Scum Found Guilty Of Lee Rigby Murder

Chris in London said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Chris in London said:
As is the suggestion that the war was illegal.

It is a source of ongoing amusement that the finest international lawyers on the planet cannot agree whether the war was illegal or not but some posters on bluemoon have no doubt about it.
There is and was a great deal of intellectual dishonesty on this topic, most noticeably, and shamefully, from Lord Goldsmith.

Hey, at least he was right once.
The Vicky Pollard of legal opinions.
MCFCTrick said:
X_Linzi_X said:
R.i.p Lee
One of my friends is lee's cousin and watching the pain he goes through when he talks about how he feels about the incident is heartbreaking.
I dont wish they had the death sentance as thats what they wanted..
I hope they rot.

THIS is what this thread is about...what these two twunts did to a young lad.... fuck if the war was 'legal' or not and all the other shite being spouted here. These two twisted bastards did this in the name of a sick cult, to a young lad serving his country.... they deserve to rot and die.
What sick cult was that?
BoyBlue_1985 said:
MCFCTrick said:
X_Linzi_X said:
R.i.p Lee
One of my friends is lee's cousin and watching the pain he goes through when he talks about how he feels about the incident is heartbreaking.
I dont wish they had the death sentance as thats what they wanted..
I hope they rot.

THIS is what this thread is about...what these two twunts did to a young lad.... fuck if the war was 'legal' or not and all the other shite being spouted here. These two twisted bastards did this in the name of a sick cult, to a young lad serving his country.... they deserve to rot and die.
What sick cult was that?

The one that treats women like second class citizens, is totally intolerant of all other religions, preaches death to homosexuals, advocates female circumcision, and belongs in the dark ages not the 21st century...
MCFCTrick said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
MCFCTrick said:
THIS is what this thread is about...what these two twunts did to a young lad.... fuck if the war was 'legal' or not and all the other shite being spouted here. These two twisted bastards did this in the name of a sick cult, to a young lad serving his country.... they deserve to rot and die.
What sick cult was that?

The one that treats women like second class citizens, is totally intolerant of all other religions, preaches death to homosexuals, advocates female circumcision, and belongs in the dark ages not the 21st century...
You must feel most uncomfortable at our club's current state of ownership.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
MCFCTrick said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
What sick cult was that?

The one that treats women like second class citizens, is totally intolerant of all other religions, preaches death to homosexuals, advocates female circumcision, and belongs in the dark ages not the 21st century...
You must feel most uncomfortable at our club's current state of ownership.

Not at all, but I don't have to like that 'religion' myself, nor support what it advocates. Seriously, if a right wing mob came up with such a cult, that adhered to the list above, the lefties would rightly decry them as 'nutjobs', no? So why the love in for this cult?
MCFCTrick said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
MCFCTrick said:
THIS is what this thread is about...what these two twunts did to a young lad.... fuck if the war was 'legal' or not and all the other shite being spouted here. These two twisted bastards did this in the name of a sick cult, to a young lad serving his country.... they deserve to rot and die.
What sick cult was that?

The one that treats women like second class citizens, is totally intolerant of all other religions, preaches death to homosexuals, advocates female circumcision, and belongs in the dark ages not the 21st century...

If you replaced female circumcision with covering up child fucking what cult would you have ?
rick773 said:
MCFCTrick said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
What sick cult was that?

The one that treats women like second class citizens, is totally intolerant of all other religions, preaches death to homosexuals, advocates female circumcision, and belongs in the dark ages not the 21st century...

If you replaced female circumcision with covering up child fucking what cult would you have ?

One that also belongs in the Middle Ages....and for the record, they advocate child brides/rape too...
MCFCTrick said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
MCFCTrick said:
THIS is what this thread is about...what these two twunts did to a young lad.... fuck if the war was 'legal' or not and all the other shite being spouted here. These two twisted bastards did this in the name of a sick cult, to a young lad serving his country.... they deserve to rot and die.
What sick cult was that?

The one that treats women like second class citizens, is totally intolerant of all other religions, preaches death to homosexuals, advocates female circumcision, and belongs in the dark ages not the 21st century...
Not a cult its a religion and most religions talk the same dark age bollocks
I have Muslim friends and as far as I am aware that do not advocate any of the above
BoyBlue_1985 said:
MCFCTrick said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
What sick cult was that?

The one that treats women like second class citizens, is totally intolerant of all other religions, preaches death to homosexuals, advocates female circumcision, and belongs in the dark ages not the 21st century...
Not a cult its a religion and most religions talk the same dark age bollocks
I have Muslim friends and as far as I am aware that do not advocate any of the above

Your opinion, and you are rightly entitled to it....mine is it's a sick cult.

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