Robinho in 10-0 Santos Win

MCFCinUSA said:
simon23 said:

where in that bit does it say he wants to extend his stay?

he says he is enjoying it there....and the reason he gives is cause he is playing more....he also says he hopes to continue enjoying it till the END of his loan....that doesnt say he wants to extend it

again im not saying he hasnt said it but all footballers say things like this and it should be taken with a huge pinch of salt

Did you try reading the first line of the second paragraph?

(and I promise not to mention this to the 'epic fail' brigade, especially as they don't need any more encouragement, ehehe)

and in case you missed it there, it's also in here:-

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 20421.html</a>


i read the whoel article later and spotted it so i apologise for missing it

however the base of my arguement remains....things get lost in translation, footballers say this stuff all the time/the media have agendas so deliberately misqoute etc etc etc......that we know as fact!

as i mentioned (though some wont believe me) there was an article a few days after he left where he was wouted as saying he wanted to get back fit, go to the world cup and then return to city to show what he could do.....i dont know where the artice is (but im sure it was in a major newspaper or media outlet)

what im getting at is the people who say good riddance etc etc are being too knee jerk in their reactions.....if he returns (and i have already said i dont think he will) then we should support him 100%.....what i cannt agree with is people saying he isnt good enough as that is completely incorrect!!!

-- Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:17 pm --

Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
simon23 said:
you clearly have issues with the player

I have issues with any player who doesn't try and obviously doesn't want to play for the club.

that wont allow you to see that he is a player that can only help improve our squad and chances of winning games.

Wrong. He is "a player that can only help improve our squad and chances of winning games". However, his performances prove he only does it when he can be arsed to.

If you can't see this, then that's your look out. Carry on defending a gutless, lazy waster who doesn't give a shit about our club and doesn't want to stay here.

just one thing though?...why cannt you take my claim seriously? do you have trust issues?

If you are asking if I automatically believe every claim made by some stranger on an internet forum - er, no.

That's why I asked you for the source for your claim:

simon23 said:
it went something along the lines of wanting to get fit and playing at santos, go to world cup and then he wanted to return to city to play and prove himself there

You refused to give it. So I tried google:


2 results.

Plenty of links to Robinho saying he doesn't want to stay at City, though:


And you wonder why I'm sceptical of your claim?
oh and secondly.....i was at the game where robinho was brought on then taken off....he was getting abuse in the stands before he was even brought on...i heard that with my own ears...but i guess that aint good enough for you either

It was an away game. Are you saying the Blackburn fans weren't booing him!?

And a few City fans venting their spleen is no big deal. Don't make it sound like the whole of COMs were booing him.

Robinho's a grown man. If he can't take a bit of booing then he's in the wrong sport. He should look at his performances and ask himself why they were booing him. I don't agree with booing a player, but if he had any balls he would have knuckled down and tried to fight for his place. But he didn't. He fucked off on the first flight to Brazil.

I doubt it was because of the booing, either. He just doesn't want to be here. He just used the excuse that he couldn't get into the team and he needed first team football for the World Cup.

Bollocks! Why is he now saying he wants to stay at Santos AFTER the world cup, then?

yes there were bad performances form him.....but he got more stick than others who perform badly

Maybe because they at least tried. Bellamy has had bad games - but you cannot fault his effort.

...he is an easy target for the typical city fan who has no higher thinking than the average gutter press in this country

Bollocks. He has got stick because some of his performances have been pitiful!

oh and mancini is on record as saying he wants robinho to come back (but doesnt know if he will) because he is a top class i guess mancini knows best.

What else do you expect Mancini to say? That Robinho's been a waste of space since he was appointed manager and he wants shut of him?!

Mancini dropped him. Why?

And remind me - who is the only substitute Mancini has substituted?!

