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  1. P

    Tevez [Merged]

    Ouch. Guess it's just a bit late, eh? Thanks for the company & correction.
  2. P

    Tevez [Merged]

    Not going to make 100 pages before he is revealed then? Another dream comes crashing down...
  3. P

    Vass to Ankaragucu

    Ummm.... wouldn't that be plan "V"? All the best to Darius - he gave his all for the shirt - the "Rudy" of England (movie reference...)
  4. P

    Spursmad Stick

    We ask for every bit of information as soon as anyone has it and Spursmad seems to do this. When this happens he cannot be held to 100% accuracy as things do change. Even if the club's top people believe it is 100% done somethings can change before pen is put to paper. Spursmad gave us 100%...
  5. P


    I would loan him to Fulham, but only if they promised to play him when they play against us. Not seen anything to make me believe he is the quality we're looking for...
  6. P

    Calum Down

    I believe he shared the literary work that it came from on the MUEN during the Frank/Sven out saga. Basically he was saying "relax" when everyone posting seemed to losing their heads over the rumors flying around.
  7. P

    i fear the worst

  8. P

    what would you choose. right now...

    Carlos Tevez agrees 5 year deal with Manchester City... I'm already married to a super model...
  9. P


    As a newbie to the forum I agree that something should be done. Only problem I see is if you create a minimum number of posts to start a thread, you may see a massive increase in stupid posts by newbies just so they can reach the threshold. As with any message board there are a few idiots who...
  10. P

    OK it is on! I am itk here. Cristiano Ronaldo

    Let's see, what response were you hoping for? YEAH! I can't believe it - my wildest dreams come true... Nope, tried my hardest but I sound almost as bad as the WUM. Failure of the highest order.
  11. P


    Don't get it here, but if someone can step in (ESPN?) and open up options for those of us in the states it would be great. FSC carried a decent number of games, but I had to watch more than half of our games on the web...
  12. P

    Proud to be a City fan today

  13. P

    ITK Roque Santa Cruz

    I guess as long as it does not prevent us from signing other quality forwards (i.e no roster limit) and he understands he has to stay healthy and perform to be in our plans, I don't see how this is a bad thing. If he's crocked we have other talent available, if he's healthy and performing...
  14. P

    Have we seen the last of Elano

    Clearly one of the keys for us to move forward is to play more consistently week in and out, home and away. Elano has not shown that he can, or wants to do this. Add in his apparent ability to disrupt and I'd have to agree it may be time for him to go. I'd prefer him to step it up and stay...
  15. P

    Another 1st post

    Add me to the list - no not THAT list... I've been an avid BLUEMOON reader for a while now. I don't feel the need to post because I have too many things against me, starting off with the fact that I am a Yank (although I hate that label as I hate the NY Yankees). I've only been to England...

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