Stupid little things that bug you

The guy is a complete moron, there’s no point even engaging.

The 35,000 who get killed or injured by cars on rural roads every year don’t exist apparently.
With respect, thats absolute bollocks & not what I said, if your just going to make shit up, it is as you say a bit pointless.
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I dont doubt its obviously safer if you drive at 20mph, & I already do if the road conditions dictate, ie round schools or when people are near the road etc but in a country village with no houses near the road, no schools etc I just think a blanket speed limit of 20mph with no thought given to the conditions, is not realistic,
How long before data shows its safer to drive at 10mph so thats the new limit?, life is full of risks, data will show riding motorcycles is more dangerous than driving a car so should that be looked at & banned?
I can see the way things are going & to be honest I am an old fart so get slower & slower in most things I do but how about we try & catch the dickheads who drive dangerously & punish them.
God forbid your oh so important journey might be delayed by 30 seconds in the interests of road safety. You win the Daily Mail award for clichéd right wing rant of the day.
Make sure his award trophy is plated in gold as well. It really is well and truly up there with the worse right wing rants and views I've ever heard, maybe the worse ever.
Eco Yogurt eating Liberal dickheads, retired with nothing better to do, who have decided to bring the 30mph limit down to 20mph in villages round here because its "safer" despite the fact that no ones ever been even slightly injured by a car in any local village since the fuc#ing car was invented,
Would it not be "safer" if we just got out of the car & pushed it round the village you organic, hand knited, sandal wearing fuc#ing weirdos!

This may be actually brilliant satire not just the unhinged ramblings of a nutter.

Twenty is plenty and should be the national limit for residential areas, which includes small villages.

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