Season Tickets - 2023/24

Do you even go to matches? Have you seen how much they fleece fans at every opportunity?

Can’t bring a bag in now so they charge you a tenner to leave it with some scruffy **** in a shed.

Parking is a rip off.

Food and drink is a rip off.

Tickets are a rip off.

Every single opportunity they have to penny pinch fans they do. And it’s not just City, every club is at it, and it’s wrong.

While blinkered idiots like you continue to support their actions, they’ll just keep squeezing and squeezing until there’s no blood left in the stone.

City would be delighted if all the “legacy fan” season ticket holders fucked off and they filled every game with Chinese tourists who are all happy to spend hundreds at a game as it’s a one-off experience.

We all know it.

Sorriano is a fucking **** when it comes to this stuff. Gives no shits whatsoever about fans.

I can afford the increase too. Lucky us. But that’s not the point.
Spot on!
My wages went up 1.1%

inflation is 10%
milk has gone up 58% in 6 months
energy bills are 66% and 129% up respectively

1.1% dont cover the basics, so a 7% increase in a SC, which on it own seems like nowt bit as a whole is a kick in the bollocks from the club and tone deaf towards the current state of the nation and fans daily struggles

anyone trotting out "the best football ever" or "its only a pound a game" is either trolling or intentially obtuse

Do you even go to matches? Have you seen how much they fleece fans at every opportunity?

Can’t bring a bag in now so they charge you a tenner to leave it with some scruffy **** in a shed.

Parking is a rip off.

Food and drink is a rip off.

Tickets are a rip off.

Every single opportunity they have to penny pinch fans they do. And it’s not just City, every club is at it, and it’s wrong.

While blinkered idiots like you continue to support their actions, they’ll just keep squeezing and squeezing until there’s no blood left in the stone.

City would be delighted if all the “legacy fan” season ticket holders fucked off and they filled every game with Chinese tourists who are all happy to spend hundreds at a game as it’s a one-off experience.

We all know it.

Sorriano is a fucking **** when it comes to this stuff. Gives no shits whatsoever about fans.

I can afford the increase too. Lucky us. But that’s not the point.

Yes 70 games this season watching various clubs. Not debating with someone calling a professional man who I have always found decent and done incredible things for our club a ****.
I am retired and in my later years so £20 for the season is not a problem.

I do however sympathise with the younger supporters and those with families, I am afraid the people making the decisions do not live in the real world.

Be interesting to see what all the other PL Clubs are doing, does anybody have the figures?
Do you even go to matches? Have you seen how much they fleece fans at every opportunity?

Can’t bring a bag in now so they charge you a tenner to leave it with some scruffy **** in a shed.

Parking is a rip off.

Food and drink is a rip off.

Tickets are a rip off.

Every single opportunity they have to penny pinch fans they do. And it’s not just City, every club is at it, and it’s wrong.

While blinkered idiots like you continue to support their actions, they’ll just keep squeezing and squeezing until there’s no blood left in the stone.

City would be delighted if all the “legacy fan” season ticket holders fucked off and they filled every game with Chinese tourists who are all happy to spend hundreds at a game as it’s a one-off experience.

We all know it.

Sorriano is a fucking **** when it comes to this stuff. Gives no shits whatsoever about fans.

I can afford the increase too. Lucky us. But that’s not the point.
Spot on. The club’s WEEKLY wage bill is around £7m maybe if they can trim this slightly the working class supporter doesn’t end up alienated. Just a thought.
Well at least the £70 it's gone up will be saved in petrol, cos I'll have to park in droylsden from next season and walk the rest of the way. F.f.s. they really are try their best to get rid of us Maine roaders aren't they.
Stop buying milk then you can easily afford the £1 a week increase ; )
It's a choice for some people isn't it? Around 1998 I had a personal cost of living crisis and gave up going to football for nearly10 years, at no point during that 10 years did I expect the club to change their business plan to make football more affordable for me of my family. I just accepted it until I was in a position to start going again. That was just how I prioritsed things.
After sleeping on it,I've come to the conclusion that we will all be there again next season regardless,the club wins bigger than the team does these days.
I will only be there for the home cup games now Meeesh. As a Cityzens matchday member I can’t afford the constant increases in individual matchday tickets, certainly not for the big games.

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