Will Liverpool title win (if) be considered fluke/One off?

Re: Will Liverpool title win (if) be considered a fluke?

Of the 35 matches thus far, they deserved it by merit of playing attractive football and winning ugly when needed.

yes there have been diving and cheating and the booing too, but this season they have developed this somewhat siege mentality and through desperation tactics made everyone their enemy. for now, I account this as tactics to drive themselves to the finishing line as they have been the team so far to have bent and stretched rules in the rulebook without getting slapped in the wrist. quite evident in their hunger to win matches, they can play attractive3 football and can also win ugly.

If they do win the title, and if they are dignified in their win, then kudos to them. but I doubt they will win next season. But they will be thereabouts from now on with youth in their ranks.

I do believe if we hadn't had such luck with injuries we would win it, but it happens to all, and this season it happened to us.
Re: Will Liverpool title win (if) be considered a fluke?


Most seasons the eventual title winner needs a little luck. I'd feel a proper bitter Bertie to claim it's a fluke though. Everyone says they have an inferior squad but Rodgers has extracted the utmost from it.

What's more they will have done it in style.

I'm not averse to dipper bashing but credit where it's due.
Re: Will Liverpool title win (if) be considered a fluke?

Most league champions require some luck. They had some luck and circumstances have favoured them. However, I think it would be disingenuous to say it is the main reason they have won the league. They have been dynamic, determined, fearless, aggressive and played as a team. Fair play to them. They will find it much tougher next season.
Will Liverpool title win (if) be considered a fluke?

What run of luck did we have when we won the league? Can't remember referees bending over for us it's was the opposite and the scum got all the decisions that season
Re: Will Liverpool title win (if) be considered a fluke?

Liverpool have had no injuries - Not true. Sturridge and Gerrard were both out for a considerable time over Christmas and Coutinho missed six weeks at the start of the season. Our first choice left-back, Enrique, has also been out for the entire season. Glen Johnson has also missed considerable periods, as have Sakho and Agger. Lucas also had a lengthy spell on the sidelines.

No European matches - True, we've not had to contend with three games in a week as other sides have. If we did have to play in Europe I highly doubt we'd be anywhere near the top of the league but then, yourselves and Chelsea have stronger squads and should be able to cope with the demands. Don't forget we missed out on three major targets over Summer (Mkhitaryan, Costa, Willian) because of our lack of European football, so it's clearly not an advantage.

Refereeing decisions - We've had some decisions go in our favour, yes. We've also had some decisions go against us. Yourselves and Chelsea can't credibly claim to have had no fortune when it has come to officiating calls, either. These things happen.

Other sides in transition - Yourselves and City are both better off than you were this time last year. Arsenal are also better off at this point than they have been in the previous four seasons, as hard as that is to believe. Don't forget Everton, either, who have drastically improved.

These are just some of the lines trotted out to discredit what we've done this year. Obviously I'm going to be biased (as we all are) but I don't think they're entirely fair accusations. If we win, it will be a freak occurrence by all means. But not a fluke.
Re: Will Liverpool title win (if) be considered a fluke?

Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Well they have done something we couldn't do win at Norwich and beat Sunderland at home. Fluke? no, they deserve

No thanks to the assistant ref.

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