The Super League | FA + PL: New Charter & Fines | UEFA: Settlement

Would you be happy if City joined this European Super League?

  • Yes

    Votes: 109 5.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1,954 94.7%

  • Total voters
As others have said, the draw at the moment is that the big mid week cup games come around infrequently and you have to earn the right to play in them.

This new ESL means weekly "big" european games, for the next 23 bloody years playing basically the same teams over and over again season in, season out = boring as fuck

I just hope that the cubs involved have seriously over estimated the interest in this fiasco.
You dont think the armies of lawyers across the "6" thought about this and have been through every single possible regulation and law that exists?

We have seen what high powered law firms can do in the hands of private individuals, they wipe the floor with what UEFA or FIFA can bring to the table.
The same Army of Lawyers that all thought we were banged to rights with FFP violations.

We should have gracefully accepted our punishment we were told back then.

I don't profess to be a Sports lawyer, or legal expert.

But i do know enough legally, to know that a lot of what is Legal ,is down to interpretation, And ultimately a Judge interpretation

When we were found guilty of FFP violations. It was decided we had knowingly, deceitfully, circumvented FFP legislation.

Our Group of Sports lawyers argued differently at CAS, and the rest is history.

My point here is the Glaziers/Fenway Sports, etc, Group of Lawyers might think they have Premier league/UEFA/FIFA/Sky/BT+ Employment laws T & Cs forensically covered by scruinising all the T & CS of these various organizations. But this will still ultimately be based on their own Lawyers biased interpretations of said T&Cs

All these teams right now still have contractual obligations under all sorts of T&Cs

Could potentially be a legal Mine Field that might take years to sort out..

Sky/BT they have paid hundreds millions for a Premier League product that has today been vastly devalued whilst under a rolling contractual obligation with the Premier League. They are not going to say, you know what it is cool, we will still carry on paying extortionate amounts for for a now inferior product.

First angle of attack might be injunctions.
Utterly sunk by this. Can't really think straight and i've just been achingly sad since last night. It probably doesn't help now that I'm also possibly out of a job given my youtube channel was a full time endeavour. Emotionally and professionally devastated tbh.

Honestly mate i love your channel always watch, would just watch your channel for any content you put out dose'nt have to be football related.
Probably. I have to 'act' though and pretend to be interested, which is something ive never had to do before. Dunno if I could to be honest.
I have to pretend and act interested in my clients plans for them and their children (apart from this clients I have on here reading this). Most people have to act interested in their jobs.

You make money talking about football, in your own home with no boss and thousands of kids telling you you’re ace. It’s hardly going down the pit fella is it. Chin up.

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