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  1. S

    An open letter to Garry Cook......

    Totally agree. Good on you
  2. S

    Hard to believe

    "evidently for the best". No, not evidently. 6th in the league and in the semi finals of the only cup competition we have entered does not make it "evidently" anything. Money does not buy my obedience or support. I am not overly fond of the Sheik or Gary Cook. I strongly suspect we are now a...
  3. S

    Where Hughes went wrong

    I really must be missing something i honestly dont get this. I repeat. 6th in the league. semi finals of the one cup we have been in thus far. Some BRILLIANT performances. Give me that at the start of the season and i will have snapped your bloody hand off
  4. S

    Disgraceful press attacks on our owners, unbelievable

    Would you really prefer me to boycott the club? Been a City fan all my life mate so seems a strange thing to want your fellow Blue not to go anymore. Or are you that sensitive to anyone criticising the new regime (Reich?)? Would you prefer a world where we all agree on what the bosses say and...
  5. S

    Oliver Holt - Why Manchester City has lost its soul...

    Yes i seriously am. Do you lot (you seem to be the majority on here) seriously prefer paying fortunes to get to a match (£47 for Spurs ta v much) and being owned by people with NOTHING to do with Manchester. I don't. I find it embarrassing. We 'were' a proper football club. Junior Blues, alex...
  6. S

    Lets give Mancini a rousing reception...........

    No. Instead i think we should storm on to the pitch, smash the stands up and hound the Sheik and Gary Cook out of the country.
  7. S

    Oliver Holt - Why Manchester City has lost its soul...

    All of 1983. It was a laugh. Proper Manchester club then. Now we are run by a Sheik and a Nike careerist. The press release yesterday was embarrassing. Sounded more like a mid term set of accounts for Coke than the proper football club we used to be
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    Where Hughes went wrong

    TOTALLY disagree. 6th in league. Semi finals of league cup. Beaten once (don't include United - they cheated). Yes some shaky results but SO WHAT. Takes time to gel the team for gods sake. Should have given him at least till the end of the season. Questions Do you think Mancini will give a...
  9. S

    Disgraceful press attacks on our owners, unbelievable

    They deserve both barrells. I would like a fan revolt to send the Sheik back to the deserts and Gary Cook back eating hot dogs but i don't hold out much hope. Most of our fans, including most of you lot, are blinded by the promise of all this money. You can stick it as far as i'm concerned...
  10. S

    Oliver Holt - Why Manchester City has lost its soul...

    Totally agree with the article. Hughes treated disgracefully. Hughes was here for the long haul - investing in youth players etc. Potential for a new dynasty. Gone now. Mancini has zero connections with Manchester. Do you think that even if we have success (and its a big if) he will be here...
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    youtube your favourite love song of all time.

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> With a name like Maggart the girl has no right to a voice like that
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    Nicky Weavers Testimonial

    Benefit games belong to the maximum wage era. In years past I attended plenty and always believed that the likes of Dave Connor, Neil Young and Glyn Pardoe in particular were badly done by when refused one. I subsequently contributed to several benefit dinners and such for Neil Young (Don't...
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    Anna Connell

    Thanks for this article. I have been following City for more than 50 years and there is plenty here that I didn't know.
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    Be honest were you there?

  15. S

    How good was Paul Lake?

    Like all great players he made the game look ridiculously easy. Always in space, quality passer, box to box. He had it all.
  16. S

    Longest season ticket Holder

    Since 71/72 38 years
  17. S

    'Fans' giving blues a bad name

    The only person like to have been in the trenches was the 80 year old who suffered from these yobs. So according to you, people who stand up for decent behaviour in society are cowards?? Shakes head in utter dismay and disbelief
  18. S

    'Fans' giving blues a bad name

    I have been going to away games for more than 50 years and I find this kind of behaviour unacceptable and boorish. Because it happens frequently doesn't make it acceptable or entertaining. Can't speak for the OP but I'd rather be boring than boorish.
  19. S

    your favourite players when you were a kid ie. 14 or under

    I remeber this as being Alex Harley. Derek Kevin (along with Wyn Davies)was the best header of a ball that I saw at Maine Road. Used to deliver groceries to his club house in Brooklands
  20. S

    Bobby Robson loses battle with cancer

    Some years ago we were on a pre-season trip in Belgium/Holland watching City. There was a group of us having a beer in one the the bars that fronted the main square in Maarstrich and Bobby Robson walked past with his Sporting Lisbon (or was it Porto) players. The bar owner asked him to come in...

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