whoever scouted Boateng

Project said:
Ntini77 said:
Hard not to criticize a player when he's not showing any signs of being a good player.

Reminds me of Micah but without the leap or the pace.

Strange thing is that Boateng has bags of pace, once he gets going. Not sure why he isn't using it. I think he is just lacking in confidence at the moment. Though personally thought he was OK today. 6 or 7 out of 10 kind of game.

At around 3.10 he shows a bit of quality to be fair -


I'm worried about both him & Kolarov though, neither seem like great defenders to me.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Should be embarrassed.

I will try to keep this courteous.

A lack of awareness.

A lack of alertness.

A lack of urgency.

A lack of agressiveness.

For a self-confessed supposed centre-half, yet to see him head a ball.

He was bought as first-choice right back.

He has no first touch and even his facial expressions are non-plussed, too cool for school.

He is passive, continually gets underneath the ball and whatever his apologists may say at this present time about fitness and getting used to the English game, fails to show even the basic of fundamentals.

We have bought a dud. I don't need to see anymore. Everyone of my own observations leads me this conclusion and he would be a disaster at centre half.

It figures how he first got injured being hit by an air stewardesses drinks trolley...never saw it coming.

Apart from the above, he is a world class £10m defender.

I will bookmark this thread and once he has settled might just be condescending enough to bump it. :)
What really annoys me was when we played Valencia Boateng floated a pin point cross towards Barry (who scored) and everyone was raving about him, since he has come back from injury he hasn't looked the same and people are quick off the mark to slate the guy.

I remember when Tevez went United and Veron said to him "if you don't play well in your first season the fans will not take a liking to you and will want you out the club straight away" I think its safe to say the same can be said about some of our fans these days.
sometimes the grass is not greener on the other side and people need to accept that. when you buy a player....its always a risk as you dont know exactly how good he is, it looks like both zabaleta and richards are better player than him. just as we arsenal fans are start to think djourou is our best centre half in the club despite buying 3 centre halfs in the last 18 months
JoeMercer'sWay said:
fbloke said:
It helps explain why we are keen on Luiz of course!

Not really as Luiz is a replacement for Lescott in position.

AS TH was suggesting that Boateng was not good enough as a CB I thought it was reasonable to suggest the addition of another CB (who also plays LFB of course) would alleviate the need to put Boateng in there.

Add to that the fact that making Boateng solely a full back (he does play either side remember) would perhaps focus his development.

We dont want a jack of all trades now do we?
california blue said:
djourou gets bullied - he is a shocking CB
Djourou looked way off the pace early on the season, thats because he was injured for 14 months. He's find his groove now and has been our best player defender the last 6-7 games
fbloke said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Not really as Luiz is a replacement for Lescott in position.

AS TH was suggesting that Boateng was not good enough as a CB I thought it was reasonable to suggest the addition of another CB (who also plays LFB of course) would alleviate the need to put Boateng in there.

Add to that the fact that making Boateng solely a full back (he does play either side remember) would perhaps focus his development.

We dont want a jack of all trades now do we?

I get you but Boateng hasn't played centre back for us so I don't see us signing a centre back as relevant to Boateng, it will be an issue for Lescott, not Boateng.
fbloke said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Not really as Luiz is a replacement for Lescott in position.

AS TH was suggesting that Boateng was not good enough as a CB I thought it was reasonable to suggest the addition of another CB (who also plays LFB of course) would alleviate the need to put Boateng in there.

Add to that the fact that making Boateng solely a full back (he does play either side remember) would perhaps focus his development.

We dont want a jack of all trades now do we?

boat will never be a good fullback fbloke, he's 6ft 3inch, a good winger needs a minute edge and if Boats and a winger are doing the twisty back shuffle ready for a burner then science says the shorter back will win. Kolarov also will have to be made, he's not a natural fullback.

For whatever poster said VK was if-y when he first went into the halfback slot...they might find the Hamburg home game was his debut in that position (was he mom that night?/must of been a close call if he was'nt)
Rammy Blue said:
Looked really good at the World Cup though.

Both him and AK are struggling at the moment.

WHAT! It was seeing him at the world cup, and knowing that we'd bought him, that first raised an alarm. He was comfortably Germany's WORST player.
Really doubtful about him at the very least, at least Micah gives us attacking options.

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