Season Ticket Pricing as a result of Stadium Expansion

ballinio said:
Why Always Ste said:
All different reasons but I can only speak for myself in that this season I'm in no cup schemes due to cost.
Sad but true.

I wanted to go to Bayern home (not in cup scheme) but was asked for £48.

To someone on a decent wage they wouldn't whinge.

I'm skint and £48 to me puts food on my table.

Sorry for being poor.
We have the best owners anyone could want, a title in the bag ,an F.A cup, champions league football played in a superb stadium about to be expanded with cheaper seats available & what do we get from our resident working class hero, sorry for being poor . Not good enough for you all this is it , no, the demographics aren't quite right for you , the atmosphere isn't good enough for you is it, maybe you should form a pressure group to get the owners to build you your very own stadium, you could design it to suit you because all that matters is you isn't it.
You could make sure that no Middle class fans get in because you hate them don't you, they've got decent wages, you jealous little prick, maybe if you hadn't been so thick at school you might have a decent job as well. You could make sure no tourists get in, have your own private army at the ground ,Stesec, anyone with slanted eyes or a camera would be deemed not worthy of being in the same ground a super ste the best most worthy fan in the world. New fans would be banned as well, you hate them as well, thank your stars that the fans at Maine Rd were tolerant to you when you first started going because everyone was a new fan once.
You are a spoilt brat who has it all but will never be happy, poor ? do me a fucking favour , you have a season ticket but you couldn't afford to go against Bayern, big fuckin deal, just shut up & get on with your life , we all want things that we cant have , its called LIFE so put your dummy back in your mardy arsed mouth.

And breathe..........................
jrb said:
The club made a massive(arf!) mistake when we moved from Maine Road. It took years to correct. The club now has another chance to get it right. Don't mess it up again!
I'd love to know what the "mistake" was. In my opinion we got it pretty well right when moving, moving people to much the same seats they had at MR, allowing them to stay with people they'd known, as well as adding 15,000 extra seats, which were pretty well filled until the Pearce season, which did for a lot of the fans that you want to see return, many left because of Pearce and the football, but didn't come back because they found better things to spend money on. Getting these fans back, and the many who have left because they could no longer afford it, is going to be very tricky, given that even these lowest prices will be generally higher than they were under Pearce, and most peoples income in real terms has fallen.

People also need to understand that the club HAS changed (its become successful for one thing), and that change didn't/doesn't come cheap. We do have decent season ticket prices, yes, but the prices aren't great if you have left because you couldn't afford to be a season ticket holder any longer, so want to come less regularly, as a non season ticket holder, and in this expansion, there is no mention of addressing this. The reason is simple, they're not going to address it, and that's because they want to attract the high ticket price paying customers (the so called tourist), those who come once or twice a season as a result of us becoming successful, because they bring in more money than season ticket holders, much more.

Personally if I had any say in it, I'd do a few things.

1. I'd f*ck viagogo off.
2. I'd try to create an area where people can turn up on the day, and get in, doesn't have to be large maybe 1000 or so, and have prices set here that people can afford, the security aspects of this can be addressed easily.
3. I'd also create an area where you can buy a season ticket, but do not have a reserved seat, ie an unreserved seating area.
4. I'd make the family stand smaller, but equally allow children into other areas at the same rate as in the family stand, so a mum or dad can sit where they want, and stay near to their friends/family.

If you do some rough maths on ticket prices over a season its quite small fry, and these are probably over the top averages (and I know I haven't included corporate lounges etc).


36,000 season tickets @ an average of £35 for 19 games = £23,940,000
11,000 @ an average of £45 for 19 games = £9,405,000

So a grand total of less than £34m from match tickets for league games, roughly an Aguero a season, so in theory we could actually half those prices, and we would lose a player around the fee of say Jovetic, and never mind their wages.

Increasing the capacity to 61,000 and knocking of £10 each from those figures...

46,000 st @ £25 for 19 games = £21,850,000
15,000 @ £35 for 19 games = £9,975,000

It still brings in nearly £32m, and if we did that we would easily sell 61,000 tickets every week in my opinion, and we could easily have a bigger spread on prices, depending on where you sit, and still bring in higher revenue.
cleavers said:
jrb said:
The club made a massive(arf!) mistake when we moved from Maine Road. It took years to correct. The club now has another chance to get it right. Don't mess it up again!
I'd love to know what the "mistake" was. In my opinion we got it pretty well right when moving, moving people to much the same seats they had at MR, allowing them to stay with people they'd known, as well as adding 15,000 extra seats, which were pretty well filled until the Pearce season, which did for a lot of the fans that you want to see return, many left because of Pearce and the football, but didn't come back because they found better things to spend money on. Getting these fans back, and the many who have left because they could no longer afford it, is going to be very tricky, given that even these lowest prices will be generally higher than they were under Pearce, and most peoples income in real terms has fallen.

