Stupid little things that bug you

Probably catch a few with this, but FOC’s in really nice cars that drive like FOC’s. What’s the fucking point in spending all that money on something that was designed and built to go really fast if you’re going to drive so slow that you hold up a digger driver or a tractor.
Get your shopping delivered and FaceTime your friends and family, it’ll save the rest of us from driving with raised blood pressure.
Ahh mate I now live in Southport and its a pain in the arse to get to because of FOC. They drive at 39mph everywhere, so you will be in a 50 zone and they are doing 39, you then go through a 30 zone and drop back and they still do 39 so they pull away etc.. does my nut in, sometimes you just have to overtake so that you do not commit murder! When you do overtake all you see is the FOC shaking their heads and calling you a mad man. Grrrrr
Ahh mate I now live in Southport and its a pain in the arse to get to because of FOC. They drive at 39mph everywhere, so you will be in a 50 zone and they are doing 39, you then go through a 30 zone and drop back and they still do 39 so they pull away etc.. does my nut in, sometimes you just have to overtake so that you do not commit murder! When you do overtake all you see is the FOC shaking their heads and calling you a mad man. Grrrrr
You pesky Young’uns need to slow down
Probably catch a few with this, but FOC’s in really nice cars that drive like FOC’s. What’s the fucking point in spending all that money on something that was designed and built to go really fast if you’re going to drive so slow that you hold up a digger driver or a tractor.
Get your shopping delivered and FaceTime your friends and family, it’ll save the rest of us from driving with raised blood pressure.
tbf dude if i spent a quarter mill on a car im going 2 mph so every fucker knows it lol
Motorway signs which advise of a lane closure but never say which lane.

Directional signs which are either smashed up or obscured by foliage so badly that you can't read them.

Speed restrictions which the car detects (although you haven't seen any signs!) initiating an unexpected brake application.

Roadworks signs on motorways instructing you to do 50mph even though the x miles of coned off road has no sign of anyone doing any work within it.


People driving at the wrong speed on roads, ie too fast or too slow.

Road intersections or junctions which are so close together that, even though you are listening to the instructions, you still take the wrong turning.

Overhead illuminated road signs displaying a speed restriction, in the wrong place, or the operator has been too slow in taking it off (the hazard having long since been removed).

Drivers who think that because they have bought an expensive car, that they own the road, or at least be in front of you.
Can I have another - local councils (Stockport in this case) who remove tarmac you can drive on and then complain about traffic jams which are caused as a direct result!

I've realised I have stacks like this related to Stockport MBC's mealy-mouthed councillors & traffic management people!

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