this or corruption.
if I am wrong he’s a cheating bastard. I thought the clip showed he had blown his whistle?
No; it looks like he's about to blow, then sees a potential advantage developing, and decides to let play continue, before eventually blowing. If he did blow originally, why was he shaping to run after the developing attacking move? He'd surely stop where he was.
i was at the game and fucking fuming BUT after seeing the incident in the clip on this thread he clearly blows for a foul, at that point it’s my understanding he cannot allow play on cos the ball is dead. But for whatever reason he allowed Haaland to play a moving ball, realises he has fucked up and pulls back play. The referee is lazy and incompetent, but probably not corrupt, just shit.
Makes no sense. I've not heard a whistle for the initial foul. If he had whistled, Harland would have stopped the ball for a stationary free kick. Why did he signal advantage, after he had whistled for a free kick? It's illogical. This just doesn't happen. You can't play an advantage after play has already been stopped.
I don’t think he thinks it has created an opportunity as he does blow very soon after the pass. Thats still awful and he’ll get rightly admonished for it.
Maybe dropped for one week. It must be one of only a few professions where you can drop bollocks or worse, and never have to explain why/how, and just carry on as if nothing happened.
No; it looks like he's about to blow, then sees a potential advantage developing, and decides to let play continue, before eventually blowing. If he did blow originally, why was he shaping to run after the developing attacking move? He'd surely stop where he was.
Tbh that’s exactly what I thought had happened, however, the clip on this thread said he had blown twice. I am happy to stand corrected if he only blew his whistle once when Grealish was clean through, it also means the referee is a cheat.
I don’t think he thinks it has created an opportunity as he does blow very soon after the pass. Thats still awful and he’ll get rightly admonished for it.
Why would he blow to stop the advantage until that phase is over?

Did he think we could score? I think so.

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