Shamima Begum

We can’t blame her family. She is responsible for her own decisions.

From your logic, we should blame Myra Hindley’s evils, not on her, but on her Mommy and Daddy.

And Ian Brady’s.

All the evil Nazi’s during World War II - it was because of their mommy’s and daddy’s.
Utter nonsese, you are confsuing two different issues, you clearly can't blame all evil people on their parental upbringing. However, If you have brought up kids you should realise that you have a responsibility to bring them up correctly and its no coincidence that kids brought up under poor parenting are less likley to be model citizens themselves.
I just can’t see how Begum is akin to girls being dragged off the street and raped. She voluntarily went there and joined the caliphate, the girls in Rotherham didn’t have any choice.

Someone being groomed is akin to someone else being groomed even if the desired outcomes and effects are different. Looks like we will have to agree to differ on how informed her choices might have been...

Some right snowflakes on this thread trying to blame everybody else apart from the girl herself for the predicament she now finds herself in.

...which isn’t to say she is absolved of all responsibility but context matters.
Utter nonsese, you are confsuing two different issues, you clearly can't blame all evil people on their parental upbringing. However, If you have brought up kids you should realise that you have a responsibility to bring them up correctly and its no coincidence that kids brought up under poor parenting are less likley to be model citizens themselves.

Maybe true but many offspring of responsible parents make poor choices and go off the rails
I sincerely hope that she has an accident that is fatal, and doesn't get a chance to have a satisfying life.

No you don’t.

This is just a thread in which people exorcise their own demons and try and one up each other in the ‘dick waving’ stakes.
Utter nonsese, you are confsuing two different issues, you clearly can't blame all evil people on their parental upbringing. However, If you have brought up kids you should realise that you have a responsibility to bring them up correctly and its no coincidence that kids brought up under poor parenting are less likley to be model citizens themselves.
Is it Prince Andrew’s fault he associates with nonces? Apparently it’s not, but it’s all down to the Queen and Phil. Who knew?
Is it Prince Andrew’s fault he associates with nonces? Apparently it’s not, but it’s all down to the Queen and Phil. Who knew?
In the first post I said "maybe blame her parents" and in the second post I said if you are a kid brought up under poor parenting you are less likley to be a model citizen. Prey tell what part of those two sentences do you dissagree with and why??

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