There hasn't been a thread on this. Any trouble after game??

City had mobs all over the place and ran the rags from OT to town.

MIB's didn't fancy it when they saw that there were no women and kids to fight - shitbags.

I saw this mouthy massive rag get sparked out cold by a 13 year old blue on Warwick Road before the game.
kippaxwarrior said:
I'm pleased to say those knobhead mibs were arrested last night right outside my house! There were about 30 of them all wearing hoodies and ski masks. I live bottom of Chester rd near st georges church and that's where they were caught marching into town. 6 vans and 3 cars got them. Traffic on Chester rd was at a standstill till around 11.30 because of this

that was city not nited and there was well more than 30
Royaloak said:
blueH1969 said:
i saw 1 blue smack a red who was laughing on our way down busby way,brave fcker the rag was about 5ft tall,if the guy who hit him reads this wd i hope ur proud of urself u big man u

He probably deserved it - in fact, I'm yet to meet a rag who doesn't deserve a smack in the mouth and I don't mind confessing that I could have happily axed one of the fuckers at full time while they were singing along to their Max Bygraves CD - and 5ft or 7ft, their all the same to me.

Personally I don't think there's anything to be proud of in punching another teams supporter. Imo the fans of neither club can take any kind of moral highground because we've seen or heard about acts of violence from both sides. I reckon most of you on this forum has friends or family who support Utd but wouldn't dream of "smacking them in the mouth" if you saw them at the match.
They closed the Tollgate and the Bishops Blaize cos they knew we'd take it over. Me and four others fronted about 15 rags outside the Pomona but they didn't want to know. Ended up pumelling a couple in the New Union.

Good night off the pitch as usual. CTID.
Oh my days...

Not being funny lads, but I've never heard so much shite in all my life...

There was NO trouble around OT last night, not even on a small scale... I got to my seat 30 minutes before the game and the City fans were in their seats, and after the game, United fans were cleared from the surrounding areas.

Manto's Blue said:
They closed the Tollgate and the Bishops Blaize cos they knew we'd take it over. Me and four others fronted about 15 rags outside the Pomona but they didn't want to know. Ended up pumelling a couple in the New Union.

Good night off the pitch as usual. CTID.
No they didn't shut the Tollgate, you want to know how I know? Well I was in it... Oops
If you check out the MUEN website they've got video of our bus getting smashed up by the filthy twats.

We'll post the video from inside the bus as soon as Manctronix gets out of his pit!

Bring in the next episode at our place..

Guvnor, you might need to do some exercise to get in shape mate.
BLUEMATT69 said:
Some rag fan directly behind me got knocked spark clean out on matt busby way, his head made an absolutely sickening thud as he hit the deck. Made me feel quite sick, don't know what actually happend but at the end of the day reguardless to what we all think of them there is no need for it (that is if was a blue who did it or one of his own). Please could we also cut out the threds that err towards glorifying violence, I've lived through the 70's and 80's and don't want to go back.

Spot on. There is no need to even post on the issue- unless serious issues arise from violence towards our fans. We should not be glorifying violence at all, its the low of the low acts imo. I want to be able to go to games (Though I don't get there often) and know that i will be safe from wankers who think I'm a free hit because I support the other team. There is no room for violence in any sport. In the end we are all bitterly disappointed with the result, but I fail to see the purpose of sport related violence. It doesn't help anybody, and its certainly not something to gloat about.
Good laugh that last nite nice one Leicester boys c ya soon bit lucky we had double glazing though

Barry Conlons wig said:
Unfortunately had to give ticket bro as on my way to business meeting in rome, so watched the match in the bridge bar in heathrow airport and still sat here slightly bladdered, but talking of piss my sides, earlier when the rags scored there second a rag jumped up in his suit and started singing and this little city midget and i mean little guy about 5'2 told him to sit down, the suit said fuck off munchkin and i kid you not the blue midget sparked the fucker clean out with 1 solid fucker right on the chin, i mean clean out...i couldnt watch the rest of the match for laughing.........funniest think i have ever seen, I hope they have got it on security camera and bang it on you tube, when he came round he didnt have a clue, his legs had totally and utterly gone classic and his faggot mates did fuck all

Brilliant haha

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