The end of the agenda debate?

Not sure if that's a Clarkie


He's suggesting you go back to the black and white interpretation of the law

I'm saying if you do that the moment the scorer touches the ball, the assister would be offside (in that scenario I described)
Sky did a better job of parading us as Centurions than the club did themselves.

City did next to fuck all; Sky did an hour long interview with Pep, put together an hour long documentary called Centurions and did an hour long 100 Club show showing all of our league goals.

The difference since is that City have still done next to fuck all (I think they put a t-shirt out around Christmas with Centurions on it) but now Sky are doing fuck all. As I do agree, if the Rags or KopiteGobshites had achieved 100 points they’d be called “The Centurions” ongoing.

But let’s not pretend Sky didn’t do owt because they were better than the club back in May and June!
To be fair, I don't think Sky have it in for us at all. Or BT for that matter. (Beeb, I am not so sure).

And neither do FIFA or UEFA or the FA or the PL, per se. The issue is the threat we pose to the scum, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea. Not to mention Barca, Bayern, Real, Juve etc. Those clubs fear us and fear us taking their revenues and us being able to outbid them on the top players. And they are the ones applying the pressure, which trickles down the UEFA and the PL and FA, down to PGMOL and the referees.
You do know about playing the ball backwards part of offside?

You haven't read the post properly then have you, most likely Bluewes didn't either

I'm not saying the cut back would mean the scorer is offside, I'm saying once the scorer kicks the ball into the net, the assister would then be in front of the ball and offside
So we would be screwed then. Think of all the cut back from the byline goals we score. The player giving the assist will almost always be offside in your theory

There has to be some form of active/inactive or it would be a farce

Congratulations on the most ridiculous post award.
What is happening is the globalisation of football and the old 'elite' can't deal with it. They started the premier league and fondly imagined that the extra money would simply accrue to them and strengthen their stranglehold. But it did not work out like that. United stole a march on them all by deciding to spend big in the 2 years or so before launch and followed that up with the share issue which put millions in their coffers. TBF, they had Fergie who could turn that money into success. In turn, this led to more millions as they collect huge sums from the CL every year. They also were ahead in 'monetising' that success thru commercial activity. Big TV deals followed, with the share out in favour of the 'elite'.
There were similar patterns in Europe, elite leagues, commercialisation and so on and the major clubs in Europe thought they would corner the CL. Then, oh dear, along came Mr Abramovich and started to blow them out the water.
G14 was formed to steer football right across Europe the way they wanted. And just when they thought they were going to head these developments off at the pass...... (surely, they thought there cant be other people with that sort of money wanting to go into football)...oh, along came Sheik Mansoor. Hell, we forgot about those pesky arabs, maybe even the chinese will get in on the act.
Fuck, what shall we do? Well, we will adopt the ideas of that honest Mr Platini, but with a twist. No, Mr Platini, we wont allow you to regulate debt, cos we've got loads of it, but here's a plan for you to regulate spending to keep the riff raff out. Now go along and implement it, there's a good boy, or we will resign from your poxy CL and set up our own.
So off goes Mike to launch ffp, sorry, the protection racket. Like all good rackets, the people running don't play fair. They twist and turn, change the rules, (new european financial co-efficients, any one?) tell lies and do whatever they can to keep control. And, by 'the people running it' I mean G14/16 (Oh no we've disbanded....Pull the other one, ****s). G14/16 have UEFA over a barrel...Dont forget we can leave your CL in the lurch anytime and where will you gravy train be then, eh?
But these people are luddites and like their forebears will eventually be rumbled and crumble to dust.
So, I dont think there is a conspiracy against City. No, it's a conspiracy against football, against freedom, against cheeky upstarts, and we just happen to be the biggest fucking upstart of the lot. And we will win.
Congratulations on the most ridiculous post award.

Add another one to the list. That's you, hilts and Bluewes who either can't read or chose not to read my post properly

Worse in your case as you can't even see from your own suggestion that it is flawed and would lead to many goals being chalked off
You haven't read the post properly then have you, most likely Bluewes didn't either

I'm not saying the cut back would mean the scorer is offside, I'm saying once the scorer kicks the ball into the net, the assister would then be in front of the ball and offside
I don't think the law was ever that a player in an offside position was always offside, there have always been goals from balls played backwards, it would be nearly impossible for a player to run past his fullback, cross it, and not be offside, or be onside run onto a through ball, play it back to an on rushing player, these have never been offside.

Its the complicating it with who is active, and when they're active bollocks that's causing confusion, and VAR will only make it worse.

They've already changed the handball law for next year because of VAR, and yet 99% of footballers will never have VAR available, no doubt it'll have to change again, as goals will disallowed that would always have been given, and penalties given when they never would have been, it'll end up with too many incidents, and too many consequences, when all they needed to do was stick with the word "deliberate".
Schalke offside
Kane offside
Sterling offside

If the laws of the game say any of them isn't offside the laws of the game are wrong.
You haven't read the post properly then have you, most likely Bluewes didn't either

I'm not saying the cut back would mean the scorer is offside, I'm saying once the scorer kicks the ball into the net, the assister would then be in front of the ball and offside
This was the original reason for 'interferring' being in the rule.

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