Shamima Begum

If Begum can have her citizenship removed by the Home Secretary, then every person in the UK with an possible entitlement to citizenship of another country can theoretically have their citizenship arbitrarily removed by the Home Secretary. That probably covers about a quarter of the population which includes all Jews, nearly every person with a foreign parent and quite a few with a foreign grandparent depending on the laws of each country.

and everyone from Northern Ireland
and everyone from Northern Ireland
I have always wonder why NI isn't classed as a crown dependency or overseas teritory?

technically, though part of the British Isles it isn't part of the largest Island in the archepeligo which comprises England, Scotland and Wales, but on a seperate Island so should be treated like the channel Islands and Ise of Man shirley?
I have always wonder why NI isn't classed as a crown dependency or overseas teritory?

technically, though part of the British Isles it isn't part of the largest Island in the archepeligo which comprises England, Scotland and Wales, but on a seperate Island so should be treated like the channel Islands and Ise of Man shirley?
Er…..Ireland has a history as part of the UK. See the Act of Union.
Er…..Ireland has a history as part of the UK. See the Act of Union.
I know 1801 ratified by the british and Irish parliament and repealed in 1922 along with partition andnalso a caviat that 3 new staes were from, Gb, The irish free state and NI which tbf made Northern Island no different to Jersey, Geurnsey or IoM as not mainland Britain

That is why I quiried why it was not , at tge time made a crown dependancy like other off shore memebrs of the british Islands territories.

Just wondered, not suggesting a political opinion that it should be one, just seems it fits the bill
I know 1801 ratified by the british and Irish parliament and repealed in 1922 along with partition andnalso a caviat that 3 new staes were from, Gb, The irish free state and NI which tbf made Northern Island no different to Jersey, Geurnsey or IoM as not mainland Britain

That is why I quiried why it was not , at tge time made a crown dependancy like other off shore memebrs of the british Islands territories.

Just wondered, not suggesting a political opinion that it should be one, just seems it fits the bill
I’m sure the unionists would have just loved being kicked out of the uk.
Dont confuse constitutional matters with geography.
I’m sure the unionists would have just loved being kicked out of the uk.
Dont confuse constitutional matters with geography.
Yeah but they are not kicked out and would be classed as menbers of great britain like channel islanfers are, they currently are not UK or great Britain anyway as everyones passport states

All making them a crown dependancy would do is seperate them from UK law (which they pretty much have already) and also remove their right to sit in parliament, as they would have a govenor general instead, appointed.

Might have stopped all the stormont childishness as they wouldn't have westminster to hide behind
Yeah but they are not kicked out and would be classed as menbers of great britain like channel islanfers are, they currently are not UK or great Britain anyway as everyones passport states

All making them a crown dependancy would do is seperate them from UK law (which they pretty much have already) and also remove their right to sit in parliament, as they would have a govenor general instead, appointed.

Might have stopped all the stormont childishness as they wouldn't have westminster to hide behind
Crikey! Has the history of Ireland passed you by? There was a war about this, two wars actually. Three wars if you go back to the glorious Revolution. It’s all in the name Unionist.
I thought they were UK but not Britain.
yes ypu are correct they are stated as UK however that was my.point what makes them different than Jersey? lets be honest they are an overseas territory not part of the mainland so why not make them a crown dependency once Ireland became a republic?

Honestly was just a random question that came into my head, what they are really doesn't matter to me and also seems eventually they will re-unify if polls and opinipns of the younger irish of both countries is to be belived

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