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  1. S

    Past signings you were "excited" about...

    Bernardo Corradi....and later on Rolando Bianchi
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    An Open Letter to Mr Osborne

    Cheers Metalblue for the useful insight. What you say makes perfect sense but I still think the movement in gold does not add up for exactly the reasons you point out, over time it must be a zero sum game otherwise everybody could make money in the markets by trading predictable patterns. The...
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    An Open Letter to Mr Osborne

    This is an interesting thread, I've been following the Precious metals market for years and there is a tonne of reports out there which provide pretty strong evidence that the market has been manipulated for some time. As with most things in the financial markets it is near on impossible to...
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    A bigger "scandal" than Liebor

    Good article and good to see this is finally hitting the mainstream, this situation has been discussed at length on financial websites like ZeroHedge and King World News for years but always dismissed by the mainstream and financial industry as conspiracy theory. The silver market has also...
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    Agreed the situation is far worse than is being reported in the mainstream. If/When Europe blows up it will take the worlds financial system down with it. Japan is another cot case ponzi which is not objectively reported on and has only survived so far becuase the people are patriotic to a...
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    Hyperinflation is the loss of confidence in a currency which the conditions are always excessive government spending and excessive/unserviceable debt. You think that is an impossible scenario we will have to agree to disagree, it has happened throughout history. The Weimar Republic and Argentina...
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    There were plenty of economists and politicians that did predict the housing bubble and financial crisis. Google Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Doug Casey, Max Keiser...take a look at what Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell have been warning about for 20 years. People like Krugmann get prizes because...
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    Neil Young

    New Neil Young and Crazy Horse, still sounds great, nobody comes close to getting that dirty guitar sound.
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    Question Time

    Exactly right, why anybody would give the fat shithouse the airtime I dont know. Tories/Labour it doesnt matter. They are all talking B/S and ignoring the real problem that the entire economy is built on a ponzi scheme that will inevitably collapse. The beeb has no interest in reporting the...
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    Cover versions that are better than the original
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    Fave youtube guitarist

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... usif_music</a> This guy is not an amateur, but doesn't get much recognition.
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    Obama - The Big Issue........

    There is a good chance the US government will move to confiscate it. There is a pretty sizeable proportion of the US population (stackers) who have zero faith in fiat currency, ordinary people who see that the government is working for the financial elite and NWO, these people have probably...
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    Obama - The Big Issue........

    We probably see it from different sides Buzzer but I agree with a lot of what you write. The average person is going to lose everything if you dont start planning now for a complete collapse of the currency, ie start putting cash into something that holds its value like gold/silver or pretty...
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    Obama - The Big Issue........

    Obama has destroyed the US economy, he probably had good intentions when he ran for office but has become nothing more than a puppet for the financial elite and the crooks that are now running the Federal Reserve. Trump is a fraudster that should never be allowed to run for office given he has...
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    Shares question(s).

    Wow that is one speculative stock, good luck. I Just checked my TD Waterhouse account , you can trade KME through TDW no problem (some brokers wont let you buy stocks with such a low liquidity.)
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    Shares question(s).

    You can buy shares on the ASX through TD Waterhouse for £12.95 per trade. There are others brokers that allow you to do it as well but most are a complete ballache to set up an account. With TD Waterhouse you can transfer funds on a debit card and start trading within a few hours. Which...
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    Dead Heads UNITE!

    Hate Phish, love the dead, love Jerry's solo stuff. So many great songs but these 2 are probably my faves.
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    I got it in the neck for not liking Bob Dylan

    His voice is perfect for the music he writes, it is lived in, it carries the weight of the experiences of his life, it doesnt sound polished its not meant to. It sounds like its supposed to and that is american midwest voice of someone who idolised woodie guthrie singing songs about weird and...
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    Shauny. Shauny, Shauny

    He's only got himself and his old man to blame for this downward spiral. He could have knuckled down last season and tried to force his way into Mancini's plans, instead he seemed more concerned that he was being mugged off on 65k per week.
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    Richards Interview (The Sun With Quotes)

    Ah well, nevermind. Zabaleta is a better all round RB, he deserves the position.

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