Ref Watch City Games - 2023/24

i was at the game and fucking fuming BUT after seeing the incident in the clip on this thread he clearly blows for a foul, at that point it’s my understanding he cannot allow play on cos the ball is dead. But for whatever reason he allowed Haaland to play a moving ball, realises he has fucked up and pulls back play. The referee is lazy and incompetent, but probably not corrupt, just shit.

Possible I guess. It's hard to know if he already blew.
With all this corruption going on and with pep saying he would stay if we got relegated to league 1 i would be quite happy to actually get relegated from these charges and leave this shit show they call the best league in the world.
It's fucking comical how people think they are bad decisions. They are the right decisions to get the outcome they want
That's a matter of opinion. Mine is that he clearly played advantage and that is his decision for the foul. He isn't then entitled to make a second decision for the same incident. If having played advantage, no advantage ensues, that's down to City, not him.
The only reason I can think of is that he thinks Haaland just hoofed the ball away and he doesn't see Grealish until he's blown the whistle, maybe a Spurs defender blocked his view of Grealish, can't think of anything else.
Hooper was the referee vs Southampton away in 21/22 and was pathetic in that game. He has a form of being shit against City.
I agree. Talk of corruption and refs being bribed makes me cringe. Makes us look like dippers
I really don't see an alternative explanation. The referee initially made the correct decision (play advantage). Then he decided to stop play when he saw we had a goalscoring opportunity. This is the exact opposite of what it says in his rule book.

In addition, there is very little talk of bribery. Corruption comes in subtle ways, for example, the PL talking of having a new winner every x number of years. The PL might say they think a team winning four consecutive titles is bad for the game. Once that gets back out to the referees, they know they can act with impunity in certain scenarios.

There is also the possibility that Webb might not be acting with complete integrity.
My take on it.
We should have had scored 4 in the first half and with a bit of luck had 6 (woodwork). That’s not the refs fault.
Defensively we are dire at the moment, that not the refs fault.
However a referee not applying the laws of the game is the refs fault. He blatantly disregarded the advantage after an infringement against us, it would have been bad enough if he had blown straight away but to signal play on then stop the game when he realised we did have a clear advantage is downright cheating and corruption.
Jack may have scored or he may have missed but we were denied the opportunity to know which it would have been.

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