whoever scouted Boateng

Patrice Evra in his first season and a bit at United was utter gash.

Some fucking clowns on here writing Boateng off already. It would appear that some City fans are indeed no better than the rags.
GStar said:
And at 21, far from the finished article (mentioned by both Mancini and Boateng) whilst playing practically every game for a country currently much stronger internationally than most... I'd say there's only one person who should be embarressed and it's deffinately not Mancini and his team.

Totally agree.

Stick to your wumming in the transfer forum Hairdo.

We like reasonable discussion in here, not reactionary bullshit.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Should be embarrassed.

I will try to keep this courteous.

A lack of awareness.

A lack of alertness.

A lack of urgency.

A lack of agressiveness.

For a self-confessed supposed centre-half, yet to see him head a ball.

He was bought as first-choice right back.

He has no first touch and even his facial expressions are non-plussed, too cool for school.

He is passive, continually gets underneath the ball and whatever his apologists may say at this present time about fitness and getting used to the English game, fails to show even the basic of fundamentals.

We have bought a dud. I don't need to see anymore. Everyone of my own observations leads me this conclusion and he would be a disaster at centre half.

It figures how he first got injured being hit by an air stewardesses drinks trolley...never saw it coming.

Apart from the above, he is a world class £10m defender.

We wont see the best of him for at least another season yet, patience my friend.
FantasyIreland said:
C1TY4LIFE said:
I said the very same thing when Zabableta first came to us, and Yoonited said the same about Evra when he first joined Yoonited, him time to improve along with Kolarov they'll prove to be very good Full backs.

The attribute both of those displayed though was effort.....

Personally (and I'm only saying this as my own opinion) I would chose Ability over effort anytime of the day.

If you compare Zaba and Evra to when they both joined City and Yoonited to what they are like now they have both improved a vast amount Jerome and Alexander will both do the same.

If anyone should be our boo boy at the moment is fuckin Jo possibly the worst player I've seen at City since Mcmanaman but at least Mcmanaman use to be a good player before he came to us.
so unless a player hits the ground running they are shit?
best tell, yaya, silva, tevez and kompany that then eh.
get real, im not overly impressed with him but give him a full season at least!
Rammy Blue said:
Looked really good at the World Cup though.

Both him and AK are struggling at the moment.

Yep I was more excited than anyone after watching him at the world cup. A young, hungry, composed full back playing on his weaker flank and looking comfortable against some of the biggest names in football. What he has produced, however, is one good cross in a pre-season friendly.

He and Kolarov were supposed to answer our full-back problems but Kolarov has been kept out by Zabba and Boateng doesn't look like the kick-up-the-arse Micah needed.

Here's to hoping they improve because as things stand they look like expensive duds.
bondsman said:
Good fullbacks are vital, RM went out and bought two to improve us but unfortunately neither have. Id go with Lescott, Zab or Richards before either of the newbies though both are still better than Bridge.

I have said it aalready on other threads. The best RB we presently habe is Richards, and the best LB is Zabaletta. I have seen Boateng do great stuff for Germany so I wouldn't right him off, but Kolarov I only saw on clips, and I often didn't like what I saw on those clips (which btw were supposed to highlight his strengths). So I am not sure anymore.

Perhaps I am just bitter we didn't get the fullbacks I wanted. I wanted Van Der Wiel for RB and Ansaldi for LB. Instead we got this too. So I guess I am partial in my scrutiny. But these guys have not impressed me yet. In any game

By the way too many dead wood. SWP, Jo, Bayor RSC, e.t.c. need to get these cats off the book so we can get players who can actually play. Even if just as backups.
C1TY4LIFE said:
I said the very same thing when Zabableta first came to us, and Yoonited said the same about Evra when he first joined Yoonited, him time to improve along with Kolarov they'll prove to be very good Full backs.

Big difference was that Zaba and Evra whilst not ripping up trees actually looked like they gave a shit when playing. Its the same with Kolarov, he isnt playing great at the minute but at least he looks like he wants to play and I hope he will get better with experience. Boateng is the complete opposite, he plays like he thinks he has already made it. A total lack of effort and urgency. Guy needs a fucking rocket up his arse!
Attack the opinion, not the poster.

TH's info is beyond criticism, and I'll personally verify that.

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