Well!! what a week!

Ajay said:
20sbc07 said:
I find it pretty childish you come on saying you have inside info that was clearly bullshit then when questioned about it you wont answer, Grow up eh.

You go into the control panel and add me to your ignore list, then you don't see my posts and you then don't get annoyed...

Pathetic child.
You're not even in england, you have no info and not a single piece of information posted by you has ever come true. I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet.
Ajay said:
blueinsa said:
Ajay, can i ask what the total spend figure was that you quoted?

I must have missed it mate.

Hey mate, I PM'd the figure to a couple of people - I did not mention in on here :)

Fair enough.
Ajay said:
Chick Counterfly said:
hello Ajay. once upon a time, under a different user name, I did taunt you somewhat. I'd like to apologise for that. you've always been very polite, a civilised member of the board, which reflects well on you. I hope you realise that I understand you wouldn't continue to post here if you were just making things up (not that I was ever sure you were making things up, just unsure as to how reliable the information you were getting was, or how accurately you were reporting it).

the little details seem to matter a lot in deals. like you once said, the last one percent is as hard as the other ninety nine. when you say signings are done, is it more accurate to say, 'agreements are in place'? I just find it hard to believe that there is some conspiracy going on where city agree deals and get signatures, then drip feed the press for a couple of months. the boys in charge are clever, but I think that's a little too outlandish for me to accept. from what I can gather, City seem get an agreement with the selling club and the player, that all sides honestly want to make the deal happen,...and THEN we set about sorting out the details, the fee, the wages, the agent payments and so on. then we get the work permit, the medical, and the announcement.

finally, some drunk fool last night used another user's log in, to post that you had told them Glen Johnson and Cambiasso would sign this week. have you heard these names mentioned?

Thank you for your post and comments, and yes you are right in your summary about how some deals are and can be very sensitive..

For the record I have not names anyone in PM's to anyone this transfer window but I have quoted the amount of money we 'have spent' and we are just 1-2 signing away from that figure being virtually spot on!

That's a very strange comment. All you have to do is multiply the number of players we sign by £20 mill and anyone would be roughly correct.

By your own admission you are currently 1.5 players out and given that it's difficult to sign half a player (not impossible!) you are bound to miss.

Looks like Balotelli, Milner and then a big sell off. No smoke and mirrors needed ;-)
20sbc07 said:
Ajay said:
You go into the control panel and add me to your ignore list, then you don't see my posts and you then don't get annoyed...

Pathetic child.
You're not even in england, you have no info and not a single piece of information posted by you has ever come true. I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet.

Sticks and stones!

What has being in England got anything to do with it?

Keep going - I can see the steam coming out of your ears!
Ajay said:
blueinsa said:
Ajay, can i ask what the total spend figure was that you quoted?

I must have missed it mate.

Hey mate, I PM'd the figure to a couple of people - I did not mention in on here :)

My source tells me we will be spending £150m this transfer window... and are looking to recoup approximately £30m.

Unless we sell Robinho.

And buy Kaka.
20sbc07 said:
Ajay said:
You go into the control panel and add me to your ignore list, then you don't see my posts and you then don't get annoyed...

Pathetic child.
You're not even in england, you have no info and not a single piece of information posted by you has ever come true. I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet.

I know it's annoying mate, but just ignore him. I do. He's a waste of food. And before anyone complains that I am offending him in saying that, I am on *his* ignore list, so he won't even see it.
Chippy_boy said:
20sbc07 said:
Pathetic child.
You're not even in england, you have no info and not a single piece of information posted by you has ever come true. I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet.

I know it's annoying mate, but just ignore him. I do. He's a waste of food. And before anyone complains that I am offending him in saying that, I am on *his* ignore list, so he won't even see it.

seen it :)

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