People also need to understand that the club HAS changed (its become successful for one thing), and that change didn't/doesn't come cheap. We do have decent season ticket prices, yes, but the prices aren't great if you have left because you couldn't afford to be a season ticket holder any longer, so want to come less regularly, as a non season ticket holder, and in this expansion, there is no mention of addressing this. The reason is simple, they're not going to address it, and that's because they want to attract the high ticket price paying customers (the so called tourist), those who come once or twice a season as a result of us becoming successful, because they bring in more money than season ticket holders, much more.

Personally if I had any say in it, I'd do a few things.

1. I'd f*ck viagogo off.
2. I'd try to create an area where people can turn up on the day, and get in, doesn't have to be large maybe 1000 or so, and have prices set here that people can afford, the security aspects of this can be addressed easily.
3. I'd also create an area where you can buy a season ticket, but do not have a reserved seat, ie an unreserved seating area.
4. I'd make the family stand smaller, but equally allow children into other areas at the same rate as in the family stand, so a mum or dad can sit where they want, and stay near to their friends/family.

If you do some rough maths on ticket prices over a season its quite small fry, and these are probably over the top averages (and I know I haven't included corporate lounges etc).


36,000 season tickets @ an average of £35 for 19 games = £23,940,000
11,000 @ an average of £45 for 19 games = £9,405,000

So a grand total of less than £34m from match tickets for league games, roughly an Aguero a season, so in theory we could actually half those prices, and we would lose a player around the fee of say Jovetic, and never mind their wages.

Increasing the capacity to 61,000 and knocking of £10 each from those figures...

46,000 st @ £25 for 19 games = £21,850,000
15,000 @ £35 for 19 games = £9,975,000

It still brings in nearly £32m, and if we did that we would easily sell 61,000 tickets every week in my opinion, and we could easily have a bigger spread on prices, depending on where you sit, and still bring in higher revenue.

And more people attending games every time means more food and drink sold and higher sales in the club shop, thereby increasing revenue even further.
Vienna_70 said:
And more people attending games every time means more food and drink sold and higher sales in the club shop, thereby increasing revenue even further.
I think this is actually where the expansion should be primarily aimed, not at more season ticket holders, but more match day sales (tourists they keep being referred to), as they, as I keep saying, bring in far more money than season ticket holders, certainly if the bunch I go with is a good sample, and I think it is, because they generally buy little or nothing in/around the stadium, bar the odd pie.
If nothing else these threads and posts will give the club a revealing insight into what the fans think.
ballinio said:
Why Always Ste said:
All different reasons but I can only speak for myself in that this season I'm in no cup schemes due to cost.
Sad but true.

I wanted to go to Bayern home (not in cup scheme) but was asked for £48.

To someone on a decent wage they wouldn't whinge.

I'm skint and £48 to me puts food on my table.

Sorry for being poor.
We have the best owners anyone could want, a title in the bag ,an F.A cup, champions league football played in a superb stadium about to be expanded with cheaper seats available & what do we get from our resident working class hero, sorry for being poor . Not good enough for you all this is it , no, the demographics aren't quite right for you , the atmosphere isn't good enough for you is it, maybe you should form a pressure group to get the owners to build you your very own stadium, you could design it to suit you because all that matters is you isn't it.
You could make sure that no Middle class fans get in because you hate them don't you, they've got decent wages, you jealous little prick, maybe if you hadn't been so thick at school you might have a decent job as well. You could make sure no tourists get in, have your own private army at the ground ,Stesec, anyone with slanted eyes or a camera would be deemed not worthy of being in the same ground a super ste the best most worthy fan in the world. New fans would be banned as well, you hate them as well, thank your stars that the fans at Maine Rd were tolerant to you when you first started going because everyone was a new fan once.
You are a spoilt brat who has it all but will never be happy, poor ? do me a fucking favour , you have a season ticket but you couldn't afford to go against Bayern, big fuckin deal, just shut up & get on with your life , we all want things that we cant have , its called LIFE so put your dummy back in your mardy arsed mouth.

Absolutely brilliant rant. First class.

Better than mine after the arsenal away loss in the title winning season when some poster - a city fan - called for balotelli to be banned indefinitely by the fa "for the good of the game".

Back on topic.. Seriously excellent post.

I hate all this "woe is me, I can't afford to go to away games hundreds of miles away" nonsense.

