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  1. S

    Kevin Horlock Appreciation Thread

    just googled him and found a cracking interview withhim where he goes on to say that he didnt get the chance to say goodbye to the city fans which he regrets and thanks us all. <a class="postlink"...
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    Kevin Horlock!!!

    yeh i think weikens played his last game last season and has now retired and as i said in another post somewher ei would love to see that promotion team paraded at eastlands before a game next season.
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    Kevin Horlock!!!

    i didnt know he runs his own soccer school - what a waste that is because he should still be in the game coaching at a club.
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    Kevin Horlock!!!

    yeh us as fans probably dont see things like that whilst watching games but it just goes to show what a player sees and what came out of that great interview was the insight into what they must have been feeling when they was 2-0 down and even 2-1 down. its brought all the good memories back...
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    Kevin Horlock!!!

    indeed along with all that promotion winning team.
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    Kevin Horlock!!!

    forgot to say about that article...i didnt know kev didnt get chance to say goodbye to the city fans so it was good to relay that to us all through that interview he did and when he ended by sayng CTID Kev Horlock thats the mark of the fella.
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    Kevin Horlock!!!

    what a cracking read that article was...and also what a blast from the past it was to hear the way super kev saw things when he played for us. and how funny is the answer to the question about him getting sent off for having an aggressive walk. thanks for sharing that on one of my heros mate.
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    My final transfer post until next season

    yet another attention seeking drama queen. its ok he wont reply to this because he said he wont be posting in the transfer threads anymore :-)
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    instead of ITKist how about just calling them pissed ?
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    I'm Taking a Break From Bluemoon

    the point of this thread is because he IS having a break
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    It's Quiet Corrections

    if i could use a PMSL smilie then i would. i dont get why peopel post stuff if they know the club are following this site because that is just crazy and doesnt make any sense whatso ever. no offense i dont believe a word you or any other ITK says because of the fact you know the club follow...
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    It's Quiet Corrections

    it doesnt matter the title of the thread.the thread starter ALL that ever happens is the same things are discussed and people just slag each other off. you wouldnt think its just a city forum and anyone would think it s aforum for mixed football fans the way most of you attack each other...
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    It's Quiet Corrections

    there seems to be more ITK's on here than regular members and threads pop up all over just for attention seeking members imvho it's all horlicks
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    I'm Taking a Break From Bluemoon

    well why dont you just think to yourself whats the truth which is ....nobody really knows anything so dont believe anything what you read ? if i believed one person on here i would lose my marbles but because i take it at face value for what it is which is..nobody knows anything so just read...
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    I'm Taking a Break From Bluemoon

    is ths some sort of attention seeking thread from the poster ? ;-)
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    ok Laaaar
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    for a bus ?
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    i didnt say i didnt agree with you but i was pointing out he scored 1 goal in less than 2 games. ibra will but a huge robinho/jo like mistake inmho
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    for the record eto'o only scored 12 goals in 32 games and despite what people think of inter's style of play they also make many many chances in games
  20. S

    Can anyone give me a link please

    ok fella i will wipe the other one off and bookmark that one

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