who would take 4th

With the squad we've got it would be pretty disastrous if we finished below 4th. Lets be realistic for a second, we have probably got one of the top 3 squads in the league and top 4 best 11's. Ade, Tevez, Kolarov, De Jong, Y Toure, David Silva, Lescott, Given, and Balotelli if he comes, would all easily make the rags/chels/ars teams, or at least get a significant amount of game time.
Some one offers 4th spot now I'd snap there hands off. I think our home form will be good maybe better than last year but I worry about our away form
BoyBlue_1985 said:
kramer said:
Fourth may not get Champs League We need the English clubs to do well in this season's ECL including Spurs qualifying otherwise England could loose out to Germany

That cant be right i remember if Bayern didnt make the final last season that germany would lose there 4th spot, or was that Inter and italy, either way neither those countries done great until last season while England had teams in 5 consecutive finals until last season

that was Italy here

is this season's access

1 England N4 CH RU N3
2 Spain N4 CH RU N3
3 Italy N4 RU N3
4 Germany N3 CH RU
5 France N3 CH RU
6 Russia N3 CH RU

CH: Champions
RU: Runners-up
N3: Third-placed side
N4: Fourth-place side

If England's clubs perform poorly this season and Germany's and Italy's clubs perform better than England's clubs then due to Italy having a CH and Germany a RU from last season England also looses our CH next season therfore it could result in England getting only 3 spots As all things UEFA it is not transparent so open to manipulation
So just saying that 4th maybe not enough
Dipper and rag fans who have a look on this site must be pissing their sides,some of the negative comments on here are unbelievable.The season hasn't even started yet,we have just got all our players back after the world cup.

Don't hear Chelsea flapping after the two defeats in Germany and they are bloody champions.

The skys not falling,the futures bright,enjoy the ride guys.
this should be a joyous time to be a blue and i`m sure if you steered clear of this site it would be
i wouldn`t like to be stuck in the trenches with most of you lot, lets hope our players have more bottle
fucking embarrassing we`ve lost a couple of friendlies boo fuckin hoo sack the manager lets start again
Maybe lots of you are young or gloryhunters but ffs de niro its your head you should be wobbling not your knees.Calm the fuck down
kramer said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
That cant be right i remember if Bayern didnt make the final last season that germany would lose there 4th spot, or was that Inter and italy, either way neither those countries done great until last season while England had teams in 5 consecutive finals until last season

that was Italy here

is this season's access

1 England N4 CH RU N3
2 Spain N4 CH RU N3
3 Italy N4 RU N3
4 Germany N3 CH RU
5 France N3 CH RU
6 Russia N3 CH RU

CH: Champions
RU: Runners-up
N3: Third-placed side
N4: Fourth-place side

If England's clubs perform poorly this season and Germany's and Italy's clubs perform better than England's clubs then due to Italy having a CH and Germany a RU from last season England also looses our CH next season therfore it could result in England getting only 3 spots As all things UEFA it is not transparent so open to manipulation
So just saying that 4th maybe not enough

so we have to cheer on the English teams in Chumps league??

Or hope the Italians and Germans are poor
If it was anybody apart from DeNiro saying this, it'd be 'stop saying it, it's pre-season', or 'rag' etc.
leewill31 said:
i wonder if the Chelsea fans are saying the same???

Nope.<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:35 am --<br /><br />
JULES said:
not me, I see 2nd or 3rd on the cards. I`ve seen too many pre season wins followed by a crap season to know to take no notice of pre season friendlies

Tad optimistic tbh.

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