so this agenda thing.

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franksinatra said:
razman said:
watching alan shearer on the Bein Sports network with Keys and Andy Grey for today's matches

the chelsea love fest is nauseating ! " they will run away with the league" ( yes they are favorites ..can't argue there )...he is pretty convinced they will go unbeaten.

It's his opinion , i have no issue with that ...but I really get the feeling as many have pointed out , that these "pundits" haven't been able to digest our relative quick rise

If the pundits think they are going to runaway with it that just does not mean City, it means from United, Arsenal, Liverpool etc. So why is it a slight against us?

Also its surprising as I am being continually told there is a United/dippers bias to rule out Liverpool and United as also-rans.

Its a long season and as yet we do not know if Chelsea are just currently on a good run or whether this standard will be matched over the course of the season. Also take Costa out of the equation and the team lacks firepower just as it did at the back end of March when they failed to break teams down.

The may win it but like you I dont think they will run away with it.

the context of their discussion is for the title is that chelsea will run away with it.. city are only one that "may" come close ...liverpool , united , arsenal are not even discussed tbf .

my point being the invincible talk and their squad is by far "superior" above everyone else was nauseating
If the boot were on the other foot and the media were hailing us as champions and invincibles in November, I'd be seriously concerned. That sort of talk brings unnecessary added pressure that can really get to teams. The more we come under the radar, the better as far as I'm concerned.

My dream is that we are top for just one day this season, the last day after the last game.
Wreckless Alec said:
If the boot were on the other foot and the media were hailing us as champions and invincibles in November, I'd be seriously concerned. That sort of talk brings unnecessary added pressure that can really get to teams. The more we come under the radar, the better as far as I'm concerned.

My dream is that we are top for just one day this season, the last day after the last game.

Agree but if we don't put pressure on chelsea there players will not feel any pressure and keep winning there games
waspish said:
Wreckless Alec said:
If the boot were on the other foot and the media were hailing us as champions and invincibles in November, I'd be seriously concerned. That sort of talk brings unnecessary added pressure that can really get to teams. The more we come under the radar, the better as far as I'm concerned.

My dream is that we are top for just one day this season, the last day after the last game.

Agree but if we don't put pressure on chelsea there players will not feel any pressure and keep winning there games

Or they start getting injuries or simply get complacent. Don't worry, whether we win the league or not, we'll be closer to them than the media would have us believe.
The coverage on Soccer Saturday was in keeping with the week I.e we don't care City won we'll carry on with the script anyway

Stelling to panel 'is it a good time to be playing City?' - City have just beaten Swansea and Bayern whereas Southampton drew away at Villa(where we won comfortably). I'm of the belief that, the question Stelling asked would not have been asked about any other team on the back of two good wins
gordondaviesmoustache said:
franksinatra said:
Funnily enough Ive never read anything as vitriolic about city or a player like you have written about Yaya.
I take it you're not familiar with the bile ridden musings of any of these cockroaches.

Theres worse wrote on here abt our players, managers past and present, atmosphere, attendances etc etc than any of those cunts have written
And that takes some doing.....
franksinatra said:
de niro said:
Bentheblue said:
On the money De Niro. Amazing that there are actually still some non believers. They must have their heads well and truly stuck in the sand or possibly an agenda of their own i.e. they work in the media?

or that they are not blues at all.

You really want to think about what you write. Whether it be slagging blues off or your unnecessary description of Yaya. Funnily enough Ive never read anything as vitriolic about city or a player like you have written about Yaya.

think what I write? I think its pretty clear.

there are non blues in this thread.

yaya is a ****.

seems clear enough to me as both comments are spot on.
The cookie monster said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
franksinatra said:
Funnily enough Ive never read anything as vitriolic about city or a player like you have written about Yaya.
I take it you're not familiar with the bile ridden musings of any of these cockroaches.

Theres worse wrote on here abt our players, managers past and present, atmosphere, attendances etc etc than any of those c**ts have written
And that takes some doing.....

I don't think the two can really be compared, fans, by their very nature will more likely be biased, forthright, and have no code of ethics or standards in what they can/will say/write, you could find the biggest tit on this forum and post some of the comments as evidence, but that would folly to compare it to a supposed professional and impartial body.
There was an article in the DT back end of last week that was praising Swansea re the team spirit that reigns within their camp and the footballing philosophy behind the approach of their 'young' manager. Guess who gets the same treatment this week? Dead right, first time - Southampton. I expect that EFC will have a positive piece of puffery ahead of our next home fixture. Remind me who we're playing again?
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
There was an article in the DT back end of last week that was praising Swansea re the team spirit that reigns within their camp and the footballing philosophy behind the approach of their 'young' manager. Guess who gets the same treatment this week? Dead right, first time - Southampton. I expect that EFC will have a positive piece of puffery ahead of our next home fixture. Remind me who we're playing again?

The Times have done a similar article on Southampton today praising them and suggesting they could break the top four.
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