ACTIONS speak louder than words.

oh and you do remember that he had a reasonably serious injury for part of the season wheer you were calling him gutless......hence the reason he came back lacking match practise

Oh, and do you remember that he didn't have a serious injury last season that can be used as an excuse for last season's gutless performances?

do you mean the season where he was our top scorer??? how is that gutless performances?

and as i said like you say about mancini...what else is robinho supposed to say about being at santos...that he hates it and he is only using them to get fit to return to city/go to the world cup

all footballers say things like this all the means nothing

mancini dropped him because he wasnt playing well (though he started in the last game he played....cup away at scunthorpe)

the game where he got booed was at COMS over Xmas......i heard it and of that there is no doubt.....the same game when he was replaced by bellamy who got a standing ovation

some of his performances as i stated hae been poor...but why should he get more stick than others...bellamy wasw awful for 4-5 games...just cause he runs around trying to kick people to win the ball back doesnt make this more robinho has got to be one of the lightest players in our team.....he aint built for crunching tackles like bellamy and tevez dont see henry doing it or torres that much and they are moer built for it

and thanks for trying to find the links to the article i was refering to.....i cannt be bothered but i know i read may have even been a ssn one come to think of it.

some players will always get more stick than others.....whether its because he isnt a home grown player who fans tend to have more patience with or due to the amount of money they cost (which is not the players fault) or whatever

my main arguement is however with people saying he isnt good enough...this is wrong...i can understand it if you said he didnt fit into the plans/way mancini wants to play but to say he isnt good enough is completely wrong

oh and by the way...thanks for proving the fact that there are always going to be more negative based reports on him then positive ive previously said...the media are very keen to attack certain players and that proves it
ono said:
Barry Conlons wig said:
You really do need to know your facts to start issuing come backs!

Pele was a player that did create his name in brazil, but in a time when players didnt move abroad or very rarely to say the least and the Brazilian government wouldn't allow any transfers as he was a national treasure!

Ronaldo played 44 games for Cruzeiro, so I would hardly say he made his name, he then went onto play for PSV, Barca, Inter, Real and AC before retiring back to Brazil with Corinthians.

Ronaldinho played 44 games in 3 seasons and then signed for Paris Saint Germain, then Barca and now AC.

Romario played 47 games in 2 seasons for vasco before moving to PSV, Barca before moving back to Brazil to basically see out his career, before joining those well known leagues in the US and Australia.

You see the trend here, not one of your so called Brazilian players made a name for themselves in Brazil, All baring PELE who was banned from playing outside brazil made their names at European clubs and then once they retired moved back to Brazil.

Not one of your so called Brazilian players that you claim made their names in Brazil, went back to Brazil to better their careers.

Bar one the lazy twat they call Robinho, keep on sucking his plums!!!!!

I know precisely why Pele didn't leave Santos.

You're missing the point. Of course the above players made their names playing in Brazil. PSV wouldn't have taken a risk with Ronaldo if he hadn't. Same with Romario. Same with PSG and Ronaldinho.

Ronaldo at 17 had already gone to the World Cup before even stepping foot on the pitch for PSV. Why would that be if he hadn't made a name for himself in Brazil?

Ronaldinho earned his first cap for Brazil 2 years before he moved to Europe. he'd already lit up a Copa America before PSG came calling.

Romario had already lit up the Olympics in 1988 before he signed for PSV.

All of these players have made a name for themselves in Brazil, before moving to Europe and developing further into excellent players.

If the league was pub-standard, the likes of Barcelona, Real Madrid et al wouldn't be bother looking at the talent, as a youngster playing well at that level wouldn't be any more impressive than any other youngster playing well at amateur level.

Ronaldo $6 million dollars from Cruzeiro to PSV roughly translates to £3.5 million, hardly established household name transfer fee.

Ronaldinho 5.1 million euro roughly equated to £3.1 million in 2001 at the same time zidane was transfered from juve to real for 75 million euro equates to roughly £49 million

Im sure you see what im saying, but lets face we are both going to disagree so i'll go on to do other things and you can put your robinho mask on in front of the mirror and whip one off.
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Bluemoon115 said:
That's a very long and interesting post, but I can condense it very esily.

If Robinho gave a shit about City and wanted to be here, he'd be here.

Amen, brother.


even if the club didnt want him or the fans????<br /><br />-- Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:25 pm --<br /><br />
Bluemoon115 said:
How can he improve our team if he isn't playing for us?

if he was to return he would improve us was what i was getting at

and i didnt mean team.....i meant squad...he gives us another option and thats always a good thing
simon23 said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Amen, brother.


even if the club didnt want him or the fans????
Mancini was happy for him to stay and fight for his place, but wouldn't guarantee him a start every game (which, frankly, no player should have).

As for the fans, in his world he was still a legend here, like when he milked the cheers that were actually for Bellamy.
I'm on my iPod, just seeing if I can post stuff on it really but hey, may as well say what I think. He's an unbelivebly good player that lacks determination, like almost every other skilfull player in the world.
Barry Conlons wig said:
ono said:
I know precisely why Pele didn't leave Santos.

You're missing the point. Of course the above players made their names playing in Brazil. PSV wouldn't have taken a risk with Ronaldo if he hadn't. Same with Romario. Same with PSG and Ronaldinho.

Ronaldo at 17 had already gone to the World Cup before even stepping foot on the pitch for PSV. Why would that be if he hadn't made a name for himself in Brazil?

Ronaldinho earned his first cap for Brazil 2 years before he moved to Europe. he'd already lit up a Copa America before PSG came calling.

Romario had already lit up the Olympics in 1988 before he signed for PSV.

All of these players have made a name for themselves in Brazil, before moving to Europe and developing further into excellent players.

If the league was pub-standard, the likes of Barcelona, Real Madrid et al wouldn't be bother looking at the talent, as a youngster playing well at that level wouldn't be any more impressive than any other youngster playing well at amateur level.

Ronaldo $6 million dollars from Cruzeiro to PSV roughly translates to £3.5 million, hardly established household name transfer fee.

Ronaldinho 5.1 million euro roughly equated to £3.1 million in 2001 at the same time zidane was transfered from juve to real for 75 million euro equates to roughly £49 million

Im sure you see what im saying, but lets face we are both going to disagree so i'll go on to do other things and you can put your robinho mask on in front of the mirror and whip one off.
What have transfer fee's got to do with anything.

For the record, What PSV paid for Ronaldo was close to a record transfer for the dutch league. In fact i think it was a record. either him or Romario anyway. So once again, i'm not seeing your point.
Mr Legend In His Own Lunch Time can do one 4 ever, for all I care.
simon23 said:
do you mean the season where he was our top scorer??? how is that gutless performances?

You obviously didn't see them then. If you think Robinho played out of his skin for us every game then you need to take your Robinho coloured glasses off.

Some of his performances were shockingly bad:


and as i said like you say about mancini...what else is robinho supposed to say about being at santos...that he hates it and he is only using them to get fit to return to city/go to the world cup

He doesn't have to say anything!

mancini dropped him because he wasnt playing well (though he started in the last game he played....cup away at scunthorpe)

Because Mancini wanted to rest the more important players.

What does that say?!

the game where he got booed was at COMS over Xmas......i heard it and of that there is no doubt.....the same game when he was replaced by bellamy who got a standing ovation

As I said before. A few boos is nothing. I never heard them. He should look at himself and ask why people were booing his pityful performance.

some of his performances as i stated hae been poor...

Bellamy has had poor games. Robinho's have been way below that level.

but why should he get more stick than others...

Because he's a world class player (when he wants to be) who keeps mouthing off that he wants to be the best player in the world - while turning in gutless performances.

bellamy wasw awful for 4-5 games...just cause he runs around trying to kick people to win the ball back doesnt make this more acceptable....

Bellamy goes round trying to "kick people"? You're having a laugh.

plus robinho has got to be one of the lightest players in our team.....he aint built for crunching tackles like bellamy and tevez dont see henry doing it or torres that much and they are moer built for it

LOL. I suppose Wright Philips is built like a brick shit house?
ono said:
Stan Collymore?


So you disagree?

Ok, football genious. Tell us all how well Robinho played in that game then.

Perhaps you disagree with this too?
Robinho flirted with making a serious contribution to City's deserved victory, with his one major intervention being a questionable touch to Carlos Tevez's cross that led to Martin Petrov scoring the first goal of the Mancini reign.

It was all downhill after that and his final contribution was to allow a presentable pass slide apologetically past him into touch. Cue the beckoning finger from Mancini and a deafening welcome for Bellamy - which led to that most embarrassing of spectacles, namely Robinho milking an ovation that actually belonged to someone else....

Robinho floated ineffectively around the edges against Stoke, the body language less than urgent, and Mancini was diplomacy itself when he put his substitution down to the £32.5m striker being "tired."

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