Ticket Prices

I'm just hoping that the Fulham game doesn't get picked for TV and stays at 3pm on the Saturday. Last time we played them in the Cup it was 1pm on a Sunday live on BBC1. If we go with similar pricing - think it was £15 for me - the place will be packed to the rafters with local families and kids who have been dying to see the Blues live. The club might finally see the local potential out there and I'm sure the souvenir and pie shops will do well on the day. I've always felt a bit sad when you see all the families that come out for our victory parades in town, knowing that a lot of them probably just can't afford to go. Get the pricing right and just get them in!
Think we are gonna end up playing Fulham on the Sunday with a 2pm KO. The Rags are at home in the cup too and play the following Tues so no chance they will be playing the Sun
Yes it can be difficult getting to go to and from midweek games but I think most of the ideas being suggested could result in low crowds. We’ve got a hardcore of about 30k that go to every home game. Some of the Blues will drift away as they get older and hopefully are replaced by other Blues.

Pep shared his frustrations at lower midweek attendances and praised the virtually full crowd against Leeds. We need more of the latter and less of the former.

Danny Wilson and co have made a few gaffs with regards to attendances at mid week games. This includes removing the ten extra ticket points people got for bringing more fans to Cup games. The Big Bang introduction of mobile ticketing, as well as having bad luck with Covid. Small improvements could be reintroduced, including resurrecting the few points for buying extra seats. The priority should be home fans rather than being preoccupied with our away following (we get enough benefits with £30 away tickets).

The bundle ticket idea might well be worth a go as long as the games contained both midweek and weekend games and high profile and less profile games. I know that’s not what many of the contributors want but we need to avoid decimating the midweek support. The weekday only (and priority for your seats) cards / bundles could be worth a go in an expanded North Stand (when it eventually happens).

The Ticket Exchange and Facebook pages resell approximately 5K of tickets for every home game. That figure probably doubles with Blues sharing amongst friends and family. Most fans can resell their tickets for most games and I don’t share the obsession with empty seats. Every ground has had them in recent times.

I agree that match day ticket prices should be lower, particularly for the lower profile games. I think the £30 tickets sell pretty well. The tickets will be cheap for Fulham at home in the Cup but those games don’t float everyone’s boat.

I’ve said this before, but I would encourage Blues faced with unaffordable ticket prices to join their local Supporters Club Branch. For example, we have 150 members and some of the Blues are away for games so tickets are made available at lower prices or for free.
It won’t matter. If you buy a season ticket, you will still go without a season ticket, as long as the prices are equal to season ticket prices. Having a season ticket does not make you go to the match, as this and other seasons have shown. What it will stop is people buying season tickets and specific seats, whether they go to the matches or not. At least City fans who can’t get a season ticket as they sell out apparently, will have a chance to get a ticket at season ticket prices if they are on open sale.

Trust me, when you have something that you take for granted, and you no longer have it, and somebody else has it, your old seat, that makes you want to go more. I would hate anyone to have my seat on a match day. And if it was sold before I bought it, I would buy another seat instead

What City will be doing is opening up 35,000-40,000 seats(season tickets) at season ticket prices for any City fan to buy.

Yes, it’s a lottery, but if you buy a ticket earlier enough, you will always get a ticket. Not sure, can’t be arsed because it’s Brentford, you don’t go, but another City fan will.
That sounds absolutely terrible. I struggle to get confirmation of which of my adult kids is coming to a game with me until a few days beforehand, due to their work or studying commitments. Now I'd be saying I couldn't guarantee decent seats or whether we'd be sat together. They'd give up and I probably would too. Plus a lot of people seem to like being sat near people they know.
what about the people who booked,paid before this anouncement ?
all for it by the way !

Bit like why on the Cup Scheme for the FA Cup I;m paying £15 for my seat as a ST and Cup Scheme member.

But a Student can walk in off the street and get a ticket for a tenner?
Slightly of topic do any of your guys know what day the Derby is to take place we have a 30th birthday party on rhe sunday, or when it's announced.
Slightly of topic do any of your guys know what day the Derby is to take place we have a 30th birthday party on rhe sunday, or when it's announced.

keep an eye on this thread mate.

March TV fixtures were meant to be announced on the 24th but already 1 day late - usually ends up being a few days after...

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