Where did this season go so wrong?

I think Sunderland away in 11/12' led to this season's form. That was the game that seemed to end our amazing form from the first half of the season. We only really got it back for that short spell in April and early May 2012. Shit, we lost it around the 50th minute against QPR at home.

The entire pre-season was a slight hint that it would continue. Yes, our full squad was not intact, but we were shit. It wouldn't have been a "sign of things to come" if we were so piss poor in the beginning fixtures of the season.

If you doubt my assertion, watch the entire Tottenham match at White Hart Lane last season. Spurs weren't exactly off to the races, but we were set up so perfectly there was nothing in it. Pace, width, counter attacking, the lot. That was the peak for me, and we hit the depths after a slow decline in December 2011.<br /><br />-- Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:07 pm --<br /><br />
Tevez City said:
Giving Mancini new contract.

Sadly you may well be right in retrospect.
Ducado said:
But if we finish 2nd has it gone wrong? What if we win the FA cup? Get a grip we won't win it every year I don't think some of us understand this

There is optimism, and then there is delusion.

You are falling in the second category with a post like that.

Of course it hasn't entirely gone wrong yet, but it near as dammit has. No, we can't win it every year, but you would expect us to put up a fight. As far as I am concerned, being 12 points behind, the first week in February, isn't putting up much of a fight.

Getting 2 points from QPR, Liverpool at home, and Southampton, is seriously under performing for where we should be. Yesterday was an utter shambles.

There is a balance to be struck here. Of course you don't win the title every year, but if you can't see that for all this season we have been below par, and yesterday bizarrely below par, then I am not sure we have been watching the same team.
Im going to take this opportunity to gloat, i have posted on about 6 occasions this season starting at the very beginning of the season saying how we were playing poorly and different things that were wrong with the team. Every single time there were maybe 2 of 3 intelligent people who agreed with me and the rest slating me saying "you arent allowed to criticise us we are the champions, mancini is the saviour, you cannot possibly come on a FORUM and give your opinion".

Well look whats happened now!
i have been extremely disappointed with the signings (apart from nastasic), the sellings, performances. throughout this season I can't pick out a moment where I have enjoyed more than last season
It went wrong when people started blaming the transfer window. It's the same squad minus nige. The same players who won the league last year. THere is clearly something not right for them to be under performing so badly and I believe it stems with Mancini
dancity19 said:
Ducado said:
But if we finish 2nd has it gone wrong? What if we win the FA cup? Get a grip we won't win it every year I don't think some of us understand this

There is optimism, and then there is delusion.

You are falling in the second category with a post like that.

Of course it hasn't entirely gone wrong yet, but it near as dammit has. No, we can't win it every year, but you would expect us to put up a fight. As far as I am concerned, being 12 points behind, the first week in February, isn't putting up much of a fight.

Getting 2 points from QPR, Liverpool at home, and Southampton, is seriously under performing for where we should be. Yesterday was an utter shambles.

There is a balance to be struck here. Of course you don't win the title every year, but if you can't see that for all this season we have been below par, and yesterday bizarrely below par, then I am not sure we have been watching the same team.
If we finish 2nd and have a good Cup run and get back on form that is acceptable. You forget that Man Utd are having a record-breaking season. Last season did not end at the Emirates after the 1-0 defeat, and this season does not end at St Marys.

There are warning signs now. But Mancini has to deal with this. How he deals with it will determine his future

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