The appreciate you dad thread.

Firstly, fbloke, I'm sad to hear about your dad. My thoughts are with you, and I'm sure everyone else's thoughts are with you too.

My dad, despite being a United fan:

- takes me and my cousin to City when my mum can't go.
- drove me, my mum and my cousin all the way to Wembley and back at weekend, despite knowing he couldn't get into the ground.
- never, ever teased me and my mum when we were terrible.
- knows the tactical side of the game.
- the only decent United fan I know when it comes to talking football.
- has a soft spot for City because of my mum.
I cannot stress enough how appreciative I was of my Dad when Yaya scored that goal. He took me to my first game at Maine Road when we played WHU. We were losing and ended coming back to win 4-2 in what would be called a thriller.

He's still with us, thank God. When we lift that Cup I'm sure to thank him for the memories this beautiful club will give me. It's been a long wait, but this is now, our time.
Lost mine 4 years ago. In his later years he was the most argumentative and annoying person on the planet and I used to have to try REALLY hard not to have flaming rows with him every time me and the mrs visited.

I kindof thought he would be around forever though and the world is just a little bit empty now he's not there. I don't miss him day to day, but every now and then I see something on the TV or whatever and think "I'll ring dad about that" and then think "oh, he's not here.... <sigh>"
fbloke said:
We see our dads in our kids and for those who have yet to have kids the moment will come where you see your dad (or other family members) in them as clear as day.

It actually is spooky and comforting.
Good to hear as my fisrt is due in a few months, and it will be just over a year since I lost mine.
fbloke said:
Having just lost my own dad to cancer I really do know now how much we should appreciate them whilst they are with us.

I hear and read how Zab and Roberto are spending time flying to an fro to be with their poorly dads as well.

It seems to me that too many of us dont know how important dads are to us.

So lets all take a minute and think about what our dads mean to us.

It does get easier mate.

Lost mine the night before the home derby this year, saw him in the afternoon and he made me promise to go no matter what.

It's 'cos of my dad I'm who I am now. He took me to '76 & '81 finals and now it's me and my lad.

Take care mate, your dad will probably be stood next to mine and all the other dads in The Kippax in the sky cheering City on.
my dad passed away in '86, he was a massive celtic fan.
he brought me and my older brother to see city play liverpool at maine road in '74, which we won 2 nil. i was only 11 years old and maine road seemed like the greatest show on earth, that day.
rip da
The reason that i support city, took me to my first game with my uncles at maine road. Having not seen city get anywhere near a semi final before this season i have nothing but the memories he tells me of trips to wemberly. Driving down on saturday watching him and my uncle giddy as little kids on christmas showed just what i meant. The look on their faces when we won was priceless, could see 1000's of faces with the exact same look.

Same again in the final. Top guy my dad :D
Like many other Blues, my Dad is the reason I love this club!

He took me to my first game when I was 7 & we've never looked back. He's also the reason why my nephew & my stepson are also Blues!

We did Wembley in 1999 together but neither of us got to the semi-final. I managed to get back home to see the Reading game with my Dad & nephew & Dad had tears in his eyes when we scored that day. He was also the first person I rang on Saturday when the final whistle went & we were both crying tears of joy!!

Don't see him often enough as I'm almost 200 miles away now but the thought of losing him absolutely terrifies me (and I'm 37!!)

Cracking thread fbloke, some really heart-warming posts.
My dad passed away 3 years ago next week, he was a red.

He could never understand why i was City through and through but you are just born with it in my opinion, it just felt right from as early as i can remember.

How i would have loved the banter with him last week!

Miss you Dad.
My dad passed away in '09 and it's not far off being 2 years to the day so I, like many others, can understand the extent of your loss and what you are going through FBloke. My most sencire and heartfelt condolences to you and yours fella. I didn't believe it at the time cos you think it's a load of shit but although you miss them everyday, it does get slightly easier over time.

My dad was my male role model and I looked up to him. He was a blue and took me to my first game. One of those fellas who nobody had a bad word to say about and if they didn't like him, they begrudgingly respected his WYSIWYG attitude.

If City win the trophy this season then I'll dedicate it to my old man tbf.

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