United thread 2018/19

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The difference being United don't have a Sterling, Suarez or Coutinho to sell.

Maybe Pogba, their best player , or De Gea. Rashford won 't be sold. The rest are dog shit.

Liverpool got about £200mill from the sale of their best 3 players. United would have to sell those 3 players to get that kind of money.

They won't do that. The fans would go mad.
Yet the rags have more money and don't need those sales. They bring in €150-200m a year more than the dippers.
The problem is that as shit as they are, the match next week is a home derby for them. It will be tough and nothings guaranteed. Their players will not be looking to do us any favours in the league and nor should they be. We can beat them but one or two of us are getting a bit carried away. However, they are still as dislikeable as ever.
Difference is in how they look, not the points. Again, I wouldn't compare a coach who has had 30 months with a squad to someone who has been there 5 months in terms of points. Let's revisit in 25 months?

You honestly think they don't look better today than they did in say November?
I think they look slightly worse as their defence is now hopeless. They may make the odd chance now and then but they are conceding far more chances. Against a team that can attack and take their chances then they are considerably worse.
Perspective. Had Pep inherited what Ole did, he too would likely make changes. I actually think Ole is looking like a decent hire so far, they look like a United team to me even if they are still on the outside looking into the Top 4...for now.

It's good stuff that San Miguel.
The Rags have too much money, the board assumed that adopting a policy of signing 'whoever City are linked with' at a premium coupled with what have been basically random Managerial appointments have put them in the position where there squad is bloated with overvalued shit players on absolutely massive wages.

Whatever we may think of the decision to let Bob go, no-one can argue that Pellers > Pep wasn't part of a well executed long term plan.

Going back to the Utd squad recruitment... its going to take absolutely huge money to put right, we are talking £500M-£800M over the upcoming 2 or 3 years. Even with their cash money generator business model that is going to take some funding especially with their debt position. I don't know the numbers but they must surely be close to failing FFP if they keep spending at the rate they have done in the past couple of years or accelerate the spending.

Still, I suppose in FFP La La land, massive leveraged debt is OK if it's a bunch of weird chin beardy Americans running the show.
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Perspective. Had Pep inherited what Ole did, he too would likely make changes. I actually think Ole is looking like a decent hire so far, they look like a United team to me even if they are still on the outside looking into the Top 4...for now.

He got the gig with a run of easy games coming up. As predicted they won a few and got giddy. As was also predicted once the going got tougher it would be seen that they are up where they belong - 6th. At some stage - just as the good times had ended and the hard times began - they made the bizarre decision to take him on full time. Why it couldn't wait until the end of the season when they could take stock Christ knows however - thankfully - they gig full time and once again they will wallow around haphazardly because until they take stock of where they truly are and what has got them there rather than just rely on their ego 6th with an occasional top 4 finish is their level - determined more by the quality of whats around them than any increase in their own level
Media did a god job on them by applying pressure to appoint OG Shakespear full time. Lol.
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