whoever scouted Boateng

Bluebee2 said:
WNRH said:
You don't look as good as he did in the World Cup if you aren't a good player. He has it in his locker, he just needs some time.
Who did he look good in the World Cup against ? He does need time though because he's making Richards look good.

I certainly remember him looking comfortable in every game he played in. He also marked Messi out of the game against Argentina and set up the winner in the 3rd/4th place playoff.

Young fullbacks struggle more than any other player in any other position. It's also got to be remembered that he is a centre back, but he doesn't moan about playing either LB or RB.

Give the lad a chance and get off his back. I'd love to see some of you lot adapt to new surroundings, new country, new everything really.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I'd back my own observations of a player, based on the number of years I have watched the game.

Sure, it doesn't make me an oracle, however I have an opinion based on what I have seen so far.

However, apparently I am not allowed to profess an opinion by those posters who seem to have a grievance, and take the slightest opportunity to dig.

Unlike some, I can at least critique and try to offer examples to my opinion, rather than be offensive for the sake of it.

There is nothing post-game reactionary about my OP, it is based on Boateng's games since he arrived.

For my own reasons, I feel it best to take my leave from the board for a while.

There seems to be a concerted effort by some to make my enjoyment of this site nothing but a chore in recent weeks.

Thats a real shame Tolmie. I would wager that more than a few of the more 'established' posters enjoy your insight, maybe don't agree all the time, but that's football - all about opinion.

There are many new posters who seem to be after a tear up in debate, and I suppose this was to be expected as we moved up the table, and grew in profile. 'Want it now' supporters, impatient and intolerant.

Stick around, reasoned insight (and ITK information - I believe!) is in short supply at the moment. Think again :)
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I'd back my own observations of a player, based on the number of years I have watched the game.

Sure, it doesn't make me an oracle, however I have an opinion based on what I have seen so far.

However, apparently I am not allowed to profess an opinion by those posters who seem to have a grievance, and take the slightest opportunity to dig.

Unlike some, I can at least critique and try to offer examples to my opinion, rather than be offensive for the sake of it.

There is nothing post-game reactionary about my OP, it is based on Boateng's games since he arrived.

For my own reasons, I feel it best to take my leave from the board for a while.

There seems to be a concerted effort by some to make my enjoyment of this site nothing but a chore in recent weeks.

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Should be embarrassed.

I will try to keep this courteous.

A lacK of Awareness.

A lacK of Alertness.

A lack of urgency.

A lack of agressIveneSs.

For a Self-confessed supposed centre-half, yet to see hIm head a ball.

He was bought as first-choice riGht back.

He has No fIrst touch and eveN his facial expressions are non-plussed, too cool for school.

He is passive, continually Gets underneath the ball and whatever his apologists may say at this present time about fitness and getting used to the English game, fails to show even the basic of fundamentals.

We have bought a dud. I don't need to see anymore. Everyone of my own observations leads me this conclusion and he would be a disaster at centre half.

It figures how he first got injured being hit by an air stewardesses drinks trolley...never saw it coming.

Apart from the above, he is a world class £10m defender.

The problem is not boateng, it has to be mancini for not doing his homework on the lad. He was always a center half just been used as temp full back. In world cup he got subbed few times so not totally comfortable in german team either.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Should be embarrassed.

I will try to keep this courteous.

A lack of awareness.

A lack of alertness.

A lack of urgency.

A lack of agressiveness.

For a self-confessed supposed centre-half, yet to see him head a ball.

He was bought as first-choice right back.

He has no first touch and even his facial expressions are non-plussed, too cool for school.

He is passive, continually gets underneath the ball and whatever his apologists may say at this present time about fitness and getting used to the English game, fails to show even the basic of fundamentals.

We have bought a dud. I don't need to see anymore. Everyone of my own observations leads me this conclusion and he would be a disaster at centre half.

It figures how he first got injured being hit by an air stewardesses drinks trolley...never saw it coming.

Apart from the above, he is a world class £10m defender.
How many games has he played, and how do you know he's 100% fit after his knee problems?

Look at Toure. He struggled in hos 1st season, and he knew all about the Premiership. I could also refer you to Vidic and Evra who are outstanding in their positions and they struggled in their 1st season.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Should be embarrassed.

I will try to keep this courteous.

A lack of awareness.

A lack of alertness.

A lack of urgency.

A lack of agressiveness.

For a self-confessed supposed centre-half, yet to see him head a ball.

He was bought as first-choice right back.

He has no first touch and even his facial expressions are non-plussed, too cool for school.

He is passive, continually gets underneath the ball and whatever his apologists may say at this present time about fitness and getting used to the English game, fails to show even the basic of fundamentals.

We have bought a dud. I don't need to see anymore. Everyone of my own observations leads me this conclusion and he would be a disaster at centre half.

It figures how he first got injured being hit by an air stewardesses drinks trolley...never saw it coming.

Apart from the above, he is a world class £10m defender.

Give the fooker a chance - last time i checked we had one of the best defensive records in the league

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