SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA - Now inc Peter Crouch!!

Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

What absolute horse shit, how could they prove intent when it was debatable there was intent there. F.A. is a fucking joke.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
I don't care what he does off the field... but what he's got to accept is that all this chaos that goes around him is going to make him a target. That's been the case from the first day he arrived at the club. Had the incident been in the lower leagues with a different player we wouldn't of even heard of it, however because it's Mario it's going to be highlighted... and Mancini needs to point this out to him because they will jump up for whatever reason.

It may stink but it doesn't change anything... the only thing that can be done is that Balotelli doesn't put himself in those situations. It's the same for whenever he makes a tackle, players were kicking each other off the field on Sunday and at the very first tackle he made players appealed and Webb instantly booked him because opposition teams know that he's the one the pundits/media/officials keep watch on.

But there is no point in moaning about it and saying the FA need to change because they won't... Mario doesn't need to make these tackles and if Mancini doesn't point this out to him it could cost us dearly at some point. Luckily enough we got Aguero and Dzeko. He and Mancini need to realise that he isn't Saint Frank Lampard who totally went unnoticed by the FA for his tackle against Wolves... that elbow that Lescott made went unnoticed by Spurs players on the field, had it been Mario you know they would of been right round Webb calling for his head... just like when we played Liverpool. There is no point in the club or fans moaning about inconsistancy because it doesn't change a thing... he has to realise he's going to be treated differently and that he has to change, whether we like it or not.

He can do what he likes off the field but don't give them an excuse to call for his head when he's on the pitch.

Good post mate.

Indeed play the game properly and don't stamp or attempt to stamp on people and these situations will never arise.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

strongbowholic said:
Webb claims he did not see the incident. Despite being less than 10 yards away, looking right at it and waving play on!

and what if he did see it and decided to give him a second yellow? just let it go. the balance stuff is ridiculous just like the dive he took after missing parker's head.
balotelli's demons are entertaining at times, but this was ugly and they will ruin his career if he doesn't deal with them.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

So Webb has gone blind then?

I say we start a collection for him, those seeing eye dogs aint cheap you know.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

Some of these posts are just plain bollocks.

If that was Rooney we would be screaming fucking murder, any user here who genuinly thinks he did not attempt to stamp on Parker needs to finish their homework and go to bed.

Yes i get the "parker should have been of" stuff. The FACT is he was on and Balo did attempt to stamp on him.
Now unless you dispute the law of physics regarding gravity,motion-inertia i can't see how you could do anything but hold your hands up and take it like an adult.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

shouldnt of done it
pisses me off though how webb didnt give anything and yet theres a charge

the FA are corrupt, rooney twatted that Montenegro player and yet they fight tooth and nail for him,
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

Few month ago the president of Brazil FA questioned the integrity of British journalists and refused to talk "English press" because they are "corrupt, he said.......corrupt and racist.... I say

title? what title, maybe when sir fookr retired then we will have chance to win the title.
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

Don't appeal it, take the four game ban. Balo will still be eligable to play on Wednesday vs the dippers and in both Europa games
Re: SSN Right Now - Balo Charged By FA

The witch hunt will be disappointed to only take one of the two targets. Fucking disgrace in my honest opinion!

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