whoever scouted Boateng

Both of kolorov and boateng bother me, it says something when are best options at both left and right back seem to be zabba and Richards, I am prepared to judge kolorov and boateng on next seasons performances as this season is too soon to judge
The criticism is understandable. He is third choice RB at the moment for me after Zabba and Micah.
Zabaleta > Kolarov
Richards > Boateng

We need to get a settled back 4 now. The full backs change every single game and it annoys me. Keep the same back 4 that shut out Arsenal please.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Should be embarrassed.

I will try to keep this courteous.

A lack of awareness.

A lack of alertness.

A lack of urgency.

A lack of agressiveness.

For a self-confessed supposed centre-half, yet to see him head a ball.

He was bought as first-choice right back.

He has no first touch and even his facial expressions are non-plussed, too cool for school.

He is passive, continually gets underneath the ball and whatever his apologists may say at this present time about fitness and getting used to the English game, fails to show even the basic of fundamentals.

We have bought a dud. I don't need to see anymore. Everyone of my own observations leads me this conclusion and he would be a disaster at centre half.

It figures how he first got injured being hit by an air stewardesses drinks trolley...never saw it coming.

Apart from the above, he is a world class £10m defender.

Come on lets give the lad time, he is just slow at adjusting to the 100 mile an hour english football! I'am sure the coaching staff will work hard with him..............
On second viewing,he did some good things going forward,as a defender i stand by my comments,clueless and spineless - not sure you can teach against those,especially the latter.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Should be embarrassed.

I will try to keep this courteous.

A lack of awareness.

A lack of alertness.

A lack of urgency.

A lack of agressiveness.

For a self-confessed supposed centre-half, yet to see him head a ball.

He was bought as first-choice right back.

He has no first touch and even his facial expressions are non-plussed, too cool for school.

He is passive, continually gets underneath the ball and whatever his apologists may say at this present time about fitness and getting used to the English game, fails to show even the basic of fundamentals.

We have bought a dud. I don't need to see anymore. Everyone of my own observations leads me this conclusion and he would be a disaster at centre half.

It figures how he first got injured being hit by an air stewardesses drinks trolley...never saw it coming.

Apart from the above, he is a world class £10m defender.

Post World Cup hangover, very young, new team, new country, new league, just getting over a serious knee injury...

Come on TH, you of all guys on here should realise that it is way too early to judge the lad. I understand your frustration but I think you have jumped in here without really thinking about it. As per your advice to many re Mancini, you really need to heed it yourself imo.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Should be embarrassed.

I will try to keep this courteous.

A lack of awareness.

A lack of alertness.

A lack of urgency.

A lack of agressiveness.

For a self-confessed supposed centre-half, yet to see him head a ball.

He was bought as first-choice right back.

He has no first touch and even his facial expressions are non-plussed, too cool for school.

He is passive, continually gets underneath the ball and whatever his apologists may say at this present time about fitness and getting used to the English game, fails to show even the basic of fundamentals.

We have bought a dud. I don't need to see anymore. Everyone of my own observations leads me this conclusion and he would be a disaster at centre half.

It figures how he first got injured being hit by an air stewardesses drinks trolley...never saw it coming.

Apart from the above, he is a world class £10m defender.

It pains me to say I'm going to have to lump Kolorov in with this too.

They look like total wastes of money.

I hope I'm wrong but I haven't seen any sign of it.

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