Two things.. We have the cheapest, best value tickets in English football, and secondly there are people dying of malnutrition in the world for the crime of being born in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Anyway, fucking superb rant mate. Whoever you are.
We do indeed have the best owners that a club could want - and indeed the price of a season ticket at City will be the lowest in the Premier League but I have gradually moved from the centre of tier 2 to the extremis of tier 3 and another 10% hike in Season Ticket prices at the end of this season will see the end of my days as a Season Ticket holder - unless of course my Salary goes up by a corresponding amount to pay for the hikes in my Rail Season Card, the energy bills and my City Season Card.

Much as I love City and I love the idea of extending the stadium but I will not be able to afford to regularly go if the prices continue to increase at a higher rate than inflation.
Why Always Ste said:
All different reasons but I can only speak for myself in that this season I'm in no cup schemes due to cost.
Sad but true.

I wanted to go to Bayern home (not in cup scheme) but was asked for £48.

To someone on a decent wage they wouldn't whinge.

I'm skint and £48 to me puts food on my table.

Sorry for being poor.

You need to wring your knickers out,i've been asked for 52quid by West Ham but can't really afford it either but i'm going anyway,been there loads of times since the 80s,have the day out with my mates,watch it in a nearby boozer with several other blues,happy days,we've never had it so good,still can't believe the sheikh chose us,could just as easy have chosen,Newcastle,Everton,Forest etc.The bloke across the way from me has got a top car but so what,fair play to him,thats life.Mansours running a business he's not Willy bastard Wonka
ballinio said:
Why Always Ste said:
All different reasons but I can only speak for myself in that this season I'm in no cup schemes due to cost.
Sad but true.

I wanted to go to Bayern home (not in cup scheme) but was asked for £48.

To someone on a decent wage they wouldn't whinge.

I'm skint and £48 to me puts food on my table.

Sorry for being poor.
We have the best owners anyone could want, a title in the bag ,an F.A cup, champions league football played in a superb stadium about to be expanded with cheaper seats available & what do we get from our resident working class hero, sorry for being poor . Not good enough for you all this is it , no, the demographics aren't quite right for you , the atmosphere isn't good enough for you is it, maybe you should form a pressure group to get the owners to build you your very own stadium, you could design it to suit you because all that matters is you isn't it.
You could make sure that no Middle class fans get in because you hate them don't you, they've got decent wages, you jealous little prick, maybe if you hadn't been so thick at school you might have a decent job as well. You could make sure no tourists get in, have your own private army at the ground ,Stesec, anyone with slanted eyes or a camera would be deemed not worthy of being in the same ground a super ste the best most worthy fan in the world. New fans would be banned as well, you hate them as well, thank your stars that the fans at Maine Rd were tolerant to you when you first started going because everyone was a new fan once.
You are a spoilt brat who has it all but will never be happy, poor ? do me a fucking favour , you have a season ticket but you couldn't afford to go against Bayern, big fuckin deal, just shut up & get on with your life , we all want things that we cant have , its called LIFE so put your dummy back in your mardy arsed mouth.
Stop sitting on the fence and tell us what you really think.
ballinio said:
Why Always Ste said:
All different reasons but I can only speak for myself in that this season I'm in no cup schemes due to cost.
Sad but true.

I wanted to go to Bayern home (not in cup scheme) but was asked for £48.

To someone on a decent wage they wouldn't whinge.

I'm skint and £48 to me puts food on my table.

Sorry for being poor.
We have the best owners anyone could want, a title in the bag ,an F.A cup, champions league football played in a superb stadium about to be expanded with cheaper seats available & what do we get from our resident working class hero, sorry for being poor . Not good enough for you all this is it , no, the demographics aren't quite right for you , the atmosphere isn't good enough for you is it, maybe you should form a pressure group to get the owners to build you your very own stadium, you could design it to suit you because all that matters is you isn't it.
You could make sure that no Middle class fans get in because you hate them don't you, they've got decent wages, you jealous little prick, maybe if you hadn't been so thick at school you might have a decent job as well. You could make sure no tourists get in, have your own private army at the ground ,Stesec, anyone with slanted eyes or a camera would be deemed not worthy of being in the same ground a super ste the best most worthy fan in the world. New fans would be banned as well, you hate them as well, thank your stars that the fans at Maine Rd were tolerant to you when you first started going because everyone was a new fan once.
You are a spoilt brat who has it all but will never be happy, poor ? do me a fucking favour , you have a season ticket but you couldn't afford to go against Bayern, big fuckin deal, just shut up & get on with your life , we all want things that we cant have , its called LIFE so put your dummy back in your mardy arsed mouth.

A very personal rant there